Doctor Who/Analysis: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''Have you ever thought what it's like, to be wanderers in the fourth dimension?''|'''The First Doctor''', ''An Unearthly Child''}}
Stands for ''Time And Relative Dimension In Space'' (but not {{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Recycled in Space|In Space!]]}})<ref>or, alternatively, Time And Relative ''Dimensions'' In Space</ref> A combination [[Cool Ship]], [[Living Ship]], [[Sapient Ship]], [[Alleged Car|Alleged Ship]], [[Time Machine]] and [[Bigger on the Inside]] (the trope-namer for that last one), who as well as having [[Time Travel]] abilities and the power to traverse the universe, can do pretty much anything. In a subversion, while the TARDIS is a product of Time Lord über-tech, it was gradually revealed as old, obsolete, and barely functional. It's gotten worse since then—like the alien equivalent of a jalopy held together with duct tape—though it's still light years ahead of all other such technology currently known to exist. The [[Most Wonderful Sound|TARDIS dematerialisation noise]] is the distorted sound of a door key being scraped along the bass strings of a piano. This sound effect, dating back to the very first serial in the sixties, is still used as of today, and still gives millions an inevitable chill through their spines ''whenever'' they hear it.
It's [[Bigger on the Inside]] (to this day, nobody knows exactly ''how'' big other than "ridiculously huge") and has the exterior appearance (because the chameleon circuit broke in the first episode) of a [[wikipedia:Police box|police box]].<ref>The Doctor's tried to fix it [[Doctor Who/Recap/S18/E07 Logopolis|a couple]] [[Doctor Who/Recap/S22/E01 Attack of the Cybermen|of times]], but eventually gave up - the in-story reason being that he'd grown fond of the police box appearance</ref> That appearance has become so iconic of the show that when the BBC trademarked the TARDIS in 1996, the British police took them to court over it and ''lost!''