BlazBlue/YMMV: Difference between revisions

BOT: Changing the link(s) to the category page for "Yandere" to point directly to the trope page for "Yandere" instead.
(BOT: Changing the link(s) to the category page for "Yandere" to point directly to the trope page for "Yandere" instead.)
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* [[Never Live It Down]]: Oh boy.
** Ragna is having a hard time living down his reputation as an unrepentant mass murderer despite his [[Jerkass Woobie|shitty past]] and [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|hidden golden heart]].
** Jin is probably going to be forever remembered as 'that brother-obsessed psycho [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]]' no matter what [[Character Development]] hit him. Even ASW endorses it in humorous segments.
** Poor Litchi is becoming very much like [[Bleach|Orihime]], one unwilling [[Face Heel Turn]] due to a nasty, near unavoidable [[Sadistic Choice]] and she's forever marked as 'idiot', 'never a good person', 'utterly selfish and obsessed' regardless of the tons of genuinely good things she did in the past.
** No matter what [[Character Development]] hit him, whatever true enemy he realizes, he can fight for justice, try to be a better man, but Bang's [[Arch Enemy]] is always going to be Jin.