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→‎Professional Wrestling: Fixing|links to disambiguation pages
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== Professional Wrestling ==
* The [[World Wrestling Entertainment|WWE]] tried, and did a pretty good job of this, after [[Chris Benoit]]'s murder of his family and suicide. You can find examples of this in WWE.com's title history section where articles on Benoit's championship reigns have been deleted - Benoit is still listed in the title histories, but you can no longer see the summary of the title win. As far as archive footage goes, the WWE will no longer show Benoit matches or segments, unless Benoit's just a background figure, and will mute any audio referring to him. On DVD, if the match features Benoit but needs to be highlighted (Such as the first 'Money in the Bank' ladder match on an [[Edge]] DVD) will be cut down to highlights & either completely edit Benoit out of the match, or at least acknowledge that he was in the match, even if they don't show his in-ring performance.
* [[Vince McMahon]] tried to invoke this with [[CM Punk]] after he left the company after winning at the Money in the Bank PPV, and taking the WWE Championship with him. Off course this only lasted one or two weeks as he came back after they had held a tournament to crown a new winner.