Values Dissonance/Real Life: Difference between revisions

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*** The concealed carry folks tend to be older, having grown up in a time when handguns were seen by most people as being bad things for society. Thus, they don't really want to walk around advertising that they are armed. The folks who support open carry are normally younger.
**** Reaction to open carry varies wildly. For example, if you have a carry permit and open carry in a place like Philadelphia, you could very well end up with a faceful of concrete. If you live in a place like Fairfax County, Virginia, you might get some looks, but the cops are not likely to stop and deck you, nor are people likely to freak out and call the police.
** Then there is the dissonance between the USA and Europe, where gun laws range from very strict, such as the UK, where handguns are ''illegal'' and rifles and shotguns are restricted almost to the same degree, and where the police do not carry usually guns, to slightly more moderate (such as Germany). If you suggested to an Englishman that the UK should have gun laws similar to the USA, he would think you quite mad. This is largely because, in [[Ye Good Olde Days]], many Americans needed guns to defend themselves on the frontiers, whereas in Britain the "frontiers" had disappeared nearly a milleniamillennium before guns were invented.
** A funny example comes from countries which have very detailed written civil laws on guns, compared to common-law countries like USA and UK, because in civil-law systems the interpretation of law is usually very strict and based solely on text. For example, notoriously anti-gun countries have detailed laws on hunting and ownership of long guns... which [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|requires multiple qualifications to become a licensed hunter or collector]], while not being restrictive at all in regards to the ''type'' of guns owned. That is, any long gun which is not fully automatic and fits a hunting caliber, ''up to MG-42 if modified at factory to fire semi-automatic only'', can be legally owned if purchased by a hunter from a licensed dealer with full papers. Doesn't this look a bit like locking the wrong door?
* The popularity of the death penalty varies from state to state. The majority of states do allow it, but many of those that have death penalty statutes on the books do not actively use them. Most North-Easterners live in states with no death penalty on the books or used, and opinions on the matter seem to be mixed or opposed. Texans and Floridians, on the other hand, tend to overwhelmingly support the death penalty, as do a good number of other states. Interactions between the two groups on the matter can be interesting. And on that note, the methods of execution have changed in response to changing social mores. In an ironic twist of fate, some '''''humane''''' methods of execution are more frightening than ancient methods, it's just that since there's no blood we believe no harm has been done. The guillotine, for instance, is far better than any method in use today (in terms of speed and accuracy of death with proper maintenance), but thanks to the [[Full-Circle Revolution|Full Circle Revolutionaries]] it has been stigmatized beyond cultural redemption.
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*** It is not uncommon for Ontarians to make a trip to Montreal once a group of them have turned 18. While there they can drink, gamble, and go to one of Montreal's many strip clubs. It makes for an excellent birthday weekend.
** In eastern Africa, drinking after 18 is legal but heavily frowned upon, both due the expense of alcohol and the general goal of going for blasted. Study abroad programs heavily discourage students even entering bars to avoid program members being stereotyped as spendthrift drunks. That's beside the issue of women never entering such establishments.
** Sweden solves this by allowing 18-year -olds to buy low-point beer and go to bars. They are not however, allowed to shop at ''Systembolaget'', the government -owned liquor store monopoly.
* Marijuana use. Netherlands? Legal but there are government campaigns and public pressure warning against the use. Philippines? Possessing one kilogram is punishable by the ''death penalty.'' And those are just the extremes -- lots of room in between.
** Singapore's penal includes death by hanging as an acceptable punishment for possession.
*** The United States' "medical" marijuana policy, a value dissonance in and of itself, allows people to use pot to combat pain. In practice, this means anything from cancer to cramps.
**** And it actually varies a lot from state-to-state. While some of the early adopters of medical marijuana (such as California) made it relatively easy to get, many states that are only now considering it (like Maryland) are taking great pains to ensure it is only prescribed for more serious ailments - so it really is just there for medical purposes and not just a back-door route to full legalization (as medical marijuana bills are often accused of being).
* Smokers are more and more looked upon as irresponsible people who poison themselves and those around them in the US and European countries like Germany, lighting up in an office or bar is unthinkable. In China and Japan they are seen as real men and femmefemmes fattalesfatales. In many parts of eastern Europe (Bosnia and Serbia especially) non-smoking bars are seen as something hopelessly yuppi-ish and pointless - who'd want a coffee or a beer without a smoke?
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* The Roman Emperor Claudius, unusually for an upper-class man of his time, was known for focusing all of his romantic attentions on women and displaying no interest whatsoever in men. Nowadays we would just think of him as, y'know, straight -- but at the time this was thought to make him extra-susceptible to manipulation and domination by his wives, and he was accused by some ancient historians of thinking with entirely the wrong portion of his anatomy, because male-male relationships were more about thinking rationally, which is a totally separate dissonance.
* A historic example occurs in the Greek and Roman observations of Celtic gender roles. Some Celtic cultures gave women near (though not complete) equality with men; including owning land and businesses, and becoming warriors and leaders. Greek and Roman historians, particularly the latter, remarked on the ferocity of the Celts' female warriors, and the extent to which women participated in politics. However, they did so as an example of how "barbaric", "backwards", and "near-animal" the Celts were; that they would allow an "obviously inferior" gender such an inordinate amount of power, instead of treating them as pampered pets the way that "civilized" people did - even though some of the Celtic cultures repressed women more than the Romans did.
*** A better example would be the EtruskiansEtruscans who ruled the Italian peninsula before the Romans. They indeed gave women near-equal rights compared to men, including the right to divorce and independent property ownership. The Greeks and the Romans were utterly freaked out by the "uppity" attitudes of the EtruskianEtruscan women.
** On a similar note, when Emperor Constantius III of the Western Roman Empire died, he had two children - a son and a daughter. Obviously, his son became the new emperor, Valentinian III, and his daughter Honoria basically became nothing but a wealthy woman, and was imprisoned in a convent by her brother after she was caught in bed with a servant. But then Honoria offered herself to Attila the Hun as his wife in an attempt to get him to rescue her. Attila (after accepting) figured the previous emperor had two kids, and the empire was a possession, so the empire should have been split between those two kids when he died, regardless of gender. Since Honoria was now his wife, and in Hun culture a husband gets all of his wife's possessions when they marry, that made half the Western Roman Empire now Attila's. He spent the remaining three years of his life attempting to seize that land and liberate Honoria from captivity.
* Abortion is vastly more controversial in Ireland than in neighbouring Britain, with even many pro-choice advocates favouring restrictions that would seem extremely conservative across the Irish Sea. Incidentally this attitude extends to Northern Ireland too: opposition to abortion is one of the few beliefs that united Unionists and Nationalists.
** Even Sinn Fein, a party with very left-wing views that is committed to allowing gay marriage and many other liberal platforms, is sternly opposed to abortion, which probably has to do with the Catholic stance against abortion.
** Though it's not restricted for women to travel to mainland UK. However as they have to go private, it can cost up to £1000 when you include travel and accomodationaccommodation, so there's the unfortunate effect of abortions being accessible for richer women but not poorer.
* Even neighbor countries can have different views of public displays of affection. While in Argentina male friends greet each other with a kiss on the cheek, in Brazil even best friends don't usually hug or kiss each other, cause it's considered not "manly". On the other hand, two women can even share a room without being or looking like a couple.
* Strangely, the Balkans are (on average) a very homophobic place- yet people of the same sex sharing beds, kissing each other on the cheek, hugging and being naked around each other when more practical- raises no eye-brows. Same goes for much of the Mediterranean.
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* It's becoming more and more common for a man and a woman to be roommates, even in college. Views range from it being a non-issue to it being completely inappropriate.
* In east Africa, only people of the same gender can hold hands without getting looks.
* When Brits are formally introduced, it is a common courtesy for the man to greet the woman with a light kiss on the cheek. In Australia and New Zealand this action will likely result in a denial, a polite rebuke and an offer to shake hands (the normal ettiquetteetiquette).
* In the audio commentary for ''[[Alone in the Dark (2005 film)|Alone in The Dark]]'', [[Uwe Boll]] mentions that he tried to get Tara Reid to go topless during her sex scene with Christian Slater, but she refused. He then tries to blame Reid's refusal to show her breasts for the film's failure, complaining about how uptight American actresses are and that he wouldn't have had this problem in Europe. That's at least a couple kinds of dissonance, right?
** While the main issue of dissonance there is Uwe Boll's dissonance with reality, truth is that European actors actually tend to accept roles with nudity more easily than American or Asian actors of equivalent experience and fame. An American starlet could do something risqué as a [[Nipple-and-Dimed|no nipples showing]] topless scene early on their career, and from then on demand nude doubles or even opt out of the film if such an scene would appear in the script, because the general conception is that an actress who does too much nudes can't advance into more "serious" jobs. An European starlet would do full frontal nudity with less damage to her career, even moving to major roles, and if a major role still requires nudity it will be her own body in screen. One of the reasons behind this was that American cinema suffered the [[Hays Code]] (which was ''incredibly'' strict, regulating even the amount of cleavage shown) and for a while the only kind of films that defied it were pulp, sexploitation and [[Le Film Artistique|pseudo-"artsy"]] movies; when the code was lifted, the stigma remained. European countries didn't have regulations that strict, and mainstream film showing some level of nudity became more accepted - the most risqué products are labeled as "arthouse", but films that in Italy or France are sold as family movies can contain too much nudity for the equivalent PG rating in America.
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*** Not really, at least in America. Of course it depends on the cut, but meat really isn't that expensive, and is generally cheaper than seafood. Poultry is generally cheaper than both. Buying food as a vegan/vegetarian is often actually more expensive because you have to buy more.
** Vegetarians and vegans are thought to be weak and in ill health, although many athletes, particularly endurance athletes, follow these diets. Animal vs. plant protein has also been a major bone of contention with bodybuilders.
*** There's actually some truth to it, in the case of vegans; since they're even more restricted than vegetarians, a lot of things which serve to fill in the gaps left by eschewing meat aren't [[Incredibly Lame Pun|on the table]] for them. Vegan diets have to be rigorously planned, and there's pretty much no room to deviate, or else you get an effect not wholly dissimilar to feeding hummingbirds no-calorie sweetener instead of sugarwatersugar water.
*** The acceptance of vegetarianism depends on the region pf the US. In the East, it depends on what's being served and whether they prepared for vegetarians (that is, if there's a vegetarian alternative made it's less of a problem than if you made them special-order something). In the Midwest, you're not likely to get out of eating meat, if you're male. In many of the western and southwestern areas, you're not likely to get out of eating meat, even if you're female (with the exception of eating beans in the Southwest).
** Likewise, gluten-free eating is sometimes a target of derision or exultation, depending on where you are and who your audience is - some athletes swear by gluten-free diets, those with Celiac disease and gluten-intolerance need to limit or completely cut out gluten for health reasons, while others believe it's simply a good way to lose weight.
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* What things are considered edible or not depends wildly on geographical location. Scientists have found that all over the world, the number of plants and meats in local cuisine is made up of a quite short list of ingredients, which are usually those that are the most efficient when it comes to the nutrients they contain compared to the effort needed to produce them.
** In Africa and Europe, which are home to large numbers of herd animals, dogs are invaluable assistants in hunting. A dog will help a hunter to hunt much more meat during its lifetime than one would get by eating the dog. In regions where dogs are eaten, they are usually very few opportunities to use dogs as assistants in hunting.
*** When people from the Caribbean come to the U.S., they often find Americans' treatment of dogs strange. For example, in many West Indian countries dogs are often given leftovers. There is no such thing as "dog food", though that may be changing due to America's increased influence. They also see dogs as pets that must stay outside, in contrast to Americans who usually only keep certain types of dogs outside (rottweilersRottweilers and the like).
** Pigs have a very similar metabolism to humans and require food that could also be eaten by humans, while sheep and goats eat grass and shrubs, which is indigestableindigestible for humans. In Europe and East-Asia, pigs can be herded in forests where they will forage for their own food, while in desert regions like Arabia and Palestine, they would compete with humans for what little food there is.
** In regions where insects are eaten, they are either very large or occur in huge numbers, which makes it very easy to get a good meal with a reasonable amount of effort. In Europe and North America, where insects are much smaller and very hard to find, they don't represent an efficient source of nutrients, so they don't make it on the list that the local people regard as "food".
** Whether or not killing and eating non-human animals at all is considered completely acceptable or barbaric and cruel depends on the culture, and even individual ethics.
** Guinea pigs are a delicacy in parts of South America. Capybaras too: a famous seasonal Venezuelan dish is "pisillo de chigüire", shrededshredded capybara meat prepared in the same style of pulled pork.
** Cats are also quite popular as food among certain groups in Switzerland and South-Eastern Chinese provinces like Guandong, in Northern China however, eating cat is considered very much unacceptable. Even to other Chinese, Cantonese cuisine is disgusting.
* Australian supermarkets proudly stock, in gigantic letters, COON cheese. It's named after the guy who invented the process for fast maturing cheddar cheese.
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*** That's just the tip of the iceberg. The Roman rumor mill managed to combine the Christian practice of calling their savior "the baby Jesus" (which despite popular belief isn't a carryover from Christmas, but a reference to his child-like innocence) and their eating the "body and blood of Christ" during communion, and led Romans to think Christians ceremonially killed and ate babies.
**** Which makes it all more [[Ironic]] that blood libel became a very common accusation against Jews in Medieval (and early modern) Europe.
**** Also, Romans were extremely disturbed by the phrase "washed clean by the blood of christChrist," taking it to mean that Christians (as essentially a springoffspin-off of Judaism) had murdered their own god and bathed in his blood.
*** To Romans, religion was mostly done out in the open (or in publicly accessible temples), unless it was a mystery cult, which usually were offshoot religions that still worshiped well-known gods (Isis, Marduk, etc.). Christians only celebrated indoors, away from the public eye, and this was viewed as highly suspicious.
*** Early Christians also had a tendency to require recent converts to essentially cut themselves off from their non-Christian relatives and only associate with their new Christian brothers and sisters. Today, that would be viewed as classic cult behavior.
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** In Kali's case, this really gets confused: Kali is the name of a benign goddess of destruction, but also a male and wicked demon. And, for a long time, there was a real murderous cult (the infamous Thuggees) which deliberately conflated the two in its worship. Is it any wonder that people get confused to this day?
* The English word "idol" has a neutral connotation and is commonly used among Indian Hindus, simply meaning a statue representing a deity. A number of Hindu temples (even in the United States) openly sport signs saying things like "please do not touch the idols". Non-Hindus can be confused or offended by this usage, as idols were associated with the worship of false gods by Abrahamic religions, and that association has largely pervaded the language.
* "Socialist" is considered a grave insult in American politics, being conflated with Communism and Stalinism. In a lot of the world, especially most European and South American countries, socialist parties bear the name openly, and usually one of the strongest parties is the socialist one. There is also a strong divide on the "welfare state", which often carries negative connotations in the US (tho,though it is tolerated/accepted by liberal areas), while being seen as very positive in say, Scandinavia or Germany. Related to this, in the US, the Democrats are seen as a left-wing party. Compared to the incredibly diverse party politics of many countries, Democrats are positively centrist, possibly even center-right (Republicans oscillate between right and center-right).
** To cite just one example, Robert F. Kennedy is widely considered to be a liberal icon in the U.S. and opposition to the Vietnam War; however, his positions on most other issues of the day were actually right-of-center. For instance, he was opposed to busing and the "welfare state", and was openly contemptuous of draft dodgers.
** In certain countries, 'liberal' is almost an insult.
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* You can see something similar with the word "fascism" - no one in the post WWII era defines that word in a way that includes something that they support. Many on the left use it to describe extreme right-wing policies, many libertarians use it to describe a high level of government involvement in business, and many gun rights advocates use it to describe firearms controls. This is fairly similar to [[Godwin's Law]] on the internet.
* "Communist" is an even graver insult in the U.S., while in much of Europe (especially Italy, France and Cyprus), communist parties enjoy mainstream popularity, but it's an even more grave insult in Eastern Europe.
* The definition of the term "liberal" varies enormously depending on the precise political/economic./geographic context. In the US and Canada, "liberal" means generally left-of center, while in Europe it often means something more right-of-center or libertarian. As mentioned above, North Americans are likely to view liberalism as some sort of precursor to socialism, while Europeans may view it as the most viable ''alternative'' to socialism. However, on both continents, "liberal" is also frequently used to refer to a generally free-market economic system (a "liberal economy") or general permissiveness ("he had a liberal attitude towards immigration.")
* Values Dissonance can often be seen during wartime, since it involves two differing societies fighting one another. One historically relevant example would be the differing viewpoints on the issue of surrender between the Japanese and the Western Allies during WWII. Whereas the Western powers such as the United States and Great Britain saw surrender as a respectable way to resolve a battle, the Japanese were taught to believe that surrender was the ultimate disgrace. The obvious result was very few Japanese prisoners due to the majority of them choosing death over capture, while Western prisoners were treated horribly by their Japanese captors. Note that this behavior wasn't traditionally Japanese: during the war with the Russian Empire forty years earlier, their treatment of prisoners was noted for its care and humanity. The harsh, brutal Japanese of [[WW 2]] was the result of massive conscription to support the increasingly expansionist outlook of the Japanese Empire in the 30's. The Japanese military sought for a way to keep said conscripted troops disciplined - since discipline is often a big problem for conscript armies - so they introduced an absolutely brutal training and discipline, as well as an ostensibly samurai-based warrior mythos involving honorable courage and the dishonor of surrender.
** Another touch of dissonance occurred when British and Australian commandos were captured on a raid to sink ships in Singapore harbor. The Japanese charged them with espionage and the war crime of perfidy, but according to one account called for the death penalty as a ''mark of respect for the courage and patriotism'' the commandos had shown. "These heroes must have left Australia with sublime patriotism flaming in their breasts," the prosecutor summed up, and it would be an anticlimax for their lives to continue after such a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
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*** [[Office Space|"Why would we change our name - they're the ones who suck?"]]
** It was also a popular and widespread American Indian symbol, and one of the insignia for Americans flying in the ''Lafayette Escadrille'' during [[World War I]] was the head of an Indian wearing the feathered war bonnet with a swastika pretty much in the center of the image. Notably, the swastika was facing the same direction as the later Nazi version.
** In early 1942, an American Army division raised in Arizona and New Mexico was just about to board ship for the voyage to Britain as the vanguard of the American commitment to the European war. The American soldiers were expected to perform a "hearts and minds" outreach to their British hosts and they were to be used in propaganda exercises as a symbol of the new anti-Hitler alliance, American and British soldiers standing shoulder-to-shoulder against the Nazi menace. It ws noticed with days to go before they set sail that the divisional badge, a large and obvious four-inch-square embroidered patch worn prominently on the right shoulder of all 23,000 personnel, was a traditional Navaho Indian symbol of good luck and prosperity. Which for the previous three years had had completely different connotations in Europe and especillyespecially in Britain, where the swastika symbolised something else entirely... the divisional badge was very hurriedly unpicked from 23,000 shoulders and discreetly replaced with something less contentious.
** It was also widespread symbol in Central Europe, very common among the Carpathian Highlanders (a popular pre-war ornament in Tatra Region).
* Eugenics was popular idea before the Holocaust. In fact, in Canada at least it was considered a hugely progressive, almost bleeding-heart liberal idea - people like Nelly McClung and Tommy Douglas spoke out in its favor, on the grounds that it was a humanitarian way to ''help'' the disabled, by preventing them from having children they couldn't care for and weren't capable of choosing to have. Eugenic laws were still on the books in the USA up until 1964, and a Maryland governor proposed a revival in the 1990s. Sterilizations continued in Sweden until 1975.
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* [[Malaproper|George W. Bush]] once used the word "Paki" under the mistaken belief that it's an accepted informality for a Pakistani person, akin to "Brit" for a British person or "Aussie" for an Australian. In the UK, Canada and all of South Asia, it is a highly offensive racial slur. Unlike the other -stans, which are named for specific ethnic groups, Pakistan is an acronym, as detailed [[wikipedia:List of country name etymologies#P|here]]- however, it had no negative connotations until many South Asians arrived in Britain and paki was used a slur, divorced from its origins. In fact, part of the reason for the name was the Persian word "pak", which means "pure".
** When used in Pakistan the response is "huh"? Not insulting in the least and rather puzzling.
* Crime and Punishment. Different nations have different concepts of the purpose of the justice system. Some are punishment focused, some focused on seperatingseparating out the criminal population, and some in rehabilitating the prisoners. A great example of this is shown in the Yugoslav war crimes tribunals as the criminals go to various nations prisons depending on their sentence and the person. So a prisoner might end up in a Finish prison and serve 1/2 of their sentence as a reward for good behavior, and end up in a prisoner nicer than their home in Yugoslava that is focused on rehabilitating criminals. Or a run down englishEnglish prison focusing on retribution with the full sentence imposed. And that's not getting into sentencing, where ''life'' may mean 20 years (10 if good behavior) or might mean until you're dead even if that's in 90 years. In the aforementioned Yugoslav example, a sentence of 30 years sparked an outcry in the former Yugoslav for being too light in not being life, when it was actually 10 years longer than a life sentence in the country it is carried out in.
** Case point: In Bosnia the fact that Biljana Plavsic (whose policies included the murder and expulsion of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people respectively) was let out of prison after serving 8 years and now lives a comfortable live as national hero in Serbia is seen with utmost disgust and as proof exactly how little Europe cares for human lives as long as they're Muslim ones; the Swedish judicial system, on the other hand, claims that her apologizing for what she did (despite retracting it as soon as she got out) is proof that she is rehabilitated- from multiple counts of crimes against humanity.
* Oddly for two such geographically proximate countries, the US and Canada have very different attitudes about religion. As a general rule, Canadians view faith as an intensely private matter, something that it would be considered rude to discuss with a stranger. A politician would never end a speech with "God bless Canada" if he wanted to be re-elected. (There are of course exceptions, but the prevailing attitude is "leave that stuff at home".) By contrast, many Canadians find the emphasis that Americans place on faith, especially Christianity, to be bewildering.
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* In several European countries, children get their presents a few days before Christmas in a visit from St. Nicholas ([[Santa Claus]], Father Christmas, whatever) and his helpers, who are often in blackface. The real St. Nicholas had amassed some disciples among the Moorish people. There was a Victorian era morality tale where St. Nicholas dipped some naughty boys into a giant ink well for making fun of a "black-a-moor."
** The actual practice most likely derives, however from a much more innocent and practical (not to mention [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|heartwarming]]) source. That of (childless) neighbours putting soot on their faces and wearing dark clothes in order to sneak to the house to leave presents for their neighbours' children outside the window or door without without the children realizing the presents came from their parents, who were right there the whole time. The outlandish clothes and blackface make-up of the people playing the helpers still serves the function of disguising the actual person's identity today. (Which is also a large part of why attempts to make the practice more politically correct are strongly resisted: Without the disguise, even small children would realize that these people are neighbours and family members and that would ruin the magic and wonder of the whole thing).
*** On another note in many (mostly catholic) regions in Germany and Austria the tradition called "Sternsingen" or "Drei-Königs-Singen"(lit.: "Star Singing"/ "Three Kings` Singing") is still vivid. On 6th of January children dress up as the Three Kings of the East [[My Friends and Zoidberg|(+ 1 in a white gown, who wears a staff with a star ontop and symbolizes the star that led them to the crib)]], go from house to house, sing songs or recite poems, mark the house with a blessed chalk, get candy and collect money for charity. (The "charity" part didn`t get popular before the latter half of the last century, though). That`s kinda adorable, isn`t it? Like christianChristian Trick-or-Treating! If it weren`t for the fact, that the kids wear horribly streotypedstereotyped arabianArabian clothing and the shortest one takes on a blackface. NooneNo one has a problem with it though, due to the combined power of "[[Nostalgia Filter|old tradition]]" and "charitable event".
** Described by David Sedaris in "6 to 8 Black Men." In "Jesus Shaves," he talks about taking a language course in France where the class was asked to describe things that go on during the holidays, which came to a grinding halt when he tried to describe the Easter bunny/rabbit delivering eggs and chocolate to children - in France, a bell from Rome delivers presents to children on Easter.
* T.E. Lawrence in his memoirs noted among other things that European considered killing a crippled horse an act of mercy (and probably could take a dim view of a man ''not'' doing so) while for Arab it's rather appalling.
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* Aztec religion tends to horrify people from most other cultures, given that it involved an incredible number of [[Human Sacrifice|Human Sacrifices]], often in very gory ways.<ref>[[Beat Still My Heart|Ripping out hearts]] was a perpetual favorite</ref> However, from their perspective, this was absolutely necessary to prevent [[The End of the World as We Know It]], and as such people who were sacrificed wound up in one of the nicer heavens.
* In Eastern European countries, if a cop harasses you for anything milder than a killing spree he probably just wants a handout. So bribing is considered very normal and part of the system (think of it as being like tipping). In Western countries bribing a policeman seems grossly [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|privileged]] and corrupt. There was some kerfuffle about an athlete of Polish origin who tried to bribe the cops to help out his friend (who was having a party in the hotel and things got out of hand). From an Eastern perspective he was just being a good friend.
** Latinamerican countries have a sightlyslightly similar perspective, where bribing cops and order agents is an unwelcome and unwanted but somewhat normal part of life, to the point that in Venezuela there is the very common phrase "pedir para el fresco" (translatable as "ask some money for buying soda") to describe the most common modus operandi of National Guards and road police along the country.
* This is perhaps the biggest reason why Liu Shan is such a [[Base Breaker]] even today. When Wei laid siege to Nanzhong, at the end Liu Shan chose to surrender. This action is seen as the actions of either a man [[Know When to Fold'Em|who chose to protect his people from possible death than continuing a war that could not be won]] or [[Suck Sessor|a disgrace to his legacy who]] [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog|rendered the sacrifices and contributions of his father and followers worthless]]. Most of this mindset is enforced by the above mentioned belief of honor (That it's better to die with honor than to live in disgrace) while others believe if Liu Shan was more competent then perhaps Shu would've been the one to unite China. It doesn't help that some materials based on the Three Kingdoms Era portray Liu Shan as incompetent (If not a complete idiot).
* Going to church can be this. In the U.S. South, going to church is something ''everybody'' does. It doesn't matter what they actually do or believe outside of church, come Sunday and Wednesday (for bible study) everybody and their mother is in church. But in other countries (and even in other parts of the U.S.) anybody who goes to church regularly is seen as a bible thumping conservative weirdo. Also, because of everybody going to church, churches are everywhere. In Georgia, it is common to see 3 churches all within a few yards, and also to see churches in strip malls.
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*** Black Catholic parishes also tend to have grandmothers responding during the sermon.
*** YMMV, as people "getting the Holy Ghost" and other more charismatic displays of worship depends more on a denomination or church's doctrine than the racial composition of its members. Generally speaking, most Baptist churches, regardless of race, frown upon charismatic showings of the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit (e.g. "getting the Holy Ghost," being "slain in the Spirit," or "speaking in tongues"). A congregant "getting the Holy Ghost" is just as likely to be escorted out of a black Baptist church as they are a white Baptist or mainline church. Charismatic manifestations of the Holy Spirit are much more common in Pentecostal or independent black churches, as well as white Pentecostal, Holiness, or charismatic churches. But generally speaking, other differences, such as the amount of time dedicated to Sunday services, music, etc., tends to be based more in culture than religious doctrine.
* Debates on the Bill of Rights generally center on the difference between the words "given" and "guaranteed." It's not uncommon to hear, in a debate, that "just because the Constitution gives you the right to bear arms/have a lawyer/refuse unwarranted search doesn't mean that you should have it." American political philosophy holds that the Constitution simply protects the rights every human has. Thus, to an American, a shopkeeper in 1942 Berlin had every much a right to protest HiterHitler as a shopkeeper in 2011 Alabama has to protest Obama, but the Nazi government was infringing on that right in violation of the laws of nature. This causes people even in fairly liberal parts of the world to have difficulty understanding why so many Americans make such a big deal out of things like Google cooperating with Chinese censorship laws.
** This actually goes a long way to explaining earlier examples such as Americans' aversion to socialism and their viewing as "entitlements" things Europeans view as "rights." Simply put the traditional American view is that rights, including the right to hold private property, are given to us by nature and/or God, and ''any'' curtailment of those rights, no matter how well intentioned, is a human rights violation, if not a violation of divine law and an offense against God. This includes all forms of wealth redistribution. This is also why some Americans use words like "confiscatory" and "punitive" to describe European tax rates.
* What is considered a "proper" or "real" Jew, Muslim or Christian varies widely by region. A devout bible-belt protestant is in for quite a shock when traveling to parts of, say Germany; an orthodox Israeli Jew would hardly recognize some California Jews as belonging to the same religion at first sight and a Saudi will probably think that whole story about Bosnia being 50% Muslim is a sham when he sees that people behave, dress and consume alcohol and marijuana in roughly the same manner regardless of religion. In some parts of the world merely saying you belong to a religion is good enough for everyone (iei.e.. religion is a choice,) in more conservative parts that claim tends to get put under scrutiny and is open to criticism by society at large (iei.e.. religion is a choice- and a duty.)
* How openly people can express anti-Semitic ideas varies from place-to-place. In the U.S., where freedom of speech is guaranteed by the First Amendment, people can deny the Holocaust, though they generally aren't taken very seriously. In many places in Europe, however, they would be risking jail time or a fine. And then there are places like Saudi Arabia, where ''The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'' is taught as fact in schools.
* The concept of freedom of speech is also a source of dissonance, with the First Amendment in the U.S. mentioned above giving everyone the right (with very few exceptions, like obscenity, which is rarely enforced, and treason) to say pretty much anything they want, even things that will incite racial hatred. In other places, governments can clamp down on things like racist speech, and others do away with the concept of freedom of speech entirely.
Line 216:
* Views on racism vary from country to country, most notably in Ireland. The Irish have always been slightly conservative in the case of foreign people in the country and for years were not used to other cultures in the same way that the British or the Americans are. This can lead to large amounts of discrimination towards people from other countries, notably the Polish people who immigrated to Ireland in the 2000s. There was a lot of hatred towards these Polish people as many Irish felt that all their jobs were being taken by the Polish workers who would work harder for less money, ignoring the fact that these were jobs in cleaning, fast food and kinds of jobs nobody really likes to do.
** It's exactly the same thing that happens in the USA in regards to Latin American people... except that in the USA, the Latinos can and ''will'' get shot dead in occasions, especially in the conservative states.
** To return to the Irish example, Polish migrants into Northern Ireland ran into a different but potent form of Irish bigotry. Poles coming to Belfast in search of jobs and who were not aware of what might be called ''local sensitivities'' were naivenaïve enough to think they could rent houses and flats just ''anywhere'', including Protestant East Belfast. Poland is, along with the Irish Republic, one of the most Roman Catholic countries in the world. This was a disaster waiting to happen. The local morons and psychos, having spent most of the previous thirty-odd years burning native Irish Catholics out of Protestant areas, soon rediscovered old craft skills in the face of a new Fenian threat to their Loyalist sensibilities...
* The use of the word "nigger" is considered very offensive and "negro" very politically incorrect in the U.S., while in other countries variations of negro are perfectly normal, as "negro" is merely Spanish for "black". "Negro" and "colored" were considered perfectly acceptable terms in the US as well up until about the late-20th century ("nigger," on the other hand, seems to have always been offensive). (This neutral connotation survives in the names of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the United Negro College Fund.)
* Interestingly, "black" was considered an insulting and negative exaggeration in the 19th century US. There seems to be a slight shift back to this position; while "black" is still considered generally acceptable in modern times, the frequently (but not universally) preferred "official" designation for formal contexts is "African-American". Which gets really weird when Americans go abroad; what happens when you meet a black Englishman?
Line 226:
*** Yes, but some people prefer to be identified by their nationality instead of their ethnicity.
*** And don't forget about those with direct roots from the African continent itself, in which case the above terms would hardly be offensive.
*** And yet they still can be. "African" is a fairly generic identifier. If someone is a second generation Canadian whose parents are from Ethiopia, African-Canadian is technically accurate, but they might prefer Ethiopian-Canadian. Really, the best rule of thumb is to use whatever the person themselfthemselves uses, if you know it.
** Then in the opposite fashion, using "Afro-Caribbean" or a similar term in Britain is almost always derided as pretentious over-politeness, and "black" is universally acceptable and officially correct (this is probably also because "Black British" has [[Alliteration]]).
** Although a racial slur, the word "macaca" (derived from the macaque monkey) is a fairly common one with French-speaking African white people. When Senate candidate George Allen used it to refer to a videographer at a campaign stop, it all but ended his candidacy; when people learned what it meant, they took it to be as bad as "nigger".
** In Costa Rica calling a black person anything other than "negro", spanishSpanish for "black", is considered offensive.
*** Likewise "negro", or "negra", is used as a term of endearment in a lot of Spanish speaking cultures.
*** On most Latin American countries, trying to acknowledge the African roots of its black population by calling them "afro-descendants" or something "afro"-prefixed is often seen as unnecessarily pretentious at best, and as "gringo" influences at worst (despite the Afro-prefixed proponents being often anti-America socialists). The usual retort is "What's wrong with being called black?"
Line 240:
* In North America the normal word used to describe someone of East Asian background is "Asian", as opposed to people of south Asian background who may be referred to as "East Indian". In the UK, on the other hand, people of East Asian ancestry are called "Oriental" (a ''very'' derogatory term in North America that Brits would be best advised to avoid while visiting, as it's connected to some very nasty stereotypes), while people of South Asian ancestry are simply "Asian". "Chinaman" is often used in the UK but (outside of a few specialized meanings) is considered both derogatory and archaic in North America, where the normal term is always "Chinese".
*** Note that Oriental is only offensive in North America when referring to a person (as opposed to words like nigger which aren't used in polite conversation at all). It is still commonly used to evoke archaic or mystical themes, as in the "Mysterious Orient", and you will here it quite often in reference to objects like "oriental pottery" or something similar. It's also uncommon enough that many Americans don't even know it is offensive.
* On the race issue, the minstrel show held out far longer in the UK than it did in the United States - 'Coon singers' (I quote verbatim) appeared in the theatre into the 1960s, the minstrel troupe ( not quite minstrelsy as the Americans would understand it, 12-odd men, generally in blazers, trousers and boaters, blacked up, playing banjo, banjolele or ukeleleukulele, singing well-known popular songs, rather than americanAmerican 'negro songs) could be seen at the seaside well into the previous century, and the ''Black-and-White Minstrel Show'' appeared on television into the '70s, and on stage into the 1980s.
* Performers in the long-running ''Black-and-White Minstrel Show'' saw nothing wrong in what they did for a living, and show veterans are generally proud of maintaining what they see as a long heritage in entertainment. However, this conviction was challenged when, at the prestigious annual Royal Variety Show, the headlining act was a visiting American singer called Diana Ross. She had not been pre-informed as to who else was on the bill, and she was absolutely appalled to see the Minstrels rehearsing. She refused to share the bill with them, and a dialogue was opened backstage, in which Ms Ross explained the rather different connotations blackface has for people of African-American ancestry. Some Minstrels saw the point, but Diana still pulled out of the gig.
* South Africa still has an annual minstrel show called Tweede Nuwe Jaar (second new year) held in Cape Town on the 2nd of January. [[wikipedia:Kaapse Klopse|More info]] courtesy of [[The Other Wiki]]
Line 248:
** Probably every team based on Native Americans are asked to change their mascot. When you actually go and ask the tribe in question, the only offensive part of the team is that they don't win enough.
*** Except when the tribe in question is doing the asking.
** And then there's the [[wikipedia:Fighting Whites|Fighting Whites]], where they were ''trying'' to be offensive, but people thought it was so funny they wanted shirts and so on, to the point where they could fund a Native American scolarshipscholarship fund with them.
* For a sports-related example involving three different cultures, look at the issue of the [ Spanish Basketball Team's photo] with their eyes slit to give themselves an "Asian" look some days before the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The image was heavily criticized in the British and North American press, claiming that it was racist and the team should apologize to their Chinese hosts. The Spanish press meanwhile presented the issue as an example of Anglo-Saxon overreaction to a good-hearted joke, ''obviously'' derived from these countries being afraid of their own racism. Finally, when Chinese authorities were asked if they were offended, their reaction was something like "''...are you kidding me?'' Why the hell would we be offended?"
** However, Chinese people resident in China presumably don't have the issue of non-Chinese people mocking them by making similar faces, as British and American Chinese people might.
* In 2015 there was a controversy when the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston, as part of an exposition of Claude Monet's more "oriental" inspired paintings, has an small event for visitors to try on a kimono and mimic Monet's famous painting "La Japonaise" (also known as "Camille Monet in Japanese Costume"). That inspired a backslash of Asian- and Japanese-Americans against the kimono-trying shtick, calling the whole thing "racist" and "race-fetishistic". When the MFA decided to cancel the kimono event to quell the question, a counterprotest of people defending it erupted immediately. Several people noticed that the ones protesting against the kimono event where majorly white and second (and further)-generation Asian-Americans of college age, while the ones protesting in favor of it where native Japanese and older immigrants (the Japanese Embassy were the ones lending the kimonos in first place); an article that rehashed the controversy years later pointed out that native Japanese people that experience the decline of their traditions and as such feel pride when foreginersforeigners try them just can understand the outrage felt by Japanese imigrantsimmigrants that were mocked by the locals of their host country for wearing their traditional clothes or has seen their traditions disrespected by uninformed japanophilesJapanophiles.
* The Cultural Appropriation debate outside of academic circles. It seems that for some Millennial-age and younger Americans and Europeans, anything that could be taken as sightlyslightly unequal consuming of foreign culture (even stuff as innocent as WASP-looking people dining in an ethnic restaurant or trying in local clothing while visiting a foreign country) is appropriation and must be shunned on amounts of racism, while for similarly aged natives of the country being "culturally appropriated" the exchange should be blatantly unequal and insulting to be actually considered appropriation (as in "American white people claiming they invented stuff from any non-American culture" levels of disrespect), and that the above people are basically gate-keeping normal cultural exchange in a equally racist [[White Man's Burden]] way.
* The shock American antiracism activists get when they found out that, while anti-black and anti-indigenous racist sentiments are very common along other countries, the manifestations of those sentiments vary greatly. For example, while in the States anti-miscegenation politcspolitics were extremely common, in hispanicHispanic countries the concept of "improving" the race via importing displaced europeansEuropeans to either substitute or mingle with the local populatiopopulation, to pass their "better" traits was an actual state policy at several times andin several nations.
== Beauty and fashion standards ==
* What is considered "appropriate dress" can vary wildly even in one country. In some parts of the American South, where temperatures in the summer can frequently surpass 100 degrees FarenheitFahrenheit, the general consensus seems to be "It's too damn hot to cover up," and you can frequently see rather young children wearing things like short shorts and spaghetti strap tops without anybody batting an eye. In other parts of the country, it's usually met with "You're not leaving the house like that, go put some clothes on!"
** To that end, much of the US is utterly dumbfounded by what they see as unnecessarily heavy clothing in the Middle East, parts of Africa, and India. Said clothing is actually more helpful in preventing sunburn, dehydration and, you know, death than shorts and a T-Shirt would be.
** In India, [[Bare Your Midriff|midriff exposing clothes]] are nothing to bat an eye for, but wearing legs-exposing clothes (like shorts, miniskitsminiskirts, or skin-tight pants) can be considered scandalous.
* Beauty standards. In most Western countries or countries with a particular Western influence, being slim is regarded as most desirable, because it stands for a healthy way of life, often also coupled with success and inner strength. In other countries, even nowadays, a fuller figure is more desirable. Can also be Values Dissonance between two generations.
** Similarly, a healthy tan is considered attractive in many parts of the western world while in most of Asia pale skin is preferred. Another example is that when a western woman gets plastic surgery on her nose, it's typically to make it smaller; when an east Asian women gets it done, it's usually to make her nose larger ("taller").
* Views on piercings vary wildly from culture and person. In the most parts of the USA and Europe it is only really acceptable for a woman to get lobal piercings in or after adolescence and maybe for a man to have one ear pierced. However in India most girls and some boys get their ears pierced very young, and the same is true in Hispanic countries. In India it is also common for women to have a nose piercing. Some people are fine with non-ear piercings (eg, eye-brow or nose piercings), other people regard it as a sign of being a delinquent.
** In the UK, ear-piercing of young- even baby- girls is fairly common, at least enough to be unremarkable, although it's seen as somewhat low-class (and schools most likely won't allow it).
** In Germany ear-piercing of 2 to 3-year-old girls it is pretty much standard and earpiercingear piercing of boys is getting more and more popular. No schools, except for a few ''very'' conservative catholic ones, prohibit wearing ear rings.
** On most part of Latin America is seen as obligatory to pierce your baby girl's ears as soon as possible. Piercing your baby ''boy's'' ears, however, is just not done. In many places, adult men with ear piercings are regarded as either criminals or homosexuals.
* Tattoos. If you're at a public pool in Japan, tattoos are often seen as a signifier that you are a gang member, while in (for example) the US, the quality and content of the tattoo are usually the only issue with all but the most conservative.
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== Miscellaneous ==
* Land use policies vary extremely between rural and urban areas in the US. Due to the rather different experiences someone who lives at the edge of a forest compared to someone who lives in a high rise you get huge value differences in how they not only view acceptable crowding, but also how much land should be use for agriculture or timber harvesting versus wilderness. This also leads to differences in environmental viewpoints. Urban-Suburban Americans often have the impression that wilderness is very nearly a thing of the past, while those living in rural areas are very familiar with the opposite: the country is actually quite sparsely populated outside major cities. In some areas, wilderness has rapidly encroached: the small towns of the Northeast that are now surrounded by forest were farming communities surrounded by fields a century ago. Even rural residents have a major differences in how they see nature depending on their area. Midwest/Southeast/Rockies= There is plenty of nature left so lets use it. West Coast= We should preserve that natural forest for future generations. Northeast= The natives burned the forest periodically and plainedplaned off hills for cornfields; we've cut down the trees three times and stripped it for coal but it has almost reached a climax forest again so let me cut down my trees if I want to.
** A form of this can come up and create misunderstandings when showing a character's private property. In very rural parts of the country, it's not uncommon, or at least not improbable, to have very large tracts of private land, which, when displayed in suburban or urban America, can mistakenly note a character as being very rich for having a large estate, land-wise.
* Naked kids on, say, beaches and in magazine photos of same were once widely considered innocent and asexual (the almost bare-bottomed Coppertone Baby is something of an artifact), rather than prey for the [[Paedo Hunt|pedophiles no doubt lurking behind the nearest tree]].
Line 307:
** As to drunk driving, it varies, but is not tolerated in most places. However the extent varies. In some parts of the United States if a death results from drunk driving it's a separate crime called vehicular homicide or a form of manslaughter, with jail from 3-10 years or so. In others it's [[Three Degrees of Murder|Murder 2]] with ''life'' (on the grounds that drinking and driving in itself constitutes depraved indifference to life, so if you kill someone while driving drunk, it's just as bad as having to intended to kill them in the first place).
*** A semantic issue: in the UK it's called ''drink'' driving, rather than 'drunk', to emphasise the point that you don't have to be actually drunk to be over the limit.
*** In Portugal drunk driving is not considered as big a deal as most other countries. It's not uncommon for a person to have a few drinks at lunch then drive back to work.
* Not ''having'' a license. In urban parts of Europe where everything's more centralised and they have some of the best infrastructure and public transport in the world, people often ''don't'' have drivers' licenses and can get by without the responsibilities and expense of owning a car, or only using their car for when they can't take the bus or train. However in rural or even suburban America, you're pretty much confined to a small location if you don't have a driver's license ''and'' a car because there's very little public transport and it'll take forever to walk anywhere, if there's even anything to walk on. The European students at some universities are often surprised when they come out to America and find themselves having to walk more since the buses aren't really funded and it's made under the assumption that everyone above the age of 16 has easy access to a car, while the disabled and elderly use taxis or dial-a-ride.
** We're simply too big to have extensive public transportation. Rural parts of populated areas can have homes ''miles'' away from any kind of shop. Rural parts of not-so populated areas (everything between the mississippiMississippi and the west coast) it can be miles '''to the next house'''.
** In Canada, even some of the average sized cities are poorly optimized for public transportation and businesses can be very far from residential districts. This compounded with the problem of public transportation being unreliable during the long winter months means most Canadians rely on their motor vehicles simply to be productive members of society.
*** Not so much an issue of distance, as an artifact of colonial-era city development. Many cities that developed extensively in the 1800s and early 1900s have street plans laid out in a grid, assuming the primary mode of long-distance transportation to be a horse, carriage, stagecoach, wagon, etc. The grid was a very efficient street plan before the advent of public transport and the automobile, by which time all the open space was already built on. Grid patterns are falling out of favor with city planners because they cause a lot of waiting at intersections, but (post-)colonial cities still don't get designed with public transport in mind, because we have cars.
** There's also the size of cars. In urban Europe, where distances are short (comfort isn't as big issue) and taxes on cars and fuel are higher, people tend to buy smaller cars. In non-urban America, where cars and fuel are cheaper and distances longer, people buy bigger cars. As a result, owning a small car is seen differently: in Europe, a small car is practical while in the US, people assume you're poor. Then there's Japan and their kei cars...
*** Size of the car is also (usually) not directly correlated with performance or technical sophistication. A large percent of European small cars have massively overpowered engines even in stock form, braking rotors sized as for small trucks, and brake drums are frowned upon. A [[The Nineties|late 1990s]] Ford Crown Victoria or Chevrolet Camaro would be seen as antiquated already.
*** Not to mention in different areas in the US. In more urban areas, especially those that lean Democrat, people tend to see larger vehicles as wasteful (for practical reasons) and damaging to the environment (for political reasons). In some rural areas, it's a necessity. Some places in Montana and Wyoming can only get water via cisterns, in some cases families having to haul water from a nearby city to the home. Not easy to do that in a Prius.
Line 326:
* The concepts of property and usage rights can vary wildly between countries: all Nordic countries, which generally have more nature than they know what to do with, and some others have [[wikipedia:Allemansrätten|Freedom to Roam]] statutes regulating what you can or cannot do on privately owned land. <s>America (or parts thereof?)</s> All [[The Common Law|common law]] jurisdictions apparently have land laws involving a lot of 'use it or lose it' (called adverse possession). You can guess how the stereotype of a hick who takes a shotgun to trespassers goes over in the Nordic countries. (The countries even have low gun crime rates to make the shock worse.)
* The women's figure skating finals were an excellent example. In the USA, you're considered pretty awesome if you medal at all, but the achievement-heavy cultures in East Asia are [[Second Place Is for Losers|disappointed with anything less than gold]].
* [[C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis]] advocated reading old books to learn from for just this reason. His point was that moderns and ancients both have cultural prejudices but they aren't ''the same'' cultural prejudices and that therefore you will be wiser for the perspective.
** "The past is a foreign country." - L.P. Hartley
* To nearly every other culture, the Japanese are unsettlingly quiet at large public gatherings, with little of the cheering or other crowd noises associated with such events.
Line 346:
** In a variant on this theme, it used to be a given that teachers could physically discipline students. Today, although this practice is still allowed in some parts of the United States, in the rest of the U.S. and the whole of Canada it's generally thought that parents are the '''only''' people allowed to physically discipline their children. Said parents can also become [[Mama Bear|very]] [[Papa Wolf|angry]] towards anyone else who spanks or hits their kids.
** A woman went on Doctor Phil and showed video of her administering hot sauce to her child for lying or giving him a cold shower if he disobeyed or threw a tantrum. A generation ago this kind of punishment would be considered common or even mild (a child who swore often got their mouth washed out ''with soap''). Whereas now it met with a very hostile reaction.
** The "Chancla" memes, in allusion to the most common weapon of corporal punishment in Hispanic countries. People in the low end of MillenialMillennial generation and younger laugh because they seem over the top; Millennials and older laugh because they rang extremely true.
* Australians are notoriously inured to swearing. Just about the only words that cannot be broadcast on radio or television are "cunt" and "fuck", and even then both are allowed on TV post-watershed.<ref>Australia has a couple of watersheds. Essentially, you can say "fuck" as many times as you want past 8:30, and but if you say "cunt" even once, you get bumped... [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|to 9pm]].</ref>
** Australians in fact get very confused when told by Americans that 'Hell' and 'damn' are mild profanities in the United States.
*** Seems to be similar in Britain. 'Hell' and 'damn' might be viewed as swearing by religious people, but generally they're unremarkable.
** To a lesser degree, Canada is also more liberal with the swearing than the US. ''[[The Sopranos]]'' used to be broadcast at around 10pm on CTV -- a network channel that can be picked up via antenna -- completely uncensored. Likewise, many Canadian-made shows aired on network channels -- even the fairly vanilla ''[[Being Erika]]'' -- are able to casually use the word "shit" without it being big event that needs to be pre-announced (i.e., the [[NYPD Blue]] "incident" in the US). Overuse of profanity is viewed as tacky, however, unless it's relevant to the plot/characterization/etc. "Cunt" is the only word that is just as taboo in Canada as it is in the US.
** Sweden is another country that is liberal with swearing, with even the worst swearwords being possible to say on series shown in the children's programming slot.
** Japan, likewise; while slipping in even mild (uncensored) profanity into a kids' TV show in the US or Canada would get you burned at the stake, it's not uncommon to see uses of "Damn it!" or "What the hell...?" in [[Fan Sub|fansubs]] of what are very obviously kids' shows. Of course, Japanese is a language where grammar and tone matter much, much more than the actual words you use when it comes to politeness and insults.
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* Nudity and violence on TV. While many Americans think a child will be scarred for life when confronted with a bare nipple seen for a fraction of a second on TV, they don't have any objections against a show where people are being shot, or otherwise killed. Nor do they have objections against other forms of violence. In many European countries, it's the opposite. Images of violence are considered to be more damaging to children than nudity ([[Germans Love David Hasselhoff|although since most shows shown on TV are made in the US]], even European kids see more violence than anything that could remotely be considered "nudity").
** Other notable dissonances related to this is in Japan, which tends to have both significant amounts of violence and nudity in kids shows which tends to lead a [[What Do You Mean It's for Kids?]] reaction from foreigners (The [[Values Dissonance/Anime|Anime]] sub-page of this trope show examples of this). The middle east meanwhile, due to cultural, religious, and political issues, tends to tone down both.
** Oftentimes both sides will often accuse the other side of being [[Hypocrite|Hypocrites]]s and advocating [[Double Standards]], while ignoring the fact that they themselves are actually the [[Hypocrite|Hypocrites]]s and [[Double Standard]] advocators as they too are also committing [[Values Dissonance]] (Although you can also say the same for any [[Values Dissonance]] for that matter). This tends to happen a lot even here on [[TVAll The Tropes]] unfortunately.
* Schools. Is there a system of classes (like in Japan or many European countries) or courses (like in America)? Are school uniforms required? Are sports (or other school activities) a big event?
** To provide an example: European viewers might be a little confused when in American shows and High School movies, a big deal is made of sports, cheerleading, the prom and home-coming.
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*** Japanese schools tend to be much more intrusive in the lives of their students than US schools. Teachers regularly do home visits and if a Japanese child gets in trouble with the law, their school is notified before their parents are.
*** This is also true in countries in the Caribbean. West Indian people are often shocked by how "disrespectful" American/Canadian children are towards their teachers. As recently as the '80s, if a student misbehaved in school, he was beaten by the teacher.
*** Cultural attitudes vary about [[Teacher-Student Romance|Teacher Student Romances]]s. Most Western nations frown upon it, with the U.S. taking a particularly strong stance against it (see [[Paedo Hunt]]) - to the point where U.S. media sees anything short of an [[Anvilicious]] [[Big No]] on the subject as harmful and irresponsible, even in college, where most students are legally adults. ([[Trans-Atlantic Equivalent|Trans Atlantic Equivalents]]s of shows such as ''Skins'' often have to alter these storylines to address the U.S.'s strong taboo.) On the opposite extreme, depictions in anime are often quite ''positive'', or at least no different from any other relationship on the show. It's seen as quite normal for high-school girls and young male teachers to pursue relationships with each other. American readers can be quite shocked by the way that works like ''[[Maison Ikkoku]]'' or ''[[Marmalade Boy]]'' deal with the trope.
** Even for how long you went to school varied over the course of history. In many parts of the world today, not finishing high school is quite frowned upon and is associated with lowered job prospects, while as recently as 100 years ago had quite a successful career as a government mechanic despite not having a high school education.
** Students' general attitudes towards cheating. Is it something everybody does, something kind of accepted as long as you really need to pass and don't suddenly end up with the best grade, or is it frowned upon?
Line 378:
* [ Asian Tiger Mom].
** Notably, despite China still being heavily Confucian (to the point that a single parent's disapproval can end a promising romantic relationship, job, or educational opportunity), the "Tiger Mom" is losing its appeal to younger Chinese mothers.
* In the UK, the privatisation of water services in the last 13 years has lead to a substantial difference in domestic habits. In the West Country county of Cornwall a tiny percentage of the UK population - and one that is already the most impoverished - has had to pay for sewage treatment upgrades and beach cleaning for a large chunk of the UK's coastline, much of which is to satisfy the tourist trade. As a result the tariffs are very high and many families have had water meters installed to avoid the astronomical standard charge. As the unit cost is still high, this had lead to the habit of restricting water usage and the most generally adopted method is to flush the lavatory for "solids only" and water used for showers, baths and washing floors etc., invariably saved to pour down the toilet. Most British visitors accept these habits but American tourists tend to be horrified by the daily accumulations of family urine in the lavatory.
** Similarly, in New Zealand and Australia, all toilets are equipped with two flush settings: a small flush for urine and a big flush for feces. These kinds of toilets are slowly catching on in the rest of the world as well.
* The way you refer to someone can have different meanings depending on your culture, and the language. A lot of Spanish cultures are fine with using nicknames or affectionate terms like "negra" and "negro" to refer to darker skinned (or just darker haired) people, or "gordo" and "gorda" for chubbier people. In other cultures, both would be quite offensive.
Line 385:
* The controversy in both Mexico and the U.S. about letting both Mexican and American commercial trucks enter both countries. It's because of the great national difference in driving culture, not to mention the fact that neither Mexican nor American drivers wants to be lectured or change their driving habits just to comply with the laws of both nations.
* A saying often attributed to Confucius is "before seeking [[revenge]], dig two graves." Most Westerners interpret it to mean that if you seek revenge, you destroy yourself. One traditional Chinese interpretation was instead that revenge was [[Serious Business|so important]] that one ought to prepare to become the [[Determinator]] in order to achieve it.
* Go to any given article which involves a [[Blood Sport|Bullfight]] getting out of control and the bull either wounding the Matador or trying to get into the stands. Generally comments from nations where it is outlawed will congratulate the bull, regarding injuries as three tons of [[Laser-Guided Karma]], and call the Matador and spectators anything from [[Dirty Coward|Dirty Cowards]]s to [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]]s.
** This is despite the fact that bullfighter bulls are raised much more humanely than slaugherhouseslaughterhouse steers.
* [[Do You Want to Haggle?|Haggling]]. In Western nations, haggling for items is only reserved for high-ticket items like houses and cars (or extremely low-ticket items at flea markets or garage sales) and attempting to haggle anywhere else makes you look stingy. However, in some parts of the Middle East and Asia, haggling is a mandatory part of the selling process, and not doing it makes you looks stupid for not knowing what the item should cost. However, even among countries that do allow haggling, the values differ. In Southeast Asia, haggling for food is looked down upon because food is seen as a necessity.
** Intentionally trying to avert this sometimes leads right back to [[Values Dissonance]]. Haggling is common for many manufactured goods in Latin American countries, but trying to talk down the price of a piece of art or craft can result in a rather distressed reaction from the person who made it, though artists and craftspeople in touristy areas are probably used to it by now.
* Canadians and Americans seem to have very different attitudes regarding whether guests should take their shoes off when they enter someone's house. In many parts of the U.S., taking your shoes off in someone else's house implies that you're making yourself too comfortable and in a sense infringing on your host's hospitality. On the other hand, in Canada it's almost unthinkable to leave your shoes on in your or someone else's house. One possible explanation is the harsher climate in Canada-people obviously don't want to track snow or slush into the house, to say nothing of muck and grime during the spring months when the snows melt.
** Japan takes this even further: houses are supposed to be equipped with slippers for houseowners and guests to change into when they enter, and schools (possibly also workplaces?) have [[Useful Notes/Inside Shoes|Inside Shoes]], stored in special lockers, for the same purpose. This seems to mainly stem from a desire for extremely clean indoor areas, which is a bit of [[Values Dissonance]] in itself.
* In the West, getting a call on a cell phone in public is a minor faux pas, but in Japan it's a major taboo, especially on public transit. It's a factor in that country's massive early adoption of text messaging.
* Speaking of phones, what's considered proper telephone etiquette is also a rich form of dissonance. For example, a French person who calls who will usually apologize profusely, even if it's someone you know very well and would welcome a call from.
* Medicine and patient autonomy. In the United States, doctors are terrified of stepping on a patient's toes and of winding up hearing from a patient's attorney. Current US practices forbid acting against a patient's decisions unless the patient is ruled incompetent to decide for themselves (ex: a minor, unconscious, etc.). This can even include when a doctor knows a patient's decision will lead to death, disability, or extreme consequences. It used to be "doctor knows best." In other parts of the world, it still is "what the doctor says, goes."
** Traditional and New Age medical practices get this treatment. Europe and Australia have seen a big push to eliminate non-scientific medical practices. The United States has seen a similar, if less potent, movement. China allows all manner of traditional medical practices to continue alongside science-based medicine. Let's not argue out what should be done here.
* Accountability: A healthy part of the English-speaking cultures and almost a [[Berserk Button]] for Spanish-speaking countries, to the grade ''there's no Spanish equivalent'' of that word.
** As a closer example, that is the reason why Spain refuses to asking help for solving his economic woes to the E.U. in the same way as Greece, since that will imply that the SpaniardSpanish economic and political system will be scrutinedscrutinized in the same way as the Greek one.
** Ditto with Argentina in the 2000's2000s, with the Argentinians choosing [[Take a Third Option|an extreme choice]] and preferingpreferring to going bankrupt rather to having a foreign institution like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to saying what to do with their country.
* To quote the former entry in Values Resonance, "anyone who's a fan of strict separation could pick up a copy of John Leland's ''[ Rights of Conscience Inalienable]'' and find it perfectly cogent or even ''progressive'' by modern standards." Except that the essay is based on a false choice between values of people and the government, with no mention made to evidence, and the assumption of the existence of god. Mr. Leland also has trouble with the concept of a man doing evil while he believes himself to be doing good. Many similar claims and assumptions therein have been disproven by Evolution, which is fairness Mr. Leland had no knowledge of. The original troper obviously found it convincing, but many who do have knowledge of evolution, would not.