Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Difference between revisions

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*** From "Weight and See", Numbor was his name, recalculating weights and measures was his game! If you think ''that'' sounded silly, you should have heard ''him'' say it. A combination of a [[Villainous Harlequin]] and [[Mad Mathematician]], he wore a mortarboard, had a calculator for a torso, and could make things heavier or lighter. He also used bombs shaped like numerals. And goaded the heroes using ''really'' bad puns. Oh, and Divatox told him to attack Katherine after another student called her fat. Obviously, this was his only appearance.
*** Mr. Goorific from . This guy had a decent weapon, an oversized toothpaste tube that could Baleful Polymorph a target; actually hitting the target, however, was a different story, he had terrible aim. He was actually brought down by Cassie’s dog. Seriously. Even [ his entry on RangerWiki] calls him "one of the weakest monsters in the franchise".
*** [[Evil Chef| Mad Mike the Pizza Chef]] from "Trouble By the Slice". Okay, most fans haveare under a non-verbal agreement ''never'' to speak of this guyone again, but a brief exception has tomust be made here. [[Mook Maker| Porto]] was “inspired” to create this monster from the mascot of a pizza parlor, but even in a show known for being campy and cheesy, someone who [[Edible Ammunition| used thrown pizzas as weapons]] who tried to bake the heroes into a pizza went a little overboard. Plus his costume was [[Unfortunate Implications| a dumb recreation of the flag of Italy and he spoke with a horrid parody of an Italian accent]]; thankfully he was never seen again.
** Radster from ''[[Power Rangers Lost Galaxy]]''. In all fairness, this was the first Monster of the Week in Lost Galaxy, making him sort of a [[Warmup Boss]], but he was still sort of lame. He was part scorpion, part lobster, [[Elvis Impersonator| and part Elvis]] (no, [["Not Making This Up" Disclaimer| really]]) and had a bad case of Small Name Big Ego. The only reason he gave the Rangers a hard time was because they didn’t have Zords yet, but the Red Galactabeast blew him to fragments with one blast of its fiery breath. Still, Radster may have been a failure as a warrior, but [[Laughably Evil| he sure made the fans laugh]].
** [[Power Rangers Wild Force]] had Barbed Wire Org from "Darkness Awakening", again, the [[Warmup Boss]] for the Wild Force team, As his name suggested, [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin| he was an org made of barbed wire]], and looked pretty dangerous. Looks were deceptive. The most hilarious part of the Megazord battle was how he ended up in a [[Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh]] situation right before the Megazord decked him.
** From ''[[Power Rangers Dino Thunder]]'' came Donkeyvac. [[Hybrid Monster]]s are common in this franchise, but this one was created by combining the DNA of [[You Fail Biology Forever| a donkey, a pomegranate, and a vacuum cleaner]]. He did have the ability [[Rapid Aging| to steal the youth from victims]], so if he had a design that made logical sense (and didn’t shoot exploding fruit from his nose) he might have been an efficient and memorable threat, but he did not, and was not.
* Nojoke from ''[[Power Rangers Mega Force]]'' ("Last Laugh") was a [[Yokai| tengu-like monster]] who had absolutely [[No Sense Of Humor]] and hated the sound of laughter, his goal being to eradicate humor entirely. While that sounds like an… odd motive, he was very much a [[Combat Pragmatist]]. His primary weapon was a Laughter Gourd, a device that could absorb anyone who laughed (a victim trapped this way would eventually be liquified and consumed later); should anyone have enough willpower to keep themselves from laughing, he could also control winds in a way to ''tickle'' potential prey, and should that fail, he had a… [[Fartillery| sound-based gaseous attack]] that could compel people to laugh. While this all seems oxymoronic, he was a pretty effective warrior, but fits this Trope due to his weakness… He was ''not immune to his own powers!'' When Robo Knight (an android who was physically unable to laugh) and Noah (who also had no sense of humor) manage to find a way to make ''him'' laugh, he is snared by his own Gourd, causing it to break and free every victim. Naturally, his final words before being slain by the Megazord are, [[Dramatic Irony| "This isn't funny!"]]
** Stingerella from ''[[Power Rangers Jungle Fury]]''. This scorpion-girl monster came off as terrifying at first from her appearance alone, and to her credit, she appeared in more episodes than most of the monsters listed here (three as the antagonist, plus one cameo). But then she actually launches her assault and shows herself to be a master of… ''[[Dance Battler|Dance Battle]]. To drive that point home, she trained a battalion of [[Mooks| Rinshi]] in the same “style”. Someone really should have told her that this is something the typical [[Recruit Teenagers with Attitude| Teenagers With Attitude]] can learn like a duck to water. Worse, during the Megazord Battle she breaks out a much more useful power - [[Bee-Bee Gun| a whole swarm of scorpions used as projectiles]], which makes you wonder why she didn’t use that in the first place.
** Nojoke from ''[[Power Rangers Mega Force]]'' ("Last Laugh") was a [[Yokai| tengu-like monster]] who had absolutely [[No Sense Of Humor]] and hated the sound of laughter, his goal being to eradicate humor entirely. While that sounds like an… odd motive, he was very much a [[Combat Pragmatist]]. His primary weapon was a Laughter Gourd, a device that could absorb anyone who laughed (a victim trapped this way would eventually be liquified and consumed later); should anyone have enough willpower to keep themselves from laughing, he could also control winds in a way to ''tickle'' potential prey, and should that fail, he had a… [[Fartillery| sound-based gaseous attack]] that could compel people to laugh. While this all seems oxymoronic, he was a pretty effective warrior, but fits this Trope due to his weakness… He was ''not immune to his own powers!'' When Robo Knight (an android who was physically unable to laugh) and Noah (who also had no sense of humor) manage to find a way to make ''him'' laugh, he is snared by his own Gourd, causing it to break and free every victim. Naturally, his final words before being slain by the Megazord are, [[Dramatic Irony| "This isn't funny!"]]
** ''[[Power Rangers Dino Charge]]'' completes the cycle with a triad of examples:
*** Smokescreen from "Sync or Swim". If you can imagine a Samurai warrior with armor that had a Kabuki design, you might be able to picture this one. What made him dangerous (the term should be used loosely) was the pipe-vent-mechanism on his back that could [[Fartillery| spew a foul-smelling vapor with a rude smell.]] To top it off, [[Small Name, Big Ego| he was very proud of his ability]] to use his Fart Fog so efficiently. Gross.
*** Loafer and Leisure from "Catching Some Rays". This was a brother-sister team [ of really nutty looking monsters] with a summer vacation theme. Their main gimmick is, they use some sort of euphoria gas that makes victims think they’re on a permanent vacation. It truly seemed the writers were trying a little too hard to make this odd theme work.
*** Cavity from "The Tooth Hurts" was both an [[Evil Chef]] and a [[Depraved Dentist]], a pastry chef whose wares caused agonizing toothaches to whoever ate them, something he could also cause using his energy projection powers. The [[Monster of anthe Aesop]] plot has been used a lot in this franchise, so this might have had potential if there was an aesopAesop in the plot, which there wasn’t - nothing about the benefits of dental hygiene or how you should avoid too many sweets. In fact, Cavity’s powers could decay things other than teeth; it would work on thingsobjects as big as trees, making him [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character| a case of wasted potential.]]
*** Plus there was Game Face from the [[Sequel Series]], ''[[Power Rangers Dino Super Charge]]'', the episode "Freaky Frightday". Give a storyboard designer ten minutes to design a monster with the personality of a tough gym teacher and an [[I Know Madden Kombat]] theme, the result would be… Much better than this one. He looked like someone took all the equipment a high school PhysEd department was going to throw away and glued it all together in a vaguely humanoid monstrosity. He had a large [[Combo Platter Power]] set due to an arsenal of equipment, but with no synergy whatsoever, and while he did have hilarious dialogue, he was about as much of a threat as the pile of junk he resembled.
== Theater ==