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* This happened once in ''[[Death Note]]''; it's how Misa meets {{spoiler|Rem for the second time after losing her memories of the Death Note.}}
== Films -- Live-ActionFilm ==
* ''[[Mirrors]]'' uses this trope throughout the entire film.
** As does its original, the Korean ''Into The Mirror''.
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* Used in a way in the [[Broken Sky]] series; the secret police of [[Big Bad|King Macaan]], the Jachyra, can see, hear, and even travel through mirrors, or anything sufficiently reflective. This causes a number scares with the mirror being stationary, as well as the main characters being incredibly paranoid around them. Any base which the [[La Résistance|Parakka]] make has no reflective surfaces whatsoever.
* ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' has an [[Eldritch Abomination]] called "He Who Walks Behind." As his name implies, He is ''always'' behind you, no matter where you turn, so the only way to see Him is in a mirror. Harry first encountered Him while looking at an arcade game. [[Walking Techbane|It shorts out]], and ''something'' appears reflected in the screen. Harry turns around; nothing there. Harry turns back; He Who Walks Behind is now standing two feet closer ''and smiling''.
* Played with in ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and Thethe Philosopher's Stone (novel)|Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone]]'' with the Mirror of [[Sdrawkcab Name|Erised]]. When Harry first looks in the mirror and sees a load of people in the room behind him, he has to fight to stop himself from screaming. However, they are actually visions of his family and only exist in the mirror itself.
== Live-Action TV ==