Punch-Out!!/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== Bald Bull/Mask X ===
A heavyweight from Istanbul, Turkey. Telegraphs his punches very easily, but very few have been able to get back up from his "Bull Charge" maneuver. In the NES version, he is the Major Circuit champion.
Appears in: Arcade Punch-Out, Arm Wrestling, NES (Major circuit champ), SNES (Minor circuit champ), Wii
Voiced in the Wii game by: Erse Yagan
* [[Badass Moustache]]
* [[Bald of Evil]]
** "My barber didn't know when to quit. Do you?"
*** [[Determinator|Title Defense Bald Bull doesn't know when to quit either, much like his old World Circuit self on NES.]]
* [[Bullfight Boss]]: During his "Bull Charge".
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Made of Iron]]: Dear Lord, good luck on Title Defense. Even if you knock him down, he'll still get up. The only way to stop him? A ''star punch''.
* [[Mask Power]]: When he was Mask X in Arm Wrestling. You even defeat him by yanking his mask off.
* [[Puzzle Boss]]: Somewhat for the second time you fight him in the NES game. No matter how little health he has, he doesn't go down to a regular punch (unless you hit him in a Bull Charge); you can only knock him down with a Star Punch. And he ''always'' gets up at 9.
* [[Shout-Out]]: The "Mask X" Mask design is similar to that of legendary wrestler "The Destroyer".
* [[Turns Red]]
* [["Wake-Up Call" Boss]]: More than any other boxer in any of the Punch Out games. In the arcade game he was a huge jump in difficulty from the previous boxer (Piston Hurricane). He's even more like this in the NES version. Compared to every other boxer you fought up to this point, Bald Bull was freakin' ''huge'', and just ''looked'' like he was prepared to kick your ass, and his Bull Charge often ensured that he did exactly that. Finally, he's the champion of the Minor Circuit in the SNES Super Punch Out, where he plays the same role he did in the arcade game by being a huge jump in difficulty from the previous boxer (Piston Hurricane again, oddly enough). He avoids this in the Wii version, however, on account of being fought so late.
=== Kid Quick ===
One of the two left-behinds of the arcade games, he is a quick but pretty easy boxer with no special moves.
Appears in: Arcade Punch-Out
* [[Afro Asskicker]]
* [[Fragile Speedster]]
* [[Funny Afro]]
* [[Out of Focus]]: With Disco Kid as a suitable replacement.
* [[Ridiculously Average Guy]]
=== Pizza Pasta ===
An Italian boxer, who was the other leftback, he uses a grab move to drain the energy from his opponent.
Appears in: Arcade Punch-Out
* [[Alliterative Name]]
* [[Bear Hug]]
* [[Out of Focus]]
* [[Punny Name]]: Haha, he's from Italy and named for Italian food.
=== Mr. Sandman ===
One of the big daddies of the WVBA circuit. His punches hit hard enough to make his opponents see stars, but has a particular weakness to body blows.
Appears in: Arcade Punch-Out (champion), NES, SNES (Major Circuit champ), Wii (champion)
Voiced in the Wii game by: Riley Inge
* [[Badass Normal]]: This is especially noticeable in the Wii version. Most of the other boxers have some sort of gimmick: getting drunk on [[Frothy Mugs of Water|soda]], training with animals, using magic, or being [[Celebrity Is Overrated|rich and famous]]. Mr. Sandman's gimmick is... [[The Untwist|being a boxer.]] [[When All You Have Is a Hammer|And he's very good at it.]]
* [[Big No]]: Right before you Star Punch him in the Wii version.
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: He's able to LEVEL BUILDINGS by sheer training and strength alone. Between rounds, he flexes his biceps by curling ''the ring ropes''. Anyone who's ever pulled a ring rope knows this is ''impossible''.
* [[Defeating the Undefeatable]]: In the Wii version, not only does he have a 31-0 record, his intro shows him punching out ''every other boxer in the game''.
** And the prelude to his title defense match shows him PUNCHING DOWN A BUILDING.
* [[He's Back]]: Mr. Sandman was the last boss of the original arcade ''Punch-Out!!'', but was reduced to a (still damn challenging) contender in following releases. In the Wii version, he's back to last boss status... and with good reason, since he is downright SCARY.
* [[Important Haircut]]: For the rematch against him in Title Defense. It's a very similar haircut to what Mike Tyson himself had back in the day with a twist: the uncut hair forms a "Z" on his head.
* [[Jump Scare]]: One of his moves in the Wii version is to go "BOO!" to try to startle you, then driving his fist to your face when you fall for it!
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: He is the only one of Little Mac's opponents to resemble an ''actual'' boxer (opposed to a cartoon-character boxer) as befits one of the hardest opponents in any of the games. He also seems to be the only one who sees his bout with Mac as a personal issue; in Title Bout mode, there is a cutscene showing him training in a gym, then noticing a poster with Little Mac's face, and becoming so enraged at seeing it that he wrecks the entire gym.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Nerf]]: In ''Super [[Punch-Out!!]]'', he's the champion of the Major Circuit. This is far and away the weakest incarnation of him.
* [[Scary Black Man]]: The Wii version moreso, thanks to the voice acting. Not to mention the fact that he also ''leveled a building with his bare hands'' after Little Mac defeated him for the championship. That would make him scary if he was white, red, yellow or pink and blue with silver polka dots.
* [[Shout-Out]]: His Wii incarnation is as close as you can get to having Mike Tyson in the game as is allowable. {{spoiler|He even does the nightmarish wink-then-punch attack. Yikes!}}
* [[Thirteen Is Unlucky]]: In the Wii version, he is 31 years old, has 31 KOs on his record, he is faced as the thirteenth opponent in both Contender and Title Defense modes, you start both fights against him with 13 hearts, and he throws 13 blink punches during his flurry of them after the second knockdown in Title Defense.
* [[This Is Gonna Suck]]: When he whiffs a punch in the Wii version: "Uh-oh."
* [[Took a Level in Badass]]: When compared to the other games, he is still in the World Circuit but weaker than Super Macho Man. Needless to say after this, he deserves his Championship.
== Opponents introduced in ''Super Punch-Out!!'' (Arcade) ==