How Not to Summon a Demon Lord: Difference between revisions

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** [[Sinister Minister|Batutta]] pulls double-duty here, getting on the bad side of ''two'' "monsters" - Diablo and Lumachina - at the same time.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: It is never stated just why Shera and Rem were trying to summon a demon in the first place.
* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]: Graham Sasara is a subversion. While she was raised by humans, she looks far more like a [[Little Bit Beastly]] [[Cute Monster Girl]] than a traditional dwarf (possibly based on a [[Kitsune]]), and [[Buxom Is Better| has a rack that is near-equal to Shura's]].
* [[The Paladin]]: "Paladin" is the official title for high ranking members of the Church of Celestials, but while some - like Weselia and Tria - play the trope straight, most others defy it. A good example, Saddler, the first such "paladin" encountered. A cruel man who believes himself to be a physical embodiment of the god he worships, he has no divine abilities whatsoever, his "holy" powers derived from alchemy. It was indeed rather satisfying to everyone when his faith in his non-existent divinity cause him to be crushed like a grape, literally.
* [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil]]: This is a major reason (along with being a [[Dirty Coward| coward]] and [[The Caligula| an idiot]]) why Shera’s depraved brother Keera is such a monster. First, he brainwashes Shera using magic to “convince” her to come with him, intending rape right from the start and turns the brainwashing off right before attempting the act so she can be as terrified as possible. He then uses some sort of magically controlled slime monster to disrobe her, laughing like the madman he is and describing this as "foreplay" to the hero when he breaks in to save her. All this is portrayed with the appropriate [[Fan Disservice]], in stark contrast to the many scenes of Fanservice elsewhere in this series. Worst of all, [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good| the concept of basic decency is foreign to Keera]] - when he learns that Rem and Shera had accidentally put on [[Slave Collar]]s and that Diablo could have forced himself upon them at any time, but never acted on it, he genuinely can't understand why. He instead rationalizes that Diablo must have manipulated Shera into giving consent, and that she was too stupid to realize it, when Diablo had not been intimate with her at all.