Haruhi-chan: Difference between revisions

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'''Kimidori:''' (equally monotone) I can't go on. Please commit my body to the ocean.<br />
'''Achakura:''' (monotone) Sorry, throwing you in the ocean will be environmental destruction. }}
* [[Battle Aura]] - Used for a game of ''[[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?|dodgeball!]]''
* [[Big Eater]] - Yuki gobbling Valentine's day chocolates... priceless.
* [[Bishonen]]
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{{quote| '''Ms. Mori:''' I'm just a normal maid passing through! }}
* [[Blood From the Mouth]]
** Haruhi, after... [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?|taking story suggestions for an amateur film]]. To the extent that she had to be hospitalized, even.
** Also happened when Achakura kicked Yuki in the gut in episode 10.
* [[Blow You Away]] - Tsuruya, as shown in Episode 17. Poor Mikuru.
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{{quote| '''Nagato(in-game):''' If you'd like...<br />
'''Kyon:''' That's from Disappearance! }}
* [[Brother -Sister Incest]] - This might be stretching things, but judging from episode 25's opening, Nagato's game contains a "Kyon's sister" route, so if Kyon's the protagonist...
* [[Butt Monkey]]
** Taniguchi and Achakura.
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*Koizumi blushes*<br />
*Haruhi [http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk318/Anime_Fan_Otaku/Haruhi_feelings_shattered.jpg faints, dark aura appearing,] [[Divide By Zero|reality starts to crack]]* }}
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Spinning]] - Yuki spins Achakura [[Memetic Mutation|right round]] in episodes 6 and 8.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bears]] - Inverted. Tsuruya claims she once defeated a bear.
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]
** Koizumi, all the time.
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** Every time Yuki abuses Achakura and then does something incredibly cute to make up for it.
** Episode 24.
* [[NamesName's the Same]] - Kimidori the male living balloon animal is not Emiri Kimidori the female humanoid interface from the main series. [[Epileptic Trees|We think.]]
** No, Emiri Kimidori appears in the series as well. [[Fan Service|Both times she gets put into a swimsuit.]]
* [[Ninja Maid]] - Mori.
* [[Noodle Implements]] - Episode 3. We never find out exactly what the "Truck vs Kyon" event involves, but it's hard to forget the line "Here's your firework."
* [[Otaku Surrogate]] - Yuki.
* [[Paper -Thin Disguise]]
** [[Ninja Maid|Mori]] as a "skydiver who just happened to be passing by"... without a parachute.
** Arakawa counts to a lesser extent with his "taxi driver" who also "just happened to be passing by". [[Deadpan Snarker|Kyon]] calls them out almost immediately.
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* [[Sinister Silhouettes]] - Parodied with Asakura claiming to be a member of the [[Four Is Death|Radical Big Four]], which is quickly revealed [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil|to be under]] the [[Terrible Trio|three leaders]], all of whom are shown as generic featureless silhouettes. Kyon proceeds to call it cheesy and blame it on [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portopia_Renzoku_Satsujin_Jiken Yasu.]
* [[Slapstick Knows No Gender]]
* [[Slow -Motion Pass -By]] - In episode 12.
* [[Spinning Clock Hands]] - While Haruhi and the other girls prepare chocolate sculptures.
* [[Spit Take]] - Kyon's understandable reaction to finding out [[H Game|what Yuki was doing on her laptop.]]
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* [[Villain Decay]] - [[Parodied Trope]]. Achakura attempts to avert this shortly after [[Came Back Wrong|Coming Back Wrong]] by escaping from Yuki's apartment in order to kill Kyon, but rapidly changes her mind after a cat starts eyeing her up for lunch.
* [[Wall Jump]] - Achakura attempts this in episode 10. Guess how it turned out.
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]]
** ''Supersonic'' dodgeball. With ''[[Battle Aura|Battle Auras]]''.
** The mock kaiju battle in episode 25, with Mikuru as sort-of Mothra and Yuki as Godzilla. Kyon can only watch in stunned silence.
** And from the same episode - ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]''-style ''doodling''.
** Mori and Arakawa's various entrances.
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not for Kids?]] - In-universe: In the subbed version, Kyon protested that the game Yuki lent him was rated E... [[Eroge|but that didn't stand for "everyone" in this case.]]
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]] - [[media:haruhichan20090425120029.jpg|This part]] in episode 14.
* [[Wiki Walk]] - Lampshaded, complete with step-by-step explanation.
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[[File:nyoron_churuya_san.gif|frame|[[LO LcatsLOLcats|I can haz smoked cheez?]]]]
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** "One, two, three..."
* [[Honest Axe]] - Episode 7.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]] - Kyon with Churuya and Ashakura.
* [[Hostile Show Takeover|Not-So-Hostile Show Takeover]] - Ashakura attempts to rename ''Nyoron Churuya-san'' in the beginning of episode 8, holding up a sign saying that the new title is ''Sore Muri Ashakura-san''.
* [[Image Song]] - Six for Churuya - two solos and four duets. D'awww~
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* [[Verbal Tic]] - You know the one. :3 nyoro~n...
** Also the dust bunnies end their sentences with "hokori" ("dusty" in the dub).
* [[Yank the DogsDog's Chain]] - Poor Churuya expects to go on a trip with the SOS Brigade, but Haruhi cancels it when she's already at the place.
* [[Yonkoma]] - What the series is based on.