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* The mess That Other Girl created in the [[Fan Fic/Hooker Verse|Hooker Verse]]. A mix of multiple personality disorder, [[Your Mind Makes It Real]] and [[Evil Twin]]. (And lots and lots of emotional torture.)
* [[Heta Oni]], an [[Axis Powers Hetalia]] horror game based on ''Ao Oni''. It includes [[Time Travel]], memories that don't belong to them, Italy showing signs of being [[The Chessmaster]], a Tony-look-alike [[Eldritch Abomination]] and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|an Ameriblob that keeps appearing!]]
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/UninvitedGuests[Uninvited Guests (Fanfic)|Uninvited Guests]] [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3505858/37/Uninvited_Guests chapters 37 and 38.] This [[Bleach|Bleachfic]] been [[Crowning Moment of Funny|bad enough from chapter one given the premise]], {{spoiler|supposedly hit its peak when [[It Makes Sense in Context|Aizen got run over by an airborne BawaBawa]]}}, but as soon as {{spoiler|Aizen figured out how to become [[The Hero]], [[It Got Worse]] gave up and died.}} Especially his fight with Yamamoto in Chapter 38.
** And then [[Spanner in The Works|Yachiru]] {{spoiler|made [[The Chew Toy|Toshiro]] [[The Hero]] by pressing the "Shiro-chan" button on the thing that stole Ichigo's [[Plot Armor]] for Aizen.}} The guy who made it didn't put that there.
* If [http://redhothoshi.deviantart.com/art/Animation-Final-189600276 this] doesn't count, it ought to.
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