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* ''Who is The Green Goblin'': The new super-villain, Green Goblin, is rounding up all of the various mob families in New York City into one massive criminal army. After battling with him, {{spoiler|Spider-Man learns the Green Goblin is Norman Osborn, head of Oscorp and his best friend's father. Although Norman claims amnesia after the fight, he would reclaim the mantle Green Goblin again and again, creating one of Spider-Man's greatest archfoes}}.
* ''The Master Planner'' - Spider-Man does constant battle with "The Master Planner" a villain who commits thefts across the city, stealing weapons of atomic power. As Spider-Man must find this master criminal, things get worse as Peter Parker learns Aunt May is fatally ill. He offers a blood transfusion to help heal her, but his radioactive blood just makes things worse. He must now find the Master Planner who has stolen the only thing that can help cure Aunt May. It was eventually revealed that {{spoiler|The Master Planner was Doctor Octopus all along, leaving Spider-Man in one of his greatest death-traps. Spider-Man uses his willpower to boost his super-strength and escape in one of the most famous moments in his history}}.
* ''[[The Night Gwen Stacy Died]]'' - One of the biggest [[Wham! Episode|Wham Episodes]] in the character's history.
* ''The Symbiote Arc'': When fighting alongside the other Marvel heroes during the Secret War, Spider-Man gained a new, black alien suit to replace his own. The suit enhances his own powers, but he also finds that it fed off of his adrenaline, which caused him to constantly blackout and oversleep. He eventually learned that the suit is an alien being, trying to permanently merge with him, and managed to remove it. This would lead to the creation of archenemy/anti-hero Venom and pure evil villain Carnage, two of the most popular Spider-Man villains.
* ''[[Maximum Carnage]]''
* ''[[Clone Saga]]''
* ''[[JMS Spider-Man]]''
* ''[[One More Day]]'': Perhaps one of the most controversial Spiderman stories after The Clone Saga, for reasons that it broke up the [[Fan -Preferred Couple]] (who also were at the time an [[Official Couple]]). All you need to do is look at the WMG's on this page to get a sample of how great disdain for One More Day was, what with all the guesses which try to do away with it.
* ''[[Brand New Day]]''
* ''[[One Moment in Time]]''
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** Also a front runner in the idea that if someone decided to be an ideal hero/citizen/human being, it would have serious ramifications on their social, romantic, family, and professional life.
* [[Deceased Parents Are the Best]]: Peter's parents were agents of [[Nick Fury|S.H.I.E.L.D.]] and once saved [[Wolverine]]'s life.
* [[Determinator]]: [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_Can_Stop_the_Juggernaut:Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut|Nothing Can Stop The Juggernaut]] [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|There's a reason that Scott McCloud, Brian Michael Bendis, and David Michelinie claim this as one of the best stories in the History of Comics, it was also one of the first comics admitted to The Library of Congress, and some of the original art panels sit in The Smithsonian.]]
* [[Did Mom Just Have Tea With Cthulhu?]]: Aunt May and Mary Jane have a tendency of being visited by Spidey's foes in civilian garb.
** Venom visited them both, although Mary Jane knew who and what he was and spent a long time terrified of him. He visited Aunt May as "a friend of Pete's".
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* [[Dramatic Dislocation]]: He once did this in order to put a ''dislocated jaw'' back into place after battling Hammerhead. Proportionate strength of a spider + metal garbage bin = ''ow''.
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: From her more recent depictions, you'd never guess that Gwen Stacy started out as [http://superdickery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=32&Itemid=50&limitstart=113 this] kind of character.
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sensational_Spider:The Sensational Spider-Man_%28volMan chr(28)vol._2% 2chr(29)#.22The_Last_Temptation_of_Eddie_Brock22The Last Temptation of Eddie Brock.22_22 .28Issues_3828Issues 38-39.29 |Eddie Brock is dying of cancer.]] [[Byronic Hero|Alone, and forgotten except as a remorseless monster to the public at large,]] [[Oh Crap|and the remnants of his old]] [[The Symbiote|"pal"]] [[Byronic Hero|are floating around in his head telling him]] [[Complete Monster|that he still has one chance at revenge]] [[Oh Crap|by killing a comatose May Parker or just disappearing off the world with nothing to show for it.]] Or he can just sit in his bed waiting to die [[Complete Monster|with Venom tormenting him until the end of his wasted life.]] [http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/3/31005/1080771-last_temptation_9_super.jpg Instead,] [[Take a Third Option|he]] [[Better to Die Than Be Killed|cuts himself trying to remove the remnants of Venom from his blood]] [[Crazy Awesome|and it works.]]
** Not quite. After Spider-Man saves him, he tells the remnants of the symbiote to shut up. After being exonerated for the crimes he committed as Venom, he met Mr. Li, who offered him a job. Eddie accepted, and when Mr. Li touched him, the remnants of [[The Symbiote]] were fused to his immune system, turning him into Anti-Venom.
* [[Egomaniac Hunter]]: Kraven the Hunter.
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* [[Phlegmings]]: Just about every time Venom or some other symbiote-based character appears.
* [[Pick On Someone Your Own Size]]: Most of the villains Spider-Man met when he was a teenager only developed a hatred for him after he kept getting in their way. One notable exception was the Green Goblin, who intended to make an impression on the New York mobs by capturing Spider-Man, who he thought would be an easy target. [[It Got Worse|It all went downhill from there]].
* [[Plot -Driven Breakdown]]: "I'm out of Web Fluid!"
* [[Popularity Power]]: How Spidey gets to beat the ''really'' tough villains and heroes.
* [[Post -Mortem Comeback]]: The entire robot-disguised-as-parents plan was set in motion by Harry Osborn (Green Goblin II) some time before his death. It gets even better because while Harry eventually forgave Spider-Man and moved on, the last time he was seen (prior to One More Day) was here, on a videotape he'd made, gloating over an enraged Spider-Man.
* [[Pro Wrestling Is Real]] / [[Pro Wrestling Episode]]: When Spider-Man first got his powers, he entered a wrestling tournament and beat a wrestler by the name of Crusher Hogan. Interestingly enough, Crusher came back years later, publicly stated that wrestling was fake, and that he [[Blatant Lies|purposefully threw the fight to Spidey.]]
* [[Psycho Electro]]: [[Trope Namer|Trope Namer?]]
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** Kaine still knows, being a clone of Spider-Man. The Jackal also knows, due to his cloning work. And {{spoiler|The Queen knows,}} since the Jackal is working for her.
* [[Shapeshifting Seducer]]: The Chameleon.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Probably the most of any Marvel character outside of [[Deadpool]], as Spider-Man's quippy nature and [[One of Us|slight geekiness]] makes these easy. It goes far enough that at one point when he shows up in ''[[Runaways]]'', and the characters begin to say "Look! It's--" he interrupts with "That's right... [[Catch Phrase|I'm]] [[Batman]]."
* [[Sick Episode]]: Quite a few over the years, invariably right before a major opponent shows up. Kraven the Hunter is a good example.
* [[Sky Surfing]]: The Hobgoblin and Green Goblin can do this with their respective Goblin Gliders.
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* [[Teeth Flying]]: Venom's teeth often go flying when Spider-Man gives him a beating. Not that it matters much, since they grow back in seconds.
* [[Thememobile]]: [[Deconstructed Trope]] with the Spider-Mobile, a vehicle that Spider-Man reluctantly endorsed in the early 1970s.
* [[Three -Point Landing]]: Spider Man likes this pose.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: "Kraven's Last Hunt" made Kraven a badass after several decades of being a loser villain. Similarly, Electro was given a major power increase in ''Amazing Spider-Man'' #425 to allow him Magneto-esque control over electromagnetic energies, Harry Osborn when he's [[Ax Crazy]], Roderick Kingsley when he became Hobgoblin.
** Since he came back, you could say that Harry is an example of this WITHOUT being [[Ax Crazy]].