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* [[Animal Motifs]]: Spidey and a fair portion of his [[Rogues Gallery]]. Sometimes [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]].
** Deliberately invoke in-universe with Scorpion, who received his powers and codename so he could hunt Spider-Man: in real life, scorpions prey on spiders.
* [[Animal -Themed Superbeing]]: See above.
* [[Animated Adaptation]]
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Subverted, in that whenever Peter DOES start behaving like an anti-hero, it means that he's on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
** When he was originally introduced, however, he fit the [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type]] [[This Loser Is You|I]] characterization fairly well. He hasn't changed all that much, but the world has; [[Seinfeld Is Unfunny|flaws and problems in a hero were big news when Spider-Man first put on his suit, but now they're expected of every character.]]
** Venom is more this trope played straight. He was initially introduced as a villain, but was shown to only harbor violent emotions towards Spider-Man, and actually fought crime on occasions when he wasn't hunting Spider-Man. He even got a spin-off comic that was all about his actions of taking down bad guys.
* [[Arachnid Appearance and Attire]]
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* [[Art Evolution]]: Spidey is almost never depicted as the original "boy in a Lucha costume" after [[Spawn|Todd McFarlane's]] run.
* [[Artistic License Physics]]: During the first Sinister Six fight, Spidey grounds himself to make himself immune to Electro's electricity blasts. This actually would make him much ''more vulnerable'' to them.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: [[Clothes Make the Superman|Flash Thompson is the current host of Venom,]] [[What Measure Is a Non -Human?|since S.H.I.E.L.D. decided that just the Venom symbiote EXISTING]] [[Sealed Evil in A Can|made him the greatest threat on Earth]].
* [[Author Avatar]]: [[Stan Lee]] has said that Spider-Man was something of this for him. He also created J. Jonah Jameson based on other peoples' view of him.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Carnage, Venom to an extent.
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{{quote| '''Cletus Kassidy:''' [[Never Say Die|I'd eat you for breakfast.]]<br />
'''Eddie Brock:''' [[Threat Backfire|Oh yeah,]] [[Regret Eating Me|well, I'd give you indigestion...]] [[Lame Comeback|man.]] }}
* [[Beam Me Up, Scotty]]: The infamous "With great power comes great responsibility" quote from one of the early issues is usually attributed to Uncle Ben. While it wasn't long before it was [[Retcon|retconned]] to be from him, the actual first appearance of the quote was in a narration box.
** Not only that, the exact quote is "with great power, there must also come great responsibility". Like ''[[The Lion King|matata hakuna]]'', this was likely changed so that it was more marketable as a motto.
** Not to mention it wasn't even a motto in the original comics until somewhere in the 1990's. It was just a phrase that appeared once, but, through the film, became so well-known that Peter has taken to quoting it.
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* [[Deceased Parents Are the Best]]: Peter's parents were agents of [[Nick Fury|S.H.I.E.L.D.]] and once saved [[Wolverine]]'s life.
* [[Determinator]]: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_Can_Stop_the_Juggernaut Nothing Can Stop The Juggernaut] [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|There's a reason that Scott McCloud, Brian Michael Bendis, and David Michelinie claim this as one of the best stories in the History of Comics, it was also one of the first comics admitted to The Library of Congress, and some of the original art panels sit in The Smithsonian.]]
* [[Did Mom Just Have Tea With Cthulhu?]]: Aunt May and Mary Jane have a tendency of being visited by Spidey's foes in civilian garb.
** Venom visited them both, although Mary Jane knew who and what he was and spent a long time terrified of him. He visited Aunt May as "a friend of Pete's".
** Norman Osborn did this a lot, obviously since he was one of the first villains to learn of Peter's secret identity.
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* [[Girl Next Door]]: Gwen Stacy, originally. [[Adaptation Distillation|Mary Jane, in all versions but the original.]]
** Actually Mary Jane was ''literally'' a girl next door in the original, as the niece of Aunt May's next-door neighbor. Gwen came from a totally different social background: her father was a respected elder citizen of New York who belonged to the same gentlemen's club as millionaires J. Jonah Jameson and Norman Osborn. Her boyfriend before Peter was Harry Osborn, prospective heir of the latter.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: The Sandman eventually decided to try and go straight. It worked for a while, until John Byrne decided to have him declare he was faking reformation (which pissed off fans so much, that [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw|Marvel had to rush out a back-up story declaring that Wizard had brainwashed Sandman back to being evil/claiming he faked redemption]].
** Eddie Brock did this, first as Venom and later as Anti-Venom.
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: Pete's love interests have varied quite a bit in hair color over the years, but the woman he eventually married and his most prominent love interest to date, was the redheaded Mary Jane. Until ''[[One More Day]]'' that is...
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* [[Keep the Home Fires Burning]]: Mary Jane gets this plot a lot, notably in the [http://spiderfan.org/comics/reviews/spiderman_web/031.html Kraven's Last Hunt] storyline.
* [[Knockout Gas]]: Enemies of Spider-Man have used it from time to time. Mysterio, Kraven, the Chameleon, the Hobgoblins, and [[Norman Osborn|Green Goblins]] are all culprits.
* [[Laser -Guided Karma]]: J. Jonah Jameson's poor treatment of Peter Parker and his financing attempts to capture/kill Spider-Man have repeatedly come back to haunt him.
* [[Let's You and Him Fight]]: Most new and old Marvel characters have fought Spidey at least once.
* [[Life Drinker]]: Morlun belongs to a race, the Ancients, that maintain immortality by draining life energy from people, especially people who are an animalistic totem.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: See "[[Darker and Edgier]]". The first notable example was when John Romita replaced Steve Ditko and Peter Parker's existence became less of a [[Crapsack World]] as a result.
* [[Lizard Folk]]: Well, The Lizard.
* [[Look Ma, No Plane]]: Spider-Man swings by helicopters all the time. In the game of the second movie, you end up chasing one... if you go too close to the rotors, exactly what you'd expect happens.
* [[Loser Protagonist]]: Part of the appeal is that, rather than being a millionare playboy or any other kind of extra-awesome person that other superheroes are, Peter's a normal guy that has to deal with the same mundane problems as anyone else.
** [[Super Loser]]
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* [[Master of Disguise]]: Chameleon, impersonating Spidey in ''the first issue''.
* [[Master of Illusion]]: Mysterio. He is even often referred to by this title.
* [[Money, Dear Boy]]: This is what Peter Parker first thought of using his spider-powers for, before it resulted in Uncle Ben's death. Even then, the first issue of his regular series features him attempting to join the Fantastic Four because he thinks the members get paid.
* [[Monster Modesty]]: Spidey has had several monstrous villains over the years. While some employ [[Nonhumans Lack Attributes]], we do get characters like [[Lizard Folk|The Lizard]] and [[Rodents of Unusual Size|Vermin]], two monster characters who have varying degrees of intelligence and enjoy running around in torn up pants (and a [[Badass Labcoat|lab coat]] in the Lizard's case).
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: When he recognizes the murderer of his uncle as the man he allowed to escape earlier.
* [[Never My Fault]]: A lot of folks blame poor Spidey for things they are to blame for themselves.
* [[New Tech Is Not Cheap]]: Twice with film and comicbook canons, with the expenses of web chemicals and the films' plot-related illegal fusion research spurring on crime.
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* [[Ordinary High School Student]]
* [[Outdated Outfit]]: Mary Jane for one, but the early [[Steve Ditko]]-drawn issues are especially bad for this. Seeing almost all the adult men wearing fedoras, teenage boys wearing bow ties, and girls wearing long skirts is especially jarring by today's standards.
* [[Painted -On Pants]]: Mary Jane usually wears these. So does the Black Cat, both in and out of costume.
* [[Pair the Spares]]: It's fairly common for supporting cast members to get bounced around like this. Harry Osborne used to date Mary Jane, but ended up marrying Peter's high school love interest Liz Allen after she hooked up with Peter. Similarly, Flash Thompson has dated Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, Black Cat, Liz Allen, and Betty Brant, though only Betty and the Black Cat were exes at the time..
* [[Perpetual Tourist]]: In one story, Mysterio's ultimate goal when he takes over the Maggia is to grab as much money as he can, and "buy an island in the tropics where I can sit under palm trees and drink things out of coconuts".
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* [[Sky Surfing]]: The Hobgoblin and Green Goblin can do this with their respective Goblin Gliders.
* [[Slave Mooks]]: In Web of Shadows, the symbiotes.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: If it weren't for the fact that [[The Mary Tyler Moore Show|Mr. Ted Baxter]] (the former [[Trope Namer]]) came first, the trope might as well have been called "The Jonah Jameson".
** [[Older Than They Think|He did?]]<ref>''The Mary Tyler Moore Show'' premiered in 1970; J. Jonah Jameson first appeared in ''Amazing Spider-Man #1'' in 1963.</ref>
* [[Spider Limbs]]
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* [[Useless Spleen]]: In the novel ''The Venom Factor'', Venom states that when he finds whoever is responsible for the murders (that Venom is being wrongly accused of) he will eat his spleen. Spider-Man comments that this is an odd choice of organ to target and that Venom likely doesn't even know where someone's spleen is.
* [[Villain Takes an Interest]]: The Green Goblin, especially since he's disappointed in the offspring.
* [[Wake Up, Go to School, Save The World]]
* [[Walking Wasteland]]: Carrion and Styx.
* [[Wall Crawl]]
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