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In some circles, this is erroneously called "Ebert's Law", named after the famous film critic [[Roger Ebert]]. This is not an actual trope about his version of Ebert's law, which is "It's not what a movie's about, but how it's about it."
"Those who can, do; those who can't, criticize," is also a common variant. Compare [[Don't Like, Don't Read]], when this trope is applied to [[Fanfic]]. Also compare [[He Panned It, Now He Sucks]].
A specific case, where [[Let's See You Do Better]] can be applied with impunity is when the critic claims "Everyone can do better" or something to the tune, directly claiming a group they could belong in, indeed can do better.
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== Literature ==
* [[Chuck Palahniuk]] once [http://dir.salon.com/story/books/letters/2003/08/26/chuck/index.html responded] to a review like this.
* The ''[[Star Wars]]'' [[Expanded Universe]] author Karen Traviss generally has this reaction whenever readers point out some of the inherent silliness of her work, such as [[Sci -Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale|her ridiculously low estimate of the number of clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic.]] [[Serious Business|Then again, people have flat out threatened her over this.]] [[Word of God|Even though she repeatedly claimed she got her figures from her bosses.]] [[All There in the Manual|For numbers that first appeared in the]] ''[[Attack of the Clones]]'' [[All There in the Manual|Movie Novelization]]. [[Scapegoat Creator|So she was taking flak for figures that predated her by several years in a tier of canon her critics ignorantly claimed she had no right to alter, not realizing that said claims undermined their own positions.]] Seriously, the whole thing is one massive messed up piece of idiocy.
* [[Doctor Who Expanded Universe]] novelist Keith Topping, responding to critics on the [[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]] [[UseNet]] groups:
{{quote| Just one tiny question? What's are the titles of either of you guy's novels again? Just so, you know, I can specifically look out for them in the shops and use the stunning quality writing therein to put right all the numerous things I'm so obviously doing wrong. }}
* [[Inverted Trope]] by John Updike, both a prolific author and a prolific critic, who was fond of saying that all writers should write criticism once in a while just to remind themselves of how hard it is.
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[[Category:Lets See You Do Better]]
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