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Jet Moto: Difference between revisions

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* [[Autobots Rock Out]]: The only kind of music you came across in the first game.
* [[Circus of Fear]]: Rollercide from JM2
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: The only penalty for riding over lava in Meltdown is that it will nudge you along the flow a bit.
* [[Cool Bike]]: The Jet Motos themselves.
* [[Cut and Paste Environments]]: The first installment of Jet Moto had three beach themed stages, three swamp themed stages and three snow themed stages. And Nightmare.
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* [[Sdrawkcab Name]]: Ytic Tsol, Uhccip Uhcam, and Krapyks are later tracks in ''3''. Bonus points for being reversed versions of the tracks they take their names from.
* [[Self-Imposed Challenge]]: Just TRY Cliffdiver with a character with low turning stats, like Blackjack or Mace... Then try it [[Up to Eleven|without using grapples on Master difficulty]].
* [[Slippy -Slidey Ice World]]: All the games have at least one:
** Ice Crusher, Snow Blind, and Willpower in the first.
** Arctic Blast and Mach Schnell in the second.
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[[Category:Jet Moto]]
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