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Albedo: Erma Felna EDF: Difference between revisions

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* [[AI Is a Crapshoot]]: The computers, collectively called the Net, are initially artificially intelligent to a degree and work strictly subordinate to the organics. Eventually, the overall personality, installed long ago by the furry civilizations' {{spoiler|human creators}}, starts asserting itself subtly, setting up a political movement with Erma invited on board. Eventually, after Tavas and his cronies stage their coup, the Net eventually goes public with ''both'' the EDF and ILR. In doing so, it declares that it will be taking a more active role in political and military affairs, albeit as simply an equal participant with the established authorities in the interest of their survival and their own laws. Furthermore, the only way it can be removed would be for the furries to completely gut their computer control and communications systems, so they are basically struck with it.
* [[All There in the Manual]] - There's lots of supplementary material and facts unexplained in the comic books covered in side-stories published in different anthologies and series besides Albedo and also many of the backgrounds stories of the EDF, ILR and Enchawah Corp. are explained in the Albedo [[Tabletop Games]] published in the 80s and the 2000s reprint.
** The ''Refractions'' anthology is a very interesting case: It's the only ([[Flip -Flop of God|mostly]]) official source with three side-stories dealing with the Creators {{spoiler|(aka humans) and how they created the species in first place}}.
* [[Alternative Calendar]] - SD (Standard Date). In the [[All There in the Manual|"Refractions" anthology]] it's revealed {{spoiler|that the whole history take place [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future|in early or in the middle of the 21th century]].}}
* [[Animal Jingoism]] - One of the main themes of the series.
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* [[Master Race]] - The Lepines (rabbits) from the ILR are ''bloody serious'' about being the rulers of all species.
* [[Mature Animal Story]]
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]] - Averted HARD. According to [[Word of God|Steven A. Gallacci]], people can only breed (and having viable offspring) with other people of the same species (felines with felines, rodents with rodents, etc.) This doesn't prevent Toki to having sex [[Lovable Sex Maniac|with every good-looking guy in the universe, regardless their species.]]
* [[A Nazi By Any Other Name]] - The ILR is ''[[Putting On the Reich|The Third Reich]]'' [[X Meets Y|meets]] [[Eagle Land]] Type II <small>IN SPACE!</small> <small>AND WITH RABBITS!</small>
* [[Ojou]] - Erma is a ''military'' example. Her mother is a more classical example.
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