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* [[Berserk Button]]: A [[Sociopathic Soldier|sociopathic Ciro soldier]] successfully triggers this on Achaius. "''How about this. After we poison them, I'll let you bury their dead bodies.''", uttered the Soldier, referring to the entire population of Leeble Village... no surprise he got a kick on the ass.
* [[Beta Test]]: The demo also serves as an open beta. If you find glitches, you are [http://www.supershigi.com/forums/index.php?board=3.0 welcome to report them] to Laura.
* [[But Thou Must!]]: Several conversations offer you only one option to progress. The other option either does nothing (which is good if you'd like to stay and explore without making progress) or makes the character repeat some of their previous sentences.
* [[Catfolk]]: Leebles: cat-like, small, cute, sentient, talking creatures - with wings!
* [[Changing Clothes Is a Free Action]]: You are free to change your clothes, though you won't see any change on your characters, for they don't have various sprites for various clothes. Still you can see what are your characters wearing in the "''Equip''" menu.
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** There is an inn, where a woman suggests you to go out and [[Animate Inanimate Object|talk to a wooden sign]] ([[Everything Talks|which again, works!]]) and sleep there. After you did so, just go back to the inn, and the woman will continue to suggest you the same, despite it's already morning.
* [[Pirates]]: Hawk and {{spoiler|Andy}}.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Likely that the plant-loving zombie is inspired by [[Plants vs. Zombies (Video Game)|Plants vs. Zombies]]. Easily possible, considering the relationship of their creators...
* [[Sociopathic Soldier]]:
** The Ciro soldiers who camped next to Leeble Village.
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