Reclusive Artist: Difference between revisions

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* Jeff Mangum, singer/songwriter for the legendary indie rock band [[Neutral Milk Hotel]], who has only made sporadic appearances as recently as 2008, when out of nowhere he began making regular concert appearances.
* French Avant-Garde Black Metal band Deathspell Omega are highly secretive, few photos of the members exist and more notably, it is not known who are all the members in the band.
* Ukrainian Black Metal band Drudkh refuse to have a proper public image. Only guitarist Roman Saenko has ever shown his face, and the band has never conducted personal interviews or preformed live, despite being one of the most respected names in modern {{[[Black Metal}}]].
* A lot of underground black metal bands tend to be like this. They refuse to give interviews and they refuse to have their pictures taken. Most use pseudonyms, and a small few don't even use names at all.
* [[Emily Dickinson]], a unique case in that eventually she rarely ever left her ''room'', but she still had an active social life and close friends. It was even said she sent down baskets of treats for her children friends with a rope.