The War Gods: Difference between revisions

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The War Gods Series by [[David Weber]], aka the ''[[Bahzell]]'' series. [[Heroic Fantasy]] focusing on Bahzell, Son of the Prince of Hurgrum, member of the Horsestealer Hradani. Set in a world some 1,200 years after the fall of the Empire of Ottovar, the largest empire ever known by the races of man. The Empire fell due to a conspiracy of Dark Wizards who allied themselves with cults of dark gods and caused a multigeneration war that ended in a stalemate. All but one of the White Wizards died or went insane by casting the Strafing across the former empire in order to give a chance for refugee fleets to get more people out of the few ports they still controlled. Now the refugees who escaped to Norfressa have rebuilt and expanded across much of the continent.
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* ''[ The War God's Own]''
* ''[ Wind Rider's Oath]''
* ''[[[[Missionof Honor CDMissionofHonorCD/Missionof Honor CD|Missionof Honor CD]]MissionofHonorCD/Oath<!-- 20of20Swords%20of%20Swords/1416520864__39.htm Sword Brother]]'' a novella -->
* ''[ War Maid's Choice]'' Forthcoming 2012.
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* [[Like Brother and Sister]]: Bahzell and Kaeritha. Extends to all Champions of Tomanak but Bahzell and Kerry work together more than most.
* [[Living Relic]]: Wencit of Rum, who was there when the Empire of Ottovar fell, and still remembers it fondly, if sorrowfully.
* [[Medieval Stasis]]: The series strives to avoid this at all costs. The Author has said as much as he's tired of fantasy novels being written as luddite sounding. The Empire of Ottovar used Magitek, powered by thousands of Wizards, with most people of noble blood being noble because they were wizards (Emperor Ottovar being the greatest wizard of all time). The Magitek was very advanced, but the Empire was limited to only the continent of Kontovar due to the Dragons forbidding Wizards from colonizing Norfressa after the original Wizard War that founded the Empire. There was gradual advancement, the Warlocks and Witches became the elves, and much research was done (including [[Time Travel]]!). After the empire fell, people started trying to rebuild without wizardry, and now the Dwarves are at the cusp of the industrial revolution with [http://en.[ converter|Bessemer converters]] and shock absorbers, but still no steam engines or gunpowder.
* [[Nay Theist]]: Gods manifest and choose champions all the time, with almost two dozen champions of the God of Justice running around. The Hradani haven't had a single champion since the end of the last wizard war made the entire race into Nay Theists. It's so ingrained that most of the first book is the main character, Bahzell Bahnakson, running from clerics, wizards, and the Gods Themselves rather than being talked into being their champion.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: ''The Lay of Bahzell Bloody-Hand''. Mentioned, discussed, and mocked several times, but never explicitly told. Character reactions to it range from amused to infuriated and disgusted.
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