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* [[Bond Creatures]]: Coursers.
* [[Bureaucratically Arranged Marriage]]: The King of the Sothoii has the power to force marriages in cases of nobles who don't have a male heir. It's seen as a last resort, admittedly hard on only-daughters, but worth it in order to insure that the Kingdom isn't destabilized by having important lands and titles fall into dispute.
* [[Can't Argue Withwith Elves]]: Half-Elves have that cultural posturing, but averted by actual elves who are mostly depressed.
* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]: Early on, Bahzell tries very hard to pretend he doesn't have this problem.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Trisu, surprising everyone in the room.
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* [[Cool Horse]]: Sothoii warhorses and their big cousins Coursers.
* [[Son of a Whore|Daughter Of A Whore]]: Kaeritha's mother was forced into prostitution when her husband died; Kaeritha deeply regrets not being more understanding about this at the time.
* [[Desperately Looking for Aa Purpose In Life]]: Brandark. After being (gently) let down by the Goddess of Music he is told that another of the Gods of Light has a plan for him, but which one has yet to be revealed, leaving Brandark at loose ends.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: A key component of the War Maid fighting style. Also Kaeritha
* [[Dying Moment of Awesome]]: {{spoiler|Vaijon sacrifices himself to take down a Devil single-handed in hand-hand combat.}} To put that into perspective, it took the unique fusion of powers between Bahzell and his [[Sapient Steed|Courser co-champion]] Walsharno to take down the other two, the first with an [[Cast From Hit Points|enhanced]] bow-shot.
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* [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome]]: In ''[[The War Gods|Oath of Swords]]'', while the narrator is watching Bahzell busy fighting {{spoiler|Harnak}} as {{spoiler|champion of Tomanak to Harnak's champion of Sharna}}, Brandark is caught in a melee against four hradani simultaneously -- and kills three of the four before going down.
* [[Our Elves Are Better]]: The first elves were known as warlocks, who functioned something like sorcerers from [[Dungeons and Dragons]]. Their magic was ingrained and inheritable, but not as powerful as wizards'. The problems of natural magic-users just cropping up and the fact too many of them could get corrupted by the Dark Gods meant they'd be a long term problem, so Ottovar came up with a spell that converted their use of the natural magical field into life extension. In short, they gave up magic for immortality. As a consequence of this some of the elves have been around for the the entire rise and fall of the Empire of Ottovar and are suffering post-traumatic stress disorder from their losses during the fall to explain their withdrawal from the world.
** The Half Elves though, are fully in the realm of [[Screw You, Elves]].
** Hradani might qualify as a form of either Dark Elves or Orcs depending on your view. Tall, pointy ears, beautiful, but very well built as opposed to slender. Before the Rage they were considered the most stable of races.
* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]: It's genetic, and they have a psychic/magical gift for working stone, and are integrated in the human kingdoms.
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* [[Royal Brat]]: Vaijon is more disciplined than the general run of these, but he still has a lot of their more unfortunate qualities before Bahzell beats them out of him. Literally.
* [[Sapient Steed]]: Coursers bond with specific riders and are counted as citizens with their intelligence. They can talk telepathically with their bonded riders and Magi. Tend to be rather on the [[Deadpan Snarker|snarky]] side.
* [[Screw You, Elves]]: Half-Elves have most of the stereotype of Elvish behavior, to the point that they run a racist state based on Elven Blood purity. They are also mocked and shunned for this, as most other countries can't stand them. They refer to themselves as the "Purple Lords".
* [[Square Race Round Class]]: Bahzell, basically an Orc Paladin.
* [[Summon to Hand]]: Bahzell's sword, after Tomanak makes him a champion. {{spoiler|Also Vaijon's in his final battle.}}
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* [[Witch Species]]: The elves were this prior to the foundation of the old empire of Ottovar. When Ottovar won the wizard wars he rerouted their power. Before this they were useful as magical support. Their power was innate and cast at will, something like the mages but with no training needed.
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]: The elves. In the modern setting, all elves pretty much have PTSD due to living through the Fall of Kontovar. Even back during the days of the Empire of Ottovar, Wencit thinks the elves made a poor choice in trading their magic for immortality, because it gave them all of eternity to reflect on what they had lost.
* [[Word of God]]: there's plenty, this is [[David Weber]]'s private [[Tabletop RPG]]. Been on the back burner due to poor sales compared to the Best Selling ''[[Honor Harrington (Literature)|Honor Harrington]]'' or ''[[Safehold]]'' series, so [[David Weber]] has said quite a lot.
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