The Online Warrior: Difference between revisions

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* [[Abusive Parents]]: Wesker is as close as it can get to this regarding his treatment of Nemesis. Including [[Disproportionate Retribution|beating up on him for damaging his expensive sunglasses]]
* [[Actor Allusion]]: Sort of. Max gets a lot that he looks a little like [[Nicolas Cage]] so in Ultimate Assist Me featuring [[Ghosts and Goblins|Firebrand]] and [[Ghost Rider]] Max transforms into the latter who was played by Cage.
** This taken another step further when Doom, Max and Phoenix start watching [[B-Movie|B-movies]] starting with X-men 3 which features Phoenix. Max takes the remote and puts on the [[Fantastic Four]] movie, prompting Doom to switch the channel yet again to show the bunny line from [[Con Air]], Not the Bees! from the remake of [[The Wicker Man]], and I'm a Vampire from [[VampiresVampire's Kiss]]. Max looks like he just wants to crawl into a hole.
** When one of the lighting crew members sits down on the couch Doom shouts hey it's Larry as the crew member played one of [[Resident Evil|Chris']] companions in Assist Me featuring Chris Redfield
{{quote| '''Max:''' I got nothing.<br />
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* [[April Fools' Day]]: Max posted a video, as a follow up a similar video that wasn't even done on the day itself, where he [[Troll|trolls his subscribers]] into believing that you can get the voiceovers of Wesker, Doom, and Deadpool from ''Assist Me'' onto the [[Marvel vs. Capcom 3]] disc. Even funnier is Max treats this as [[Creator Backlash|absolutely horrible]].
* [[Ascended Meme]]: Often imported into the Assist me segments
* [[Atomic F-Bomb]]: [[Curse Cut Short|Though it's cut short]], Doom drops this when [[X -Men|Phoenix]] 1ups him when they're comparing their credentials.
* [[Audience Surrogate]]: Doom says what's pretty much on every fanboy's mind during the Deadpool video at the start:
{{quote| '''Max:''' Chill out, man.<br />
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* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: In Wesker's ''Assist Me'', he shoots a member of Max's lighting crew. It's [[No Fourth Wall|all over the place]] when Max does an episode with [[Deadpool|the Merc With the Mouth]].
** Doom calls Rocket Raccoon a puppet--[[Aside Glance|he and Max look at the screen]]--for Galactus. Due to the character's dimunitive size he actually is played using a hand puppet voiced by the same man who does Wesker, as shown in the outtakes.
** In part 2 featuring [[X -Men|Phoenix]], the mutant tells Doom that his innermost desire is [[Dirty Old Man|to see her and X-23 naked]]. Cue a cut from the crew that shoots the series psyched that they're about to shoot a naked chick scene only for Max to reveal he cut that part out [[NSFW|for good reasons]].
* [[Brick Joke]]: Deadpool uses his teleport belt twice in the first video. As [[Mythology Gag|expected it explodes catastrophically when he tries to use it a 3rd time]]. He does it at the end of the third video when {{spoiler|1=trying to kill Max to get money from MODOK, only to be tricked by Wesker into checking his slacks because his belt buckle was coming undone}}. Deadpool's face when he realizes the belt is about to go boom says it all.
** In the rap battle between Doom and Wesker, Wesker raps that he killed [[Mega Man (Videovideo Gamegame)|Mega Man]] because [[Cut Lex Luthor a Check|he didn't cut him a check]]. This is referenced when [[Deadpool]] shoots and kills two Mega Man fanboys who want the Blue Bomber in the game. [[Chekhov's Boomerang|The two fanboys also end up as part of the]] [[Zombie Apocalypse]] [[Chekhov's Boomerang|below]].
* [[But for Me It Was Tuesday]]: Wesker utilizes this whenever he activates his [[April Fools' Day|replaced voiceover]] Level 3.
* [[But Now I Must Go]]: [[Strider]] does this at the end of ''Ultimate Assist Me'' featuring him and Hawkeye.
* [[Call Back]]: Max turning into [[Ghost Rider]] in ''Ultimate Assist Me'' is brought up again in Deadpool's ''Assist Me''.
** When playing [[Skullgirls]], Max says "I'll carve my own Steak" which is something he said when using [[Soul Series|Patrokolos']] [[Limit Break|Critical Edge]]
** [[Ace Attorney (Visual Novel)|Phoenix Wright]] saves Doom in court through the use of diplomatic immunity ([[Mythology Gag|which usually saved Doom in the comics]]). Doom uses this as a technicality when he thinks Chris and his friends have shown up to arrest him for [[Noodle Incident|possible statutory rape that may or may not have involved aliens]].
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Doom originally thinks the [[Zombie Apocalypse]] is a Halloween gimmick. Max reminds Doom it's the middle of March. Doom begins counting the months and then:
{{quote| '''Doom:''' Max! It's not Halloween!<br />
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* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: Doom [[Reality Warper|snaps]] Wesker inside the TV after the ''Ultimate Assist Me'' featuring Nemesis and Doctor Strange (granted, this was so Nemesis [[Brick Joke|could get some payback for Wesker's earlier abuse)]]. {{spoiler|Max has Doom let him out after Wesker saves them from [[Deadpool]]}}
* [[Cosplay]]: This is how the ''Assist Me'' videos are done featuring the other characters.
* [[Courtroom Episode]]: ''Assist Me'' featuring [[Ace Attorney (Visual Novel)|Phoenix Wright]] and Iron Fist has [[Dr. Doom|Doom]] on the witness stand for his crimes against humanity. {{spoiler|Phoenix saves him through the use of diplomatic immunity and then foots Doom the bill}}.
* [[Curse Cut Short]]: Doom at the end of Ultimate Assist Me featuring [[Ace Attorney (Visual Novel)|Phoenix Wright]] and Iron Fist for charging him $52,000 in lawyer fees.
{{quote| '''Doom:''' That double crossing son of a--}}
** Happens again with Rocket Raccoon:
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{{quote| '''Wesker:''' This is what you get, Nemesis, for damaging my five-hundred dollar sunglasses. '''THEY'RE ITALIAN!'''}}
* [["Everybody Laughs" Ending]]: This looks like how ''Assist Me'' featuring Deadpool is going to end, but it is [[Mood Whiplash|quickly subverted]].
* [[Fan Disservice]]: Doom trying to show Max and [[X-Men|Phoenix]] his [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Cutie Mark]]. Thankfully Max stops him.
* [[Funny Background Event]]: While Max is concentrating on beating Galactus at the end of ''Ultimate Assist Me'', Doom is having a battle with Rocket Raccoon.
** Max frequently lampshades the ones that occur when he plays [[Skullgirls]].
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* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]: Wesker starts living with Max and tries to be a nicer guy after the incident with [[Deadpool]]}}.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: Max tries to cover a new weapon for ''[[Modern Warfare|Modern Warfare 3]]'' only for Doom to cut in and tell max to stop camping. Eventually Max hands Doom the controller and tells him to show him what's not camping. Guess what's the first thing Doom does?
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Max calling Super Skrull's [[Playing Withwith Fire|Inferno]] attack "hot" in a recent video of ''The Online Warrior''.
* [[Ironic Echo]]: When trying Doom's [[Bland-Name Product|Doomequis]], Max and Deadpool both say it tastes "like raw-ass butt". At the end of the tutorial [[spoiler:where Deadpool's teleport belt explodes and Max has cuts and scrapes all over him. Doom [[Squick|swipes his finger on Max's cheek thinking it's]] [[Trademark Favorite Food|yogurt]] and says it tastes exactly the same as they thought of his Doomequis.
** Then again, considering {{spoiler|it was a piece of Deadpool, [[Squickit|may very well have been exactly that.]]}}
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* [[Mirror Match]]: Discussed.
* [[Never Found the Body]]: After Wesker's first defeat, this is how Max and Doom realize that Wesker's still at large.
* [[Pals Withwith Jesus]]: Max has [[Doctor Doom]] for a roommate. {{spoiler|And later Wesker, who is replaced by}} Phoenix...until both Max and Doom realize who she is.
* [[Pass the Popcorn]]: Doom when Max and Wesker duke it out during ''Assist Me''.
* [[Power Echoes]]: Phoenix when she goes Dark Phoenix on Max and Doom
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* [[Secret Handshake]]: Doom and Max have one called the Doom Fist.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Max knows a lot about the fighting community and how to play fighting games. He would also never be able to do those character breakdowns if he didn't do his research first.
* [[Shout-Out]]: The end of Vanilla [[Marvel vs. Capcom 3]] ''The Online Warrior'' episode 7 plays the fanfare from ''[[Back to Thethe Future (Filmfilm)|Back to The Future]]'' with Doom coming in like Marty at the end of the second movie. The segment serves as tie in to the next episode, which has ''Assist Me'' featuring Wesker.
** In ''Assist Me'' featuring X-23 she calls Doom [[Married... Withwith Children|Al Bundy]] in the green tunic.
** Doom says that he is [[Star Wars|Han Solo and Wesker is his Wookie bitch]].
** Doom and Wesker's rap battle mentions [[The Matrix]].
** Doom cracks a joke comparing [[Guardians of the Galaxy|Rocket Raccoon]] to [[Star Fox]]. The rodent sarcastically calls that "[[Never Heard That One Before|real original]]" and asks if he wants to make a [[Pocahontas (Disney)|Pocahontas]] joke next.
** Max makes [[The Princess Bride|Inigo Montoya]] in Soul Calibur V's Create-a-Character mode. [[Hilarity Ensues|A fan has promised to make a Count Rugen character to meet him in battle]].
** Doom says not to make sudden movements during the [[Zombie Apocalypse]] because their visual acuity is based on movement. Even Max knows this is from [[Jurassic Park]].
** [[Fan Disservice|Doom attempts to show]] Max and [[X-Men (Franchise)|Phoenix]] his [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Cutie Mark]]
* [[Take That Us]]: During ''Assist Me'' featuring Jill, there is commentary about how horrible the original ''[[Resident Evil]]'' was, with terrible lookalike performers, horrible actors, and extremely cheesy voiceovers. [[Aside Glance|The group then slowly turn their heads to stare straight ahead at the camera]].
* [[Talking to Himself]]: And this is despite the fact that anyone who plays a character has to be in costume. Wesker and Deadpool are played by the same person. At the end of Deadpool's ''Assist Me'', Wesker, [[It Makes Sense in Context|inside the TV]] tells Deadpool that his belt buckle is coming undone.