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A very common subtrope is to have the Evil Prince as ''[[Cain and Abel|brother]]'' to the king, who tends to be his [[The Good King|polar opposite]] and utterly oblivious to [[Devil in Plain Sight|his brother's true nature]]. This is usually pretty bad news for the children of the king, as Evil Princes traditionally make [[Evil Uncle|rather poor uncles]].
For some reason there seems to be very few Evil Princesses, perhaps because of [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses|the very strong influence of FairyTale (and]] [[Disney Animated Canon|Disney)]] [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses|heroines.]] Or more prosaically, because some princesses are simply not in line to inherit the throne, no matter who may meet with an unfortunate accident. The rare princess who does ascend to the throne in this way will invariably fall into [[God Save Us From the Queen]]
The main basis of this belief is that because a ruler is illegitimate, they are automatically evil and that the only "good ruler" is a legitimate one. People tend to forget that a legitimate prince is more likely to be [[Royal Brat|spoiled and grow up uncaring for the plight of others]] or [[A God Am I|grow up believing themselves to be one step away from God]]. The fact that [[The Caligula|a certain psychopathic Roman emperor was LEGITIMATELY given the throne]] really undercuts the idea that legitimate monarchs really are "better". Or perhaps the main point of the assumption is simply the belief that almost any law is better than [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]. Or that someone who cheerfully disposes of their brothers and/or father is unlikely to rule with kindness.
This is at least [[Older Than Print]], stretching back to [[King Arthur|Mordred]] and seen as recently as ''[[Stardust (Filmfilm)|Stardust]]''.
See also [[Aristocrats Are Evil]], [[The Baroness]], [[Evil Uncle]], and [[Evil Chancellor]].
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== Anime & Manga ==
* From [[DragonballDragon Ball]], we have Vegeta, who is nicknamed {{spoiler|the Dark Prince, specifically after his [[Face Heel Turn]]}}.
* Tsukuyomi from ''[[Mugen Densetsu Takamagahara]] [[Dream Saga]]'' refuses to allow Amaterasu to awaken because her current incarnation, his sister, would quash his pollution-and-repression-happy regime in an instant. {{spoiler|Actually, she'd do [[The End of the World Asas We Know It|a lot more than that]]}}.
* Most all of the princes in ''[[Code Geass]]'' are manipulative mass murderers raised by [[The Empire|the Holy Britannian Empire's]] Darwinistic ideals to scheme and fight against each other for the throne... with the exception of the mellow 1st Prince Odysseus, AKA [[Fan Nickname|Prince Valium]]. {{spoiler|Schneizel}} is the prince that tries to overthrow his father and take the throne. {{spoiler|Lelouch}} is the one that succeeds, though he did it for {{spoiler|revenge rather than the throne}}. And to {{spoiler|save the world}}, but that's besides the point. And he ''did'' {{spoiler|take the throne afterwards}}, but that was completely unrelated.
* The original ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam]]'' has two: Gihren Zabi, who is more properly the son of the [[Evil Chancellor]] but {{spoiler|kills his father (with a [[Wave Motion Gun]], no less) in order to seize power}}, and Char Aznable himself. Char is arguably not ''quite'' evil; he's just trying to {{spoiler|avenge his father by killing the [[Evil Chancellor]] and ''his entire family''}}...
** Kycilia Zabi had no objections to {{spoiler|1=assassinating her older brother in mid-battle and taking control of Zeon, but this was mostly in revenge for the aforementioned [[Wave Motion Gun|Wave Motion Gunning]] of their father. [ Then Char decapitates her with a bazooka]}}. The whole series was...very messy for the Zabi family.
* Ukyo from ''[[Samurai Seven7]]'' kills {{spoiler|the emperor, who he is a clone of}} in order to inherit the throne ''sooner'', although {{spoiler|it's implied he is the last remaining clone of the Emperor (who is hooked up to a life support system), so he probably wouldn't have had to wait that long}}. He also caused his adoptive father's demotion in order to take his place.
** He wasn't the last possible heir. He found some of the others and made them act as [[Body Double|body doubles]]. He was the only one to ever be publicly acknowledged as heir instead of being executed as unsuitable, however.
* Almost everyone in ''Adarushan no Hanayome'' assumes main character Alexid to be one of these. He's called the "Black Demon" for his apparent savagery in battle, he consistently wears dark clothing, and {{spoiler|his mother was a commoner}}. {{spoiler|Even his ''mentor, who raised him,'' believed Alexid harbored resentment towards his older brother the king and harbored ambitions to take the throne. This culminated in his mentor trying to kill him.}} The truth is the complete opposite. Alexid truly loves his brother and is actually ''terrified'' by the prospect of taking over the throne since he doesn't have the same knack for ruling a country.
* [[The Five Star Stories]] has FEMC GL IIII Amaterasu dis Greens OOE Ikaruga, better known as Sarion. While he's a pretty minor character, he still fits this trope as a glove. [[Ax Crazy]]? Check. [[Self-Made Orphan|Made himself an orphan]] just [[For the Evulz]]? Check. [[Kick the Dog|Gleefully permitted]] his underlings to rape and pillage ''their own nation'' during his rebellion? Check. [[Complete Monster|Rebelled]] ''[[Complete Monster|after]]'' his royal cousin the protagonist commuted his death sentence (due to aforementioned orphaning) to life imprisonment because [[Fantastic Racism|a lowly fatima]] was [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses|made a princess]] and [[Ambition Is Evil|placed higher than him]] in a succession? A tick mark the size of a Float Temple.
** And for the kicker he's still one of AKD's [[Karma Houdini|premiere knights]], commanding a sizable detachment of the Royal Guard, First Easter Mirage Corps Green Left Wing, consisting of heroic sociopaths just like him. In fact, his current princely title was given him ''after'' that story with the rebellion. He's just that useful.
* Xanxus of ''[[Katekyo Hitman Reborn]]''. Subverted because he's {{spoiler|adopted so he couldn't be the next boss of the Vongola after all}}. And also Belphegor. {{spoiler|His brother Rasiel is supposed to be the next king. Belphegor killed him because of this. In the Future Arc Rasiel shows up alive and reveals that he is just as evil, that he was also planning to assassinate Belphegor and that they tried their plans on the same day}}.
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* ''[[Classic Disney Shorts|Mickey Mouse and the World to Come]]'' has Nikolai of Illustania, who took charge of the kingdom when his father became old and ill and decided to ruin the [[Ghibli Hills|pristine landscape]] with industry as well as assist international criminal the Rhyming Man in a scheme to literally change the face of the globe.
* Bron from ''Scion'' began this way {{spoiler|before killing his father and becoming king himself}}.
* According to two 1940s comic stories, [[Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|Queen Grimhilde]] had one of these for a brother.
* In ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]'', Blackfire is first in line to inherit the position as Queen, but the fact that she was born without the superpowers that are common on her planet make her seem weak, so her younger sister Starfire becomes first in line. This does not sit well with Blackfire, who then [[Complete Monster|sells her into slavery]] to get rid of her.
* The Yellow Bastard from ''[[Sin City]]'' fits this trope [[Up to Eleven|and then some]]. As the son of a sadistic senator and heir to the most powerful (and evil) family in the country, he has carte-blanche to do whatever he likes. [[Squick|It includes preying on children.]]
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== Films ==
* Prince Yu, from ''[[Curse of the Golden Flower (Film)|Curse of the Golden Flower]]''.
* Prince Leopold from ''[[The Illusionist (Filmfilm)|The Illusionist]]'', who is based on Prince Rudolph of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Prince Rudolph committed a murder-suicide in his hunting lodge; his body was found with a number of bullets in it indicating that there was a palace cover-up and that [[The Coroner Doth Protest Too Much]]. Given that, after his death, Franz Ferdinand became heir, things might have turned out ''better'' had Rudolph gained the throne.
* Louis Mazzini, (eventually) Duke of Chalfont, the cheerfully amoral [[Villain Protagonist|'hero']] of ''[[Kind Hearts and Coronets]]''.
* Commodus, from ''[[Gladiator (Filmfilm)|Gladiator]]'', though he had something of an excuse--his father, rather than passing on emperorship to him, as had become commonplace (at least in the world of the movie--in Imperial Rome, it was relatively common for an Emperor to choose an adoptive heir as opposed to a blood one; look at Julius, Augustus and Marcus Aurelius himself), was going to give it to Maximus, who in turn was going to use it to put power back into the hands of the Senate and restore the Republic.
* ''[[Robo CopRoboCop]]'' makes a modern-day [[Evil Prince]] out of the [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]].
* Lord Rathbone from ''[[Shanghai Noon|Shanghai Knights]]''.
* ''[[The Madness of King George (Film)|The Madness of King George]]'' portrays George III's son, The Prince of Wales, in this manner. Whether or not it's [[Truth in Television]] is debatable.
* Prince Nuada in ''[[Hellboy II]]: The Golden Army''. He has the sympathetic aspect of fighting for his realm's survival, but his tactics are ''so'' extreme that ''everybody'' argues against him.
* Prince Nizam from ''[[Prince of Persia: theThe Sands of Time (Film)|Prince of Persia the Sands of Time]]'' although he's never called by this title, since [[Viewers are Morons|the audience could confuse him with the good guy]].
* ''[[Stardust (Filmfilm)|Stardust]]'' has a bunch of evil princes; most notably [[Mark Strong|Septimus]]. Well, should we call them evil, when it is in fact tradition to kill off their brothers?
* Subverted in ''[[Thor]]''. Loki shows all signs of being the evil prince, who wants his brother and father out of the way so that he can have the throne except for one thing..... he doesn't want the throne. He never intended for his Thor to be banished to Earth or for Odin to fall into the Odinsleep, but they did and the throne just dropped into his hands.
{{quote| '''Loki:''' I never wanted the throne! I only ever wanted to be your equal!}}
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** Prince Conall Blaine Cluim Uthyr Haldane is the eldest son of Prince Nigel Haldane and terminally jealous of his cousin King Kelson and Kelson's foster brother Dhugal, Earl of Transha. He takes secret instruction in using the Haldane powers, which are only supposed to wielded by the reigning monarch. He puts ''[[Fantastic Drug|merasha]]'' in Dhugal's flask while traveling on a quest for Camber's relics. He seduces the woman Kelson wants to marry. He {{spoiler|attacks his father and leaves him in an arcane coma}}. He ultimately {{spoiler|challenges his cousin to a duel arcane at his treason trial}}. By the way, his second name was also that of a Festillic king; [[What Did You Expect When You Named It?|coincidence? Maybe not]].
** Mahael and Teymuraz are this (as well as being [[Evil Uncle|evil uncles]]) to Liam-Lajos in ''King Kelson's Bride''. One or both of them are widely suspected of suspected of disposing of Liam's elder brother Alroy previously.
* All the princes in ''[[Stardust (Literaturenovel)|Stardust]]'' (except possibly Primus), but especially Prince Septimus. Moreover, their father was himself an example of The Evil Prince made good, as were a number of other monarchs before him (it was a family tradition). Primus, while clearly ambitious, appears not to be evil (to stop Septimus, Primus bribes a soothsayer to lead his brother on a wild goose chase; to stop Primus, Septimus tries to ''poison him'').
** In the book, each of the three princes that survive their father (including Primus) had killed one of their brothers; Septimus had killed two. Before the book ends, Septimus had killed a third and was quite peeved that someone had Primus killed first as he now had to avenge his dead brother instead of kill him.
*** In the book, the father is quite peeved at the inadequacy of this generation: his father had been, properly, down to one son by the time of his death. He says as much in the movie as well and even helps arrange for Septimus to off another one before he dies.
* [[CSC. LewisS. (Creator)Lewis|CS Lewis]]'s ''[[Narnia]]'': Prince Rabadash in ''The Horse and his Boy''; Miraz from ''Prince Caspian'' killed his brother, stole the throne, and plotted to kill his nephew as soon as his own son and heir was born.
* In Tolkien's ''[[The Silmarillion]]'' we have Ar-Pharazôn, last King of Númenor, usurped the throne by the less usual method of marrying the rightful heiress and then forcibly reducing her role to that of his consort. There's also the example of Maeglin, the nephew of King Turgon of Gondolin, who betrays the city to Morgoth partially to gain rulership over it, but mostly because he [[Incest Is Relative|wants to marry his cousin]]. That she already has a husband and son doesn't stop him -- he just plans to off them first.
* Although based on ''[[Macbeth]]'', given that he's the brother of the king he murders, Duke Felmet of the [[Discworld]] novel ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Wyrd Sisters|Wyrd Sisters]]'' likely counts.
** This also seems to be played with in the novel ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Men At Arms|Men at Arms]]'' where the evil aristocrats try to place Captain Carrot (the legitimate heir) on the throne with Edward d'Eath and other members of the Assassins' Guild as [[Poisonous Friend|Poisonous Friends]].
** The Duke of Sto Helit in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Mort|Mort]]''. Cousin to King Olerve of Sto Lat, he's gone from fifth to second in line before he appears, and becomes next in line shortly afterwards. Described in the ''Discworld Companion'' as "quite capable of killing all who stood between himself and the throne, or even between himself and the drinks cabinet."
* Several Princes vying for Oberon's throne in the [[Chronicles of Amber]] by [[Roger Zelazny]]. Describing the exact intentions of the Nine would spoil most of the intrigue, but be prepared that some "evil" guys will be redeemed and some "good" ones will reveal themselves evil to the core.
* The novel ''The Prisoner of Zenda'' has an interesting example in the character of Black Michael, who plots to capture and kill his half-brother, the legitimate heir and take the throne for himself. Uniquely, he is [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity|much more popular than their true heir]], suggested to be their father's favorite and doesn't come across as that evil outside of this plan.
* Prince Serg of [[Lois McMaster Bujold]]'s ''[[Vorkosigan Saga|Shards of Honor]]'' was sufficiently nasty that his father was forced to [[Offing the Offspring|kill him]] rather than let him succeed to the throne.
** A subplot in ''A Civil Campaign'' deals with this on a lesser scale. Richars Vorrutyer had done everything up to and including possible murder to insure his cousin Count Pierre died without issue and left him the heir apparent. He thought Pierre's [[Femme Fatale|younger sister Donna]] using an old rule to secure a three month stay on his confirmation and heading offplanet before the late Count was in the ground was of no consequence...and was rather put out when Pierre's [[Gender Bender|younger brother Dono]] returned to Barrayar to claim said seat by right of blood.
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*** This was actually the rule in the Real Life Ottoman Empire, and was fine with the populace for several generations until the early death of a sultan resulted in the execution of several child princes. This was a bit much for Turkish sensibilities and after that reign sultans locked their brothers up instead. This proved convenient when the current ruler succumbed without providing an heir.
* ''[[Redwall]]'' has both Evil Princes and Evil Princesses. In ''Mossflower'' Tsarmina Greeneyes usurps the throne from her brother (displaying ultimate ignorance of point #3 in the [[Evil Overlord List]]), and in ''Marlfox'' various members of the seven offspring of the titular villainous royal family are constantly attempting to backstab their siblings and mother.
* ''[[One for Thethe Morning Glory]]'' Part of the backstory. The kingdom of Overhill was independent because a king had sent his brother packing to an unsettled corner of the kingdom, and he had declared it an independent kingdom.
* In [[Dan Abnett]]'s [[GauntsGaunt's Ghosts]] novel ''Necropolis'', part of Salvandor Sondar's [[Backstory]]; he killed his uncle to gain his place and still resents how much his uncle was loved.
* Dagnarus of the [[The Sovereign Stone]] Trilogy was second in line for the throne. He didn't hate his father or try to take the throne away from him, but he did both for his elder brother, Helmos.
* In [[Dan Abnett]]'s [[Warhammer 40000]] novel ''[[Brothers of the Snake (Literature)|Brothers of the Snake]]'', when the Space Marine Priad is told that a queen was murdered, his immediate suspect is the new king. The Inquisitor, who told him, tells him that he is no detective.
* [[Wheel of Time]]:
** Luc apparently thought he was going to be the king of Andor, despite it only ever having ''Queens''. Luckily, he mysteriously disappeared before this could happen.
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** In the first trilogy, {{spoiler|Prince Ancar of Hardorn arranged for his father's murder}} so that he could become king sooner. He went on to be a [[Complete Monster|sadistic bastard]], who tortured people for fun, drove his own country into ruin and then invaded his neighbors.
** When Prince Thanel of Rethwellan finds out that he can't be crowned king of Valdemar without first being Chosen to become a Herald (which requires being a [[Nice Guy|genuinely nice person]]), he tries to murder his wife, Queen Selenay, so he can become Regent for their daughter Elspeth.
* ''[[RangersRanger's Apprentice]]'' - {{spoiler|Halt}} is the older of a set of twins. His brother drove him from their native kingdom to take the throne for himself.
== Live-Action TV ==
* Prince Edmund, from the first series of ''[[Black AdderBlackadder]]'', tries very hard to be one but fails because he's so pathetically spineless. Prince Ludwig the Indestructible from the second series is also fairly comic, being a master of disguise with a silly accent and a long list of psychological problems. {{spoiler|Oddly enough, he's a ''successful'' example.}} Arguably, the Blackadder of the third series would also count in so far as he {{spoiler|ends up taking the place of George IV and presumably living out the rest of his life under that identity}}.
* Princess Eleanor of the short-lived British drama ''[[The Palace (TV)|The Palace]]'' is an ultra rare female example. Within the (fictional, and unnamed) [[British Royal Family]] depicted on the show she is the older sister of the new King, Richard IV. She doesn't stooped to violence, but she clearly has no qualms about forcing her brother to abdicate through scandal and political crisis.
* Of course that most luscious of Evil Princes Dirk Blackpool of the short lived ''[[Wizards and Warriors (TV series)|Wizards and Warriors]]''.
* Lanny from ''[[Pair of Kings]]''; presumably a prince, because he was to have been king before Boomer and Brady came along.
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* Prince Luca Blight from ''[[Suikoden II]]'' fits this trope to a T. He is probably more evil than all of the other princes listed here combined. [[Downplayed Trope|Yet he notably lacks one of the most common traits - he didn't kill his father.]] While he may eventually have wound up killing his dad, he certainly didn't seem to have any immediate plans to do so. All ''Luca'' did was slaughter the equivalent of his country's version of the Boyscouts/Army Cadets wholesale as an excuse to restart a pointless war, sadistically abused and murdered hordes of peasants along with a couple of major characters, traumatised a little girl into becoming the game's resident [[Cute Mute]] and generally acted like a complete Khorne-wannabe. It was {{spoiler|''Jowy'', one of the game's protagonists, that had been planning to murder the king and usurp the throne from practically the beginning of the main plot proper - and succeeded.}} It adds another interesting dimension, though, that {{spoiler|Luca knew about the plot from the beginning and was coaxing Jowy along (he knew Jowy drank some Antitoxin before poisoning himself for the blood-exchanging ritual with the king). Hell, that could've been a test of character and loyalty he gave Jowy}}.
* The sociopathic villains of both ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' and ''[[Final Fantasy XII]]'', Seymour and Vayne both qualify (although they aren't exactly princes, they still are the inheritants of enormous power). Vayne even goes so far as to systematically assassinate his older siblings for the throne. As an interesting twist with the trope being downplayed: it's heavily implied that all of Vayne's actions are aiming for {{spoiler|Larsa, his ''younger'' brother, to inherit the throne, so that Larsa (and Archadia) are free from the Occuria and [[Screw Destiny|can control their own destiny]]}}. The goal he accomplishes. Whether he meant it to happen the way it did is still debated by fans.
* A non-royal example would have to be {{spoiler|Morgan Fey}} from ''[[Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney]]''. Destined to become village leader and usurped by her far more talented sister, she has plotted to kill every other member of her family and frame the rest for the murder, just so she or her daughter can become the new Master.
* Ashnard from ''[[Fire Emblem]]'': ''Path of Radiance''. Unusual in that he was only distantly related to the previous king; ''a lot'' of people had to die for him to take the throne.
** ''Radiant Dawn'' explicitly shows him cutting down the king, although that was to break the curse Ashnard setup to kill everyone else before it killed him.
** {{spoiler|Continuing the tradition, Ashnard's long-lost son (who would probably be just as evil himself were it not for the [[Morality Pet]] and [[Victorious Childhood Friend]] aspect) has a direct hand in his defeat and death at the end of the game. Averted in that said son was part of the Good Guys and had no knowledge of being a part of a royal lineage at all.}}
* Arthas of ''[[War CraftWarcraft]]'' fame. Even though he had lost his soul at the point when he stabbed his own father, he showed a great deal of evil and selfish tendencies throughout the campaign before.
{{quote| '''King''': What are you doing, son?<br />
'''Arthas''': [[Face Heel Turn|Succeeding you,]] [[Self-Made Orphan|father]]. }}
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** In an interesting variation, ''none'' of those accidents hit his actual competitor for the throne; rather, they hit the ones responsible for deciding between the two.
*** If you lead Archibald to victory, he also has Roland imprisoned for life rather than killing him. [[Even Evil Has Standards|It would seem he stops short of actual fratricide]].
* Celdic in ''[[Tales of Graces (Video Game)|Tales of Graces]]''. {{spoiler|He kills his brother (the king) and ''repeatedly'' tries to kill his nephew, the next in line for the throne, though the whole thing [[Beware the Nice Ones|backfires]].}}
* Cesare Borgia, Captain-General of the Papal Armies, is the ''de facto'' Prince to his father, Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) in ''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood]]'', having taken that spot by having his brother murdered and using his armies to conquer Italy, while privately conspiring towards sidelining his father. This doesn't succeed though, as the Assassin Order intends to push them ''both'' out, and the eventual regicide actually accelerates his own downfall.
* Bhelen of ''[[Dragon Age]]: Origins'' arranges to have his older brother Trian killed and his other sibling (the PC, if they've chosen the Dwarf Noble Origin) blamed for the murder and exiled to the Deep Roads. He is also implied to have poisoned his father, blackmails half of the nobles into choosing him, uses false evidence to discredit his opponent (who was his father's choice for heir), and attempts to launch a coup if his bid for the throne fails. {{spoiler|Interestingly, picking him as king is better for the dwarves in the short run as Bhelen imposes social reforms and opens Orzammar to human trade, which with some help from Ferelden leads to the darkspawn being pushed far back and several lost Thaigs recovered. He eventually dissolves the [[Deadly Decadent Court]] altogether and rules as a tyrant with support from the lower classes.}}
* Morgeilen {{spoiler|aka The Father}} from the [[King's Quest II]] [[Fan Remake]].
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== Webcomics ==
* As a female example - in [[Drow TalesDrowtales]] not 1, not 2, but a trio of 3 Sharen princesses worked together to overthrow their Queen and Mother. {{spoiler|However she was [[Left for Dead]], organized it in a way that they [[Never Found the Body]], assuming [[No One Could Survive That]]. Said Queen escaped via [[Grand Theft Me]] and is biding her time [[He's Just Hiding|by hiding]].}}
* Fang "Overlord of Darkness," the main villain from [[Lin TLint]], killed his entire family to take over the kingdom even though he was already first in line for the throne!
* Thief in 8BitTheater is an inversion of this, he's evil, and he's a prince, but [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones|totally loyal to his father]], it's just the rest of the world he's prepared to screw over for pocket change
* Averted with Kyo in [[Evil Not Worth It]], although Kelli fits this trope to a T.
* ''[ The Tourist and the Frog]'', a [[Fractured Fairy Tale|humorous take]] on ''[[The Frog Prince (Literature)|The Frog Prince]]'' by Diana Nock the un-froged Prince clarifies: "I was not cursed for being kind".
== Web Original ==
* In ''[[The Gamers Alliance (Roleplay)|The Gamers Alliance]]'', Prince [[Visionary Villain|Geraden]], the cousin of the current King [[A Child Shall Lead Them|Gerard]] [[The Wise Prince|Aurelac]] [[Warrior Prince|de Maar Sul]], was kidnapped as a baby and ended up corrupted into an amoral, power-hungry warrior. He sees his younger cousin as a weak, easily manipulative fool who has in his view robbed him of his rightful throne and that it is his destiny to turn Maar Sul into a powerful, feared kingdom which it once was. [[Badass Princess|Emira]] [[Manipulative Bastard|Adela]] [[Woman Scorned|al-Saif]] ends up killing her twin sister [[The High Queen|Razia]] in order to become the Sultana of Vanna.
== Western Animation ==
* In the [[Disney Animated Canon]]:
** Prince John from ''[[Robin Hood (Disney film)|Robin Hood]]''.
** Scar from ''[[Disney Animated Canon|The Lion King]]'' kills his brother and tries to kill his nephew.
* [[Prince Charming]] from the ''[[Shrek]]'' movies is intended more as a parody of the traditional [[Knight in Shining Armor|fairy tale good prince]], but fits this role very well in ''Shrek the Third''.
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** Played straight with the current Fire Lord, Ozai, who killed his father {{spoiler|(or had his wife kill him)}} and then usurped his older brother Iroh as heir. However, also ''averted'', in that Ozai's daughter Princess Azula, is not only one of few Evil Princesses, she consistently proves herself [[Daddy's Girl|loyal to her father]] at significant risk to her life and cheerfully passes up golden opportunities to usurp him. Whether she was acting out of actual affection, habitual/conditioned obedience, or simple disinterest in taking the throne herself ''yet'' is a matter of debate among fans.
*** At show's end, it is plain that Azula loves her father as much as her screwed-up mind is capable of loving anyone. Not only that, {{spoiler|she gets the one reward every [[Bastard Understudy]] wants, the crown. She ''was'' to be crowned Fire Lord Azula, until Zuko came back to dish out some destiny-cooked justice on her}}. She could have had it all if her best friends betraying her didn't [[Villainous Breakdown|seriously shake her]]. However, {{spoiler|the title and position of Fire Lord was summarily reduced to something between a hollow gesture and a bad joke by her father assuming the position of [[A God Am I|Phoenix King]] and going forth to [[Moral Event Horizon|remove the Earth Kingdom from the map]]}} and Azula knew it.
* On ''[[Young Justice (Animationanimation)|Young Justice]],'' Count Vertigo is this, despite having a different title. He attempts to steal the donor heart intended for his niece, the ten-year-old Queen Perdita, to gain the throne of Vlatava.