Resident Evil (video game): Difference between revisions

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* [[Anime Theme Song]]: Only the Japanese version of the PlayStation game's very first edition had two, an opening theme named ''Kouri no Manazashi'', meaning ''Icy Gaze'' and an ending theme named ''Yume De Owarasenai'', translated to ''I Won't Let This End As A Dream.'' Other versions, including the Japanese re-releases (such as both "Director's Cuts" and the Saturn port) use the instrumental "Still Dawn" instead.
* [[Apocalyptic Log]]: Tons of these are scattered around to provide backstory, clues, and general atmosphere. Also, the saving mechanism consists of using ribbons on a type writer, technically making an [[Apocalyptic Log]] of the player's exploits. [[Nightmare Fuel|4// Itchy. Tasty.]]
* [[Attack of the Fifty50 Foot Whatever]]:
** The Web Spinners are infected spiders that have grown to the size of a pony, and there's an alpha spider, the Black Tiger, that's about two or three times their size. Possibly justified, at least in the Black Tiger's case, as Umbrella was trying to create a Bio-Organic Weapon out of them, as with Neptune (a giant shark).
** This does not explain Yawn, an infected snake that's grown to about the length of a bus, or Plant 42, which covers an entire room in the Residence and no longer resembles any natural plant.
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* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: At 23 years old, Jill is already a former member of the Delta Force. However, U.S. special forces do not allow women in their ranks and even if that were not the case, you have to be at least 22 to be part of SFOD-D, and Jill has already been in S.T.A.R.S. for two years.
** Chris Redfield as well. He joined the US Air Force at 17 and became a pilot of fixed wing aircraft. Only officers can become pilots for fixed wing craft and officers are required to have a college degree to be eligible for commission. If he had attended the Airforce Academy at 17 this would be acceptable but there is no mention of this.
* [[Difficulty Byby Region]]: The Japanese version of the original game has an auto-aiming function, more ink ribbons, and more ammo available. The overseas versions were made harder so that less players could complete it in a single rental.
* [[Disc One Nuke]]: Using the Grenade Launcher glitch in the GC version can make the game very easy.
* [[Distressed Damsel]]: Rebecca Chambers, a new recruit to Bravo Team, who is almost completely helpless and even has a scripted event where she gets killed off by a Hunter if you don't arrive in time.
* [[Doomed Byby Canon]]: It is actually possible to rescue Richard in the GC version by delivering the serum to him on time. However, he will simply end up being killed off at a later point of the game, since the plot of the sequels requires the deaths of all the S.T.A.R.S. members except for the main characters ([[My Friends and Zoidberg|and Brad]]).
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: The live-action opening and ending sequences in the original [[Play Station]] release. They were redone entirely in CGI in the [[Game Cube]] version in order to bring it in line with the rest of the series.
* [[Easter Egg]]: Beat the extra modes in the remake, specifically Invisible Enemy in under 5 hours or less and you get a [ secret photo].
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* [[Foreshadowing]]
** Chris' and Jill's S.T.A.R.S. membership cards at the character select screen have Brian Irons' (the police chief from ''Resident Evil 2'') signature on them.
** A note left for [[Early-Bird Cameo|Ada]] [[Resident Evil 2 (Video Game)|Wong]] can be found in both versions, but in the original game, the password to unlock the laboratories is {{spoiler|[[The Mole|MOLE]]}}.
** The REmake adds a file that mentions [[Resident Evil Code Veronica|Alexia]] and the G-Virus.
* [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]: The Black Tiger. A giant Australian funnelweb spider.
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* [[Insurmountable Waist High Fence]]: One of the doors in the REmake is so rickety that the knob falls off if you go through too many times, but the combat-boot wearing protagonists will never kick it in. [[Padding|It's a blatant game lengthener]]. In "Real Survival" mode, that doorknob never breaks, though.
** Or, knowing that it's about to happen, the character will never do anything so bold as leave the door open to allow unrestricted access, considering the fact that it's a very useful shortcut.
* [[It's the Only Way Toto Be Sure]]: The laboratory has a self-destruct device, though whether it is intended to prevent the virus from spreading or to destroy the evidence is uncertain.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: In the REmake, after you kill a zombie, unless you used a flame round with the grenade launcher or managed to get a [[Boom! Headshot!|headshot]] you need to use a flask of kerosene and a lighter to burn the corpse (you can also try blowing its knees off). Otherwise it will remain where you dropped it until it transforms into a [[Demonic Spiders|Crimson Head]].
* [[King Mook]]: Crimson Head Prototype 1 in the GC version, who is the only Crimson Head needed to be killed to complete the game.
** Forest (AKA the One Dangerous Zombie) can match the main character in running speed, hits harder, and intentionally pops up at the least opportune times. <small>(Also he's covered in grenades and if you shoot him he goes plooey.)</small>
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* [[Next Sunday AD]]: The original was released in 1996, and takes place in 1998. By the time the sequel (which takes place two months later) came along, it ''was'' 1998, so the whole near-future angle was dropped from the series (at least until ''[[Resident Evil 6]]'').
* [[Nitro Express]]: The remake has you walk slowly with explosives or you get a [[Game Over]].
* [[No Body Left Behind]]: Played straight, with the exception of regular zombies in the REmake, whose corpses remain unless you destroy their heads or use fire to burn them; they later revive, turning into [[Demonic Spiders|Crimson Heads]], heavily bleeding zombies with nasty claws and gaseous breath. You have limited amounts of fuel with which to burn them, too. This served to heighten the tension in the game by making it unsafe to backtrack unless you meticulously burned every zombie you could, but it probably wasn't popular enough to warrant continuing, because the next game that got made, ''[[Resident Evil Zero0]]'', ignored the whole Crimson Head thing.
** The lead director of ''RE0'' stated that the Crimson Heads were purposely omitted, because backtracking was downplayed in that game, making their inclusion pretty pointless. He regretted the decision, since players who experienced the ''REmake'' [[Nightmare Fetishist|were completely terrified by]] the Crimson Heads.
* [[One-Hit Kill]]: In the original game, Hunters can decapitate you by simply swatting at your head. The Hunters in the GC version are [[Badass Decay|notably weaker]], but can still slit your throat (resulting in game over) if they get close.
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* [[Plotline Death]]: Richard Aiken is doomed to die. In the original game, he would die whether you gave him the antidote serum or not and doing so or not only decided if you'd get his radio or not. In the REmake, if you give him the serum, he'll survive, but consequently get himself eaten by either Yawn (in Jill's scenario) or Neptune (in Chris's scenario). However, if he dies in this way, he leaves you his assault shotgun, which is a much better weapon then the ordinary shotgun you found.
* [[Raising the Steaks]]: The zombified dogs are a series mainstay. Justified in that they were one of the experimental lines of B.O.W. being created in the mansion.
* [[Reviving Enemy]]: In the [[Game Cube]] remake, zombies that aren't completly destroyed via decapitation or [[Kill It Withwith Fire]] come back as Crimson Heads after a while (making simply avoiding them a better option sometimes).
* [[Say My Name]]: '''''REBECCAAAAAAA!'''''
* [[See You in Hell]]: Wesker doesn't take kindly to getting winged by Barry's revolver.
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* [[Solve the Soup Cans]]: The game is notorious for its bizarre puzzles, which often require several components scattered all over the mansion. An attempted [[Hand Wave]] is offered in the owner being an almost [[Otaku]]-like devotee of old spy and horror movies who is wealthy enough to hire an indiscriminating architect to design the place to live up to his dreams.
* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: The Japanese [[PS 1]] version features an alternate end credits sequence (when the player completes the game with the unlimited rocket launcher) in which a J-Rock song titled "Yume De Owarasenai" (the same one played during the regular end credits) is played over a montage of gruesome character deaths.
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: To ''[[Sweet Home (Videovideo Gamegame)|Sweet Home]]'', [ this] ad even used some music from Sweet Home.
* [[The Starscream]]: {{spoiler|Albert Wesker}} is an inversion of the trope. Wesker is the leader of the entire S.T.A.R.S. unit, and {{spoiler|Enrico Marini}} is the second in command to Wesker. {{spoiler|Wesker ends up gunning down Enrico down in cold blood while the latter is distracted. From behind, no less.}}
* [[Sequel Difficulty Drop]]: Players coming from RE 2 and 3 will be surprised when healing items are extremely scarce and it takes more than half a clip to down a zombie.
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* [[With This Herring]]: You start out with a loaded pistol, maybe one extra clip of ammo, and a knife. Justified in that you're a cop who wasn't expecting to be locked into a house crawling with bio-engineered horrors and you just ran a marathon to escape a pack of killer zombie dogs, firing wildly at them in an effort to avoid being eaten.
* [[What Happened to Mommy]]: Lisa Trevor.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]:
** Rebecca Chambers is a supporting character for Chris's game and a main character for ''[[Resident Evil 0]]'' yet hasn't been mentioned since, save for a report about what happened seen in ''[[Resident Evil 2 (Video Game)]]''.
** She did get some expansion in ''[[Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles|The Umbrella Chronicles]]'', but it's an interquel showing how she got from the Training Facility at the end of 0 to the library where Chris meets her in this game. She does appear in ''RE5'''s Mercenaries Reunion DLC, but that is non-canonical.
** In Chris's game, Barry disappears soon after the opening and is never seen or heard from again. Wesker heavily implies that he's dead, but he is never brought up again by anyone.
* [[Where the Hell Is Springfield?|Where The Hell Is Raccoon City]]: "Somewhere in Midwestern America"... except [[The Mountains of Illinois|the high, mountainous terrain]] doesn't really match that region of the country. [[Fanon]] sometimes puts it in Pennsylvania or Colorado instead.
* [[Worst Aid]]: When Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds in REmake, the cutscene basically consists of her looking at Chris's sleeve, a brief blackout, and then her telling him he's all better now. [ Parodied in this chapter of the Resident Evil fanfic Welcome to Umbrella].
* [[You Have to Burn Thethe Web]]: When playing Chris, you can get a flamethrower to fight Black Tiger which you can then use to burn through the webbing holding the door closed. Jill has to settle for chopping it down with her knife or unloading on it with an Incendiary round.
* [[You're Insane!]]: REMake treats us to "{{spoiler|Wesker}}, you've become senile!"
* [[Zombie Apocalypse]]: Does anything need to be said?