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* [[Bittersweet Ending]]
* [[Black Widow]]: In ''Door of Death'', Jake Fear's wife Cassandra Ryan, who bilked him out of his belongings and revealed to him that she'd been slowly poisoning him since day one. Jake dies and becomes a vengeful spirit hellbent on punishing those he's deemed "cheaters" on Halloween, and Cassandra [[Karma Houdini|gets off scott free]].
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: Margaret Fier has the power of psychometry, which the people of her town are both afraid of and are willing to use to their advantage should the need arise.
* [[Burn the Witch]]: Used in ''The Fear Street Saga'' and ''The Cataluna Chronicles''. Averted in ''The Hand of Power''.
* [[Christmas Episode]]: ''Silent Night'' 1, 2, and 3.
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* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: The ones in ''Goodnight Kiss'' compared to the ones in ''Fear Street Seniors''.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Daniel Fear comes back from the dead just to help his wife Nora escape from an insane asylum with their newborn son when it catches fire. At the same time, the asylum director was planning on selling Nora's baby to a wealthy couple.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]: ''The Fire Game''.
* [[Psychic Powers]]: As seen in the aptly named ''The Mind Reader'', ''Runaway'', and ''The Hand of Power''.
* [[Rich Bitch]]: There are many throughout the series, but Reva Dalby of ''Silent Night'' takes the cake for all time bitchiness.
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* [[Through the Eyes of Madness]]: Used in ''Fear Hall''. Hope Mathis' boyfriend Darryl begins murdering college students he believes he's seen her with. It turns out that he's been confusing her for her roommates Angel, Jasmine, and Eden. They keep trying to convince Hope to turn Darryl in to the police, but she's too loyal and indebted to Darryl to consider it. It's not until he murders Eden that she decides to do something. {{spoiler|It turns out that Darryl and her three roommates are split personalities she developed as a result of a traumatic home life with her psychotic mother. She refuses to believe that her friends don't exist when one of the girls living in her dorm, Melanie, tells the police that they've constantly heard and seen Hope talking to herself, and that her room can only house one occupant.}}
* [[Tomato Surprise]]: Used in ''Switched''. {{spoiler|By the end of the book, the reader learns that Nicole had never actually switched bodies with her friend Lucy, as Lucy had been dead before the story began. Nicole was unable to deal with Lucy's death, so she imagined the whole ordeal.}}
* [[Town Withwith a Dark Secret]]: Pretty much the whole point of the series.
* [[Trauma Conga Line]]: The Fraiser family gets this in spades in the first part of the ''99 Fear Street'' trilogy. {{spoiler|Mr. Fraiser is rendered blind, James and his dog Cubby are trapped in the walls of the house, crying for help for his parents, Mrs. Fraiser is emotionally devastated by the loss of two children, and Cally is killed and warped into a malevolent spirit by the house. The only member left in marginally okay condition is Kody, and she has to deal with having lost her twin sister and baby brother.}}
* [[Twist Ending]]: Happens almost in every story.
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* [[Wax Museum Morgue]]: In ''Faces of Terror'', the 13th Fear Street Sagas book.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Two more books in ''Fear Street Sagas'', ''The Raven Woman'' and ''Carousel of Fear'', were planned but never released. A preview of ''The Raven Woman'' was included in the last ''Sagas'' book.
* [[What the Hell, Townspeople?]]: Happens in ''The Hand of Power.
* [[Where the Hell Is Springfield?]]: Where is Shadyside, anyway? The most information we ever get is that it's somewhere on the East Coast.
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