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** The Monk class was basically made with [[The Real Man]] in mind. For instance, one of his powers is punching so hard that his fist]] ''[[Rocket Punch|flies across the room with the rest of him still attached to it.]]''
* In large part the appeal of ''[[Exalted]]'', an RPG that specializes in being over-the-top awesome, that will actually let you jump 100 feet in the air, while whirling two blades around you to parry a hail of incoming arrows, then land head-first on the bad guy to smash him literally into the ground.
** Exalted pioneered the Stunt Bonus concept ([[Awesome but Practical|cool actions work better when you describe them in detail]]) which ''[[Scion]]'' and ''[[Changeling: The Lost (Tabletop Game)|Changeling: The Lost]]'' later used.
* ''[[Paranoia]]'' and ''[[Toon (Tabletop Gamegame)|Toon]]'' also largely work on the [[Rule of Cool]], in that awesome ideas, even if highly impractical, literally have a better chance of working than boring ideas. Of course, both are liable to get your character smashed into a pulp on a regular basis, but what isn't?
* Any RPG that uses Wuxia-type mechanics, such as [[Feng Shui (Tabletop Game)|Feng Shui]] or Wushu.
* ''[[Scion]]'' actively encourages this kind of play with the Stunting mechanic that gives bonus dice and refreshes Legend based on how cool it is from a scale of 1, nifty and adds depth to the action, to 3, leaves everyone around the table speechless at the [[Rule of Cool|sheer amount of awesome involved in the action]].
* Similarly, ''[[Changeling: The Lost (Tabletop Game)|Changeling: The Lost]]'' has Stunting in Dream-Fighting (similar to Scion's Stunting; +1 for cool idea, +2 for cool idea with lush description, +3 for idea that inspires applause and exultation from the table).
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== Webcomics ==
* Legolas from ''[[DM of the Rings]]''. When the players learn that the success of the entire campaign comes down to the die roll of a single NPC, Aragorn and Gimli are understandably upset, but Legolas thinks it's hardcore. He's also the player who comes up with all the crazy stunts and who never, ever grows tired of shooting orcs in the face.
* Jim of ''[[Darths and Droids (Webcomic)|Darths and Droids]]''.
** And Pete is the [[Munchkin]] variation, although he tends more towards the "pilot a starfighter with big guns" rather than the "personally wield a laser sword" approach to combat.
* Bob and Dave of ''[[Knights of the Dinner Table]]''.
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* Ben from ''[[Fuzzy Knights]]''.
* Possibly, Belkar from ''[[Order of the Stick]]''.
* Vriska from ''[[Homestuck (Webcomic)|Homestuck]]'' is one of these, playing a [[Her Codename Was Mary Sue|character]] who has 'gained all the levels. All of them.' This leads her to butt heads with her RP partner, who is [[The Roleplayer]] and plays a class that's useless but fits his personality best.
* Cory of ''[[One Piece Grand Line 3 Point 5 (Webcomic)|One Piece Grand Line 3 Point 5]]'' is both this and a [[Munchkin]], who pimped out Zoro to an insane degree in order to maximize his killing ability. He's extremely frustrated when the GM bars him from playing his character at first, instead sticking him with the pre-made [[Non-Action Guy|Coby]].
* ''[[Friendship Is Dragons (Webcomic)|Friendship Is Dragons]]'' has Rainbow Dash, whose player repeatedly complains about the lack of ''awesome'' action and the setting in general.
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