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{{quote|''"Today, I am a wiener. Not a winner."''|'''Major Victory''', ''Who Wants to be a Superhero''}}
''Who Wants to Be a Superhero?'' is a reality show hosted by [[Stan Lee]], creator of [[Spider-Man (Comic Book)|Spider-Man]], the original [[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]], [[The Incredible Hulk (Comic Book)|The Incredible Hulk]] and the [[Fantastic Four (Comic Book)|Fantastic Four]]. Contestants dress up as comic book superheroes of their own invention.
Each week, Lee challenges the contestants to represent what "[[Superhero|superheroes]] are all about." The twist is that almost every challenge has a second [[Secret Test of Character]] that will be obvious to the viewer. Each episode, one or more of the superheroes deemed the least deserving is eliminated. The grand prize for the winning superhero is to have his or her character star in a Dark Horse Comics comic book written by Lee. They also have a cameo appearance in an original movie to be aired on [[Sci Fi Channel]]; whether or not this can be considered a reward is debatable.
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* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Stan Lee himself
* [[Determinator]]: Oh, so many, but to pick one for each season...
** Season 1 had [[Everything's Better Withwith Monkeys|Monkey Woman]]. In episode 2, the heroes had to cross a yard to the back door of a house with two attack dogs pulling them away. Three candidates rushed the door and made it in under thirty seconds. Five others try, but quickly cry uncle (literally - that was the safe word). Monkey Woman, however - she fights the dogs back and forth across the lawn for ''nine minutes and forty-three seconds'' to finally, successfully make the door.
** Season 2 had [[Neat Freak|Hygena]], a hero who is just a ''little'' compulsive about cleaning, having to dive into several messy challenges one after another. You can see her on the verge of freaking out several times - but each time she fights it down, and often takes a position of leadership to power through it. She ended the season as the only contestant who never voluntarily gave up on a challenge.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Iron/Dark Enforcer
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* [[Older Than They Look]]: In the UK version, Santh and S.G.W. are 20 and 360 years old respectively (well their characters are anyway).
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: [[Large Ham|HOME-LESS MAAAAHHHHN!]]
* [[Only in It For Thethe Money]]: The first contestant eliminated in the first season of the US version got cut after admitting he'd joined the show with hopes of marketing the hell out of his character. Stan wasn't thrilled to have someone sign on out of sheer greed and tossed him out.
* [[Race Against the Clock]]: Many of the challenges involved this.
* [[Reality TV]]
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* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]: One could make the argument that each contestant from the first season of the US version personified at least one sin each.
** The first contestant to be eliminated was [[Greed|going to market the hell out of his character]], while another contestant returned after being eliminated [[Wrath|to get their revenge]].
* [[Shout-Out]]: In the final battle against Dr. Dark, Hyperstrike does a [[DragonballDragon Ball|Kamehameha]] attack while shouting "HY-PER, HY-PERRR STRIIIKE!"
* [[Smug Snake]]: Dr. Dark is intentionally played as this. He talks in a raspy voice and spends his screentime boasting about how evil and brilliant he is. Then when his big plan in the second season fails, he confronts the superheroes personally and gets beaten up in a fight that lasts about a minute and a half.
* [[Special Guest]]: The UK version featured Danni Harmer, known for playing [[The Story Of Tracy Beaker|Tracy Beaker]], ''[[Best Of Friends]]'' presenters Abs and Rani, ''[[Prank Patrol]]'' presenter Barney Harwood and one of the presenters of ''[[Newsround]]''. And a season 2 episode of the US version featured [[WWE]] wrestler Rob Van Dam.
* [[Stock Super Powers]]: Most of the first season's heroes were [[Superman (Comic Book)|Superman]]-style [[Flying Brick|flying bricks]], although the second season's contestants were more creative as a whole.
* [[Team Dad]]: In Season 2, eventual winner The Defuser took on this role to some of the other contestants, most notably Whip-Snap.
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: Iron Enforcer was constantly criticized for having a [[BFG]] as his power. The second-season contestants caught on and explicitly declared their abilities to be non-lethal.
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** The snakes example was for Parthenon, who got penalized (not eliminated though) for [[Screams Like a Little Girl|letting out a girly scream]] when he accidentally touched one.
* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Several contestants tried to employ tried-and-true "reality show" backstabbing tactics, failing to realize that the show was serious about looking for a super''hero''. And heroes aren't selfish, lying, backstabbing reality-show creatures. ([[Civil War (Comic Book)|Usually]].)
* [[Yiddish Asas a Second Language]]: Mr. Mitzvah turned this trope up to 11. His catch phrase? "''L'chaim''! To life!"
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