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Hey Arnold!/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** [[Rule of Funny]]
* Watching the show again ten years later, the show is cast in an entirely different light. Helga's obsession, which at one time seemed cute and a great setup for some slapstick, now just seems [[Stalker Shrine|incredibly creepy]]. Helga's whole family is [[Dysfunctional Family|pretty messed-up]], and looking back it's a bit disturbing that I thought it was rather normal at the time. There's also Lila and a couple of other scenes, but what really got me was Arnold's [[Raised Byby Grandparents|lack of parents]] and how about the only time he's ''not'' optimistic and cheerful and [[Fixer Sue|always helping everyone out]] and such is whenever he's reminded of it. I couldn't rewatch the episodes where Phil talks about them like they're Indiana Jones clones without thinking 'really, kid, you believe any of that?'
** #1- Helga's just a child with a crush on Arnold. It's not like she wants to get into his pants. #2- Her family is messed up, and I don't know why you thought that was normal, because it wasn't. XD and #3- Arnold is sad because he misses his dead parents. Phil making them up to be Indiana Jones clones, making them larger than life would appeal to a kid like him (Who was probably in the fourth grade). They were awesome and he could be just as awesome.
** I figured that his parents really WERE Indiana Jones clones. Why couldn't Phil's story be true?
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** A kid who hears it constantly from her dad.
* I know we're supposed to feel sorry for Helga because of her neglectful parents, perfectionist sister, and her childhood. But does that justify her actions towards Arnold? I mean, he's got it pretty hard too. His parents went missing and are presumed to be dead, his grandparents, despite their love, don't always understand him, and he's often too nice to retaliate against Jerkasses. Shouldn't she at least be more empathetic?
** She's also afraid of her [[Stalker Withwith a Crush|crush]] revealed remember?
** And despite the insight and depth all the characters show, they're still preteens, not sure of how to express their feelings.
** It's because Helga doesn't exactly have an ideal home life that she acts the way she does; because she's never exactly received real affection, she doesn't know how to express it to others. She may not be acting the ''right'' way, but her actions themselves make sense. In a lot of ways her love for Arnold is selfish, so you can't expect her to put his feelings above hers.
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** Probably so Phoebe can see Arnold. If Helga was doing it in somewhere more intuitive (The sink), then there's no way Arnold should have been able to walk by and get the point of that scene across. (Because why would Arnold be in the ''girl's room''?)
* So...Stinky's a vampire, according to the [[Twist Ending]] of "Sid the Vampire Slayer". After that episode, it's never addressed again. Am I the only one bothered by this?
** I think pretty much ''every'' single "horror" episode ends like that, revealing that the [[The End - Oror Is It?]]...indeed was it. Don't give it much thought. Ernie should be dead according to one of those...
*** As should Curly.
* So in [[The Movie]], they start bulldozing at like eight AM...and there are still people ''inside the buildings'' that are slated for demolition. Didn't any of the bulldozer drivers find something wrong with this?
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