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== Comic Strips ==
* Played with, hilariously, with ''[[Get Fuzzy (Comic Strip)|Get Fuzzy]]''. In order to make their lives "edgier," Bucky begins censoring Satchel by yelling ''beep'' over his speech bubbles. He even tries to use a little black box to cover up written swearwords. Of course, Satchel reveals he is trying to say, "oh sugar," but with Bucky ''beeping'' him, all you see ''oh s--." Rob ultimately stymies him by holding up a speech bubble out of Bucky's reach.
* There was a ''[[For Better or For Worse (Comic Strip)|For Better or For Worse]]'' strip that did this a few years ago, in which April cut off her friend Becky with an overlapping speech bubble when Becky referred to a mentally disabled character as a "retard".
* Invoked in ''[[Achille Talon]]'', when the titular character tries to explain the conception of a strip but gets a bubble saying "that text" glued onto his speech by an incompetent assistant. The entire end of the strip has him trying to speak while the glued bubble gets in the way of his text.
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* The [[Play Station]] 1 ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' games do this -- all three of them.
** This is how Cloud accomplishes a [[Moment of Awesome]] against Sephiroth: Cloud interrupts Sephiroth's [[Hannibal Lecture]] with a flat "[[Shut UP, Hannibal|Shut up]]" that appears over Sephiroth's text box.
* Occurs in the supplemental comics of ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]''.
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Rusty and Co (Webcomic).|Rusty and Co]]''
** [http://rustyandco.com/comic/level-5-4/ Suppressing the villain's name.]
** And [http://rustyandco.com/comic/6/ summarizing] the [[Wall of Text]].
* ''[[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja (Webcomic)|The Adventures of Dr. McNinja]]'' combines this with [[Curse Cut Short]]: In earlier chapters, Doc's swears would be cut off by a [[Mook]] screaming, "HE SAID A BAD WORD!"
* [http://www.somethingpositive.net/sp11252008.shtml This comic] from ''[[Something Positive (Webcomic)|Something Positive]]''. [[Wil Wheaton]] isn't interrupting Davan, but his [[Speech Bubble]] means [[The Un-Reveal|we don't find out whom Davan's addressing]].
* Occurred in an ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]'' strip when Sarda put the team into yet another deathtrap airship.
{{quote| '''Black Mage:''' You know what? Sarda can just go fu--}}
* ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court (Webcomic)|Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' does this at least twice: once when Zimmy is trying to say "Bastard" and has her bubble [[Sound Effect Bleep|cut off]] by [[Written Sound Effect|the sound of thunder]], and another case when the "End Chapter" symbol cuts off Kat as she says, "What a bitch."
* ''[[Adventurers (Webcomic)|Adventurers]]'' [http://www.adventurers-comic.com/comics/adventurers20051004a.gif did that, also].
* Happens in ''[[Penny Arcade (Webcomic)|Penny Arcade]]'' too many times to list.
* [http://booksdontworkhere.thecomicseries.com/comics/30 This Strip] in ''[[Books Don't Work Here (Webcomic)|Books Don't Work Here]]''.
* As pictured in the ''[[VG Cats (Webcomic)|VG Cats]]'' panel above, Aeris shows us how to effectively cut off Leo's idiotic banter.
* In ''[[The Wotch]]'', all information about a [[Noodle Incident]] is censored by [http://www.thewotch.com/?epDate=2006-03-20 the results] of an [[Education Through Pyrotechnics]] class.
* ''[[Footloose (Webcomicwebcomic)|Footloose]]'' [http://www.footloosecomic.com/footloose/pages.php?page=193 Nevermind the rules.]
* ''[[Dork Tower]]'': [http://www.dorktower.com/2003/01/22/comics-archive-380/ To indicate he really did tell the adventure.]
* ''[[The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)|Order of the Stick]]'': [http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0032.html "DON'T say it! It's trademarked."]
* ''[[Concerned]]'' has this in an early strip where Frohman introduces himself:
{{quote| '''Citizen:''' The Sausage King of Chica-<br />
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* ''[[Thistil Mistil Kistil]]'': [http://tmkcomic.depleti.com/comic/ch01-pg21/ In context, you can even make out what was overwritten.]
* ''[[Nip and Tuck]]'': [http://www.rhjunior.com/NT/00003.html The details on why the rabbit has so many children.]
* In ''[[Sinfest (Webcomic)|Sinfest]]'' [http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=673 Yo. Time out.]
* In ''[[Sequential Art (Webcomicwebcomic)|Sequential Art]]'' [http://www.collectedcurios.com/sequentialart.php?s=127 interrupting a mean-spirited joke].
* ''[[String Theory (Webcomicwebcomic)|String Theory]]'': [http://www.stringtheorycomic.com/comics/chapterone/page-twentysix/ on a date].
* ''[[The Fuzzy Five]]''
** In [http://www.fuzzyfive.com/2010/comic/22-sorry-to-burst-your-bubble/ this strip] a villain '''pops''' Meredith's (thought) bubble.
** At the [http://www.fuzzyfive.com/2011/comic/75-the-thrilling-conclusion-part-v/ end of the first storyline], the box declaring the end obscures Nina Jr's assertion that no unseen force was going to interrupt them.
* ''[[Electric Wonderland (Webcomic)|Electric Wonderland]]'': NJ and Trawn [http://www.platypuscomix.net/electricwonderland/index.php?issue=3&page=1 interrupt] the narrator sharing details the readers already learned (or ''should'' have learned) after reading the two previous comics.
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary (Webcomic)|Schlock Mercenary]]''. The "[http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2002-07-29 blind date with a]". And [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2002-08-23 here]. Also, Schlock "[http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2010-11-28 is like a giant child made of]".
* In ''[[Ears for Elves (Webcomic)|Ears for Elves]]'', [http://www.earsforelves.com/archives/230 Myari cuts off Tanna in this way]. It fits with her hyperactive personality. Later, a VERY angry Tanna does this to Rolan [http://www.earsforelves.com/archives/572 three times in one panel].
* In ''[[No Rest for The Wicked (Webcomicwebcomic)|No Rest for The Wicked]]'', [http://www.forthewicked.net/archive/04i-04.html the Boy interrupts Ricardo's explanation] to ask [[I Was Beaten Byby a Girl|if some girl beat him up.]]
* Happens at least once in ''[[Little Dee]]''.