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== The siblings' parents are dead. ==
Chizuru is the apparently the oldest sibling of the three (having evidently graduated from school), but yet does not look all that much older than middle child Eiko. However, Eiko is the only one of the two who is shown to be going to high school, which is neither compulsory nor free in Japan. The Lemon Beach house, while fairly successful, seems to be their only source of income which means that it would be difficult (maybe disastrous) for both girls to go to school AND''and'' run the place long enough to make enough money to go through the month. Takeru is an elementary school kid, so he can't run the place by himself, and no parents around means they can't run it. Since squid die after they mate, Ika Musume has [[Fridge Brilliance|no concept of parents]] and so doesn't question the fact that they apparently don't have any around. Gorou may not see any reason to question anything since he and Eiko are childhood friends. Sanae is their next-door neighbor and another one of Eiko's friends so she feels no need to question anything either. As for Nagisa, there's no explanation for her not to question their lack of parents other than not doing so out of politeness.
* And then there's the flashback scene in the episode where they visit the amusement park: Eiko remembers her parents and starts crying.
== Chizuru from Negima and Chizuru from Ika have common ancestor. ==