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According to her official Marvel powergrid, ''[[Word of God|all of Doreen's stats are through the roof]], at the same level as the [[Guardian of the Multiverse|Living]] [[Physical God|Tribunal]]''.
Squirrel Girl first appeared in a one-shot story in 1992 in [[Anthology Comic]] ''Marvel Super-Heroes Special'' #8 (Winter, 1991); after [[Info Dump|explaining her powers]] to [[Iron Man]], she showed her [[God Mode Sue|invincibility]] by defeating both [[Iron Man]] ''and'' [[Dr. Doom]]. The story was written by Will Murray and drawn by Marvel Comics legend [[Steve Ditko|Steve]] [[Armed with Canon|freakin']] [[Steve Ditko|Ditko]]. Since the art and plot had a [[Silver Age]] touch that didn't take itself seriously, and was it published in the [[Dark Age]] that marked [[The Nineties]], the story was notable for how out of place it felt.
Few people actually read the story when it first came out, but after scans of the comic were posted on the Internet, Squirrel Girl slowly became an [[Memetic Mutation|Internet meme]]. The fact that Dr. Doom was defeated in such a ridiculous manner, combined with the fact that it was one of the few Doom losses that was never [[Retcon|retconned]] as being [[Actually a Doombot]] due to the obscurity and ridiculousness of the story, allowed Squirrel Girl to become a popular [[Memetic Badass]] in Internet fight threads -- despite having only appeared once in a story that virtually no one had read. She became an [[Ascended Meme]] in 2005, when Dan Slott put her on the [[Great Lakes Avengers]] in the ''[[Great Lakes Avengers]]: Misassembled'' mini-series.
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