Star Trek/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Trivia.StarTrek 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Trivia.StarTrek, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
m (Mass update links)
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** Of course, people who liked the earlier series and movies don't need to go through complicated rationalisation processes because they tend to think XI ''was'' bad.
* [[Trope Namers]] For:
** [[Beam Me Up, Scotty]]
** [[Boldly Coming]]
** [[CaptainsCaptain's Log]]
** [[Deflector Shields]]
** [[Dropped a Bridge On Him]]: Referring to Kirk's much-maligned [[Heroic Sacrifice]] in ''Star Trek Generations''.
** [[The Federation]]
** [[Growing the Beard]]: An [[In Joke]] directed at Jonathan Frakes, whose character Cmd. Riker grew a beard at the same time TNG improved in overall quality.
** [[He's Dead, Jim]]: McCoy's most frequent diagnosis. No wonder they call him Bones.
** [[Holodeck Malfunction]]: "The Big Goodbye" (TNG)
** [[I Am Not Spock]]: From [[Leonard Nimoy]]'s autobiography.
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** [[The Kirk]]
** [[Kirk Summation]]
*** [[Shut Up, Kirk]]
** [[KirksKirk's Rock]]: For the British equivalent, see [[BBC Quarry]].
** [[Klingon Promotion]]
** [[Klingon Scientists Get No Respect]]
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** [[Vulcan Has No Moon]]
** [[Wagon Train to The Stars]]: Gene Roddenberry originally pitched his draft as ''[[Wagon Train]]'' <small>[[In Space]]</small>.
** [[We Come in Peace, Shoot To Kill]]: From a [ famous parody].
** [[Whoopi Epiphany Speech]]
** [[The Worf Effect]]
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*** [[Worf Had the Flu]]
* [[Trope Makers]] for:
** [[Green -Skinned Space Babe]]: "The Cage" (TOS)
** [[Planet of Hats]]: Popularized by "A Piece of the Action" (TOS)
** [[Rubber Forehead Aliens]]
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** Canadian Bruce Greenwood as American Christopher Pike.
** Interestingly, the most blatant example from the original series is averted. Leningrad-born but American-raised [[Anton Yelchin]] plays Chekov, originally played by American Walter Koenig with a fairly ridiculous [[Fake Accent]]. (In homage, Yelchin kept the accent.)
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Guy]]:
** [[Tyler Perry]] as the commandant of Starfleet Academy;
** [[House MD|Cameron]] is Kirk's mother;
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** [[Iron Man (Film)|Raza]] is Captain Robau;
** <s>[[Pirates of the Caribbean|Anamaria]]</s> [[Avatar (Film)|Neytiri]] is Uhura;
** [[G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra|Scarlett]] is Uhura's [[Green -Skinned Space Babe]] roommate;
** James Cawley, who plays Kirk in the fan series ''Star Trek Phase II'' appears in a walk-on role.
** Randy Pausch, the late professor from "The Last Lecture", has a brief walk on role aboard the ''USS Kelvin''. Mostly done as a nod to one of his childhood dreams of "Being Captain Kirk."
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** [[Stargate Atlantis|Paul McGillion]] was on screeen for [[The Cameo|10 seconds]] -- enough to be noticed and [[Squee]]'d at.
** [[Prison Break|Agent Kim]] cameos as a Starfleet instructor.
** Chris Doohan, son of original Scotty actor [[James Doohan]], plays Scotty's assistant in the ''Enterprise'' transporter room. He and his brother Montgomery had previously appeared as extras in ''[[Star Trek: theThe Motion Picture (Film)|Star Trek the Motion Picture]]''.
** And [[Deep Roy|the next evolutionary step]] for [[Charlie and The Chocolate Factory|Oompa-loomps]]
** The young Captain Kirk [[Poseidon (Film)|managed to survive a sinking ship in 2006]].
** [[Pirates of the Caribbean|Groves]] got demoted to [[Red Shirt]].
** and in the sequel, the villain is going to be [[Benedict Cumberbatch|Sherlock]] [[Sherlock|Holmes]].
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: The late Majel Barrett Roddenberry reprises her role as the Computer Voice one last time.
** <nowiki>* </nowiki>Minute's silence<nowiki>* </nowiki>
** And Kirk's stepdad who's yelling at him on the car phone is [[Heroes (TV)|Matt Parkman]]!