Star Trek: The Next Generation/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* In "A Matter of Perspective", Riker is accused of firing a phaser at the energy chamber just before transport, destroying the station and killing Dr. Apgar. But he wasn't ''wearing'' a phaser when he materialized on the ''Enterprise's'' transporter pad.
** In the early seasons, it was common to see tiny, garage door opener-sized phasers used along with the more traditional models. But even if Riker had a reason to have the garage door opener model during this mission, why didn't he materialize on the Enterprise in his shooting-the-phaser pose? The big plot point was that there was an energy discharge detected during transport, so it's not like Riker could have fired and then hid the phaser immediately afterward. And since you can't exactly move around during transport, if he were guilty, he should have shown up on the Enterprise with weapon in hand.
*** I think part of the point is that the people trying to get a conviction don't care if he's guilty or not, and anything that would countermand their own version of events was going to be written off as "The Federation covering for their officer" or somesuch.
== Set Course for the Neutral Zone, Full Reverse! ==