Star Trek: The Next Generation/Recap/S1/E24 Conspiracy: Difference between revisions

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Unfortunately, the conspiracy decided to make its presence known shortly thereafter; the ''Enterprise'' comes across the destroyed wreckage of one of the captains' ships, and through his research, Data is able to confirm many of the odd occurrences Picard was told of, leading everyone to assume the worst: secret invasion. Since anal Skrulls wouldn't be invented for several years, Picard decides to head to Starfleet Headquarters to figure out just what the hell is going on. Once there, Picard and Riker meet with a trio of admirals, all of whom seem to be acting very strangely. Things get weirder when we learn that one of them is an admiral who, in a previous episode, started the rumors of the conspiracy, but now insists he was only speaking metaphorically about [[You Will Be Assimilated|acquiring new members of the Federation]]. While Riker is still not convinced, Picard is, and orders him to keep an eye on this admiral while he goes on a tour of the ''Enterprise''.
Once on board, the admiral introduces Riker to a [[Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan|familiar brain slug]], batting him (and the crew members who come to his aid) around like a rag doll when he refuses to become one with the thing. The admiral is eventually subdued, and an investigation reveals a similar brain slug within him. Apparently, these are the things that are trying to subvert the Federation, and as Picard soon learns, they've made their way into the highest levels of Starfleet. Fortunately, Riker recovers enough from his beating to pull off a successful fake-out to rescue Picard from assimilation, and together, they face off against the mother alien, who defiantly insist they only wanted "peaceful coexistence". The episode ends on a [[Red Herring Twist]], with a homing signal being sent out to the Delta Quadrant, meant to be [[What Could Have Been|the prelude to the Borg]], but ultimately being left hanging as an [[The End or- Or Is It?]] [[Cliff Hanger]] never followed up. (Until the [[Star Trek Novel Verse|Expanded Universe]], anyway.)
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