Star Trek: The Original Series/Recap/S2/E04 Mirror, Mirror: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Evil Spock''': You must return to your universe. I must have my captain back. I shall operate the transporter. You have two minutes and ten seconds.
'''Kirk''': In that time [[An Aesop|I have something to say]]. How long before the Halkan prediction of galactic revolt is realisedrealized?<br />
'''Evil Spock''': Approximately two hundred and forty years.<br />
'''Kirk''': The inevitable outcome? <br />
'''Evil Spock''': The Empire shall be overthrown.<br />
'''Kirk''': [[Kirk Summation|The illogic of waste, Mister Spock. The waste of lives, potential, resources, time. I submit to you that your Empire is illogical because it cannot endure. I submit that you are illogical to be a willing part of it.]] <br />
'''Evil Spock''': You have one minute and twenty three seconds. <br />
'''Kirk''': If [[Growing the Beard|change is inevitable, predictable, beneficial]], doesn't logic demand that you be a part of it?<br />
'''Evil Spock''': One man cannot summon the future.<br />
'''Kirk''': But one man can change the present. Be [[The Captain]] of this Enterprise, Mister Spock. Find a logical reason for [[Adopt the Dog|sparing the Halkans]] and make it stick. Push till it gives. You can defend yourself better than any man in the fleet. <br />
'''Scotty''': Captain, get in the transporter! <br />
'''Kirk''': What will it be? Past or future? [[Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!|Tyranny or freedom]]? [[The Only One|It's up to you]].<br />
'''Evil Spock''': It is time.<br />
'''Kirk''': In every revolution, there's [[Messianic Archetype|one man with a vision]]. <br />
'''Evil Spock''': Captain Kirk, I shall consider it. }}