Star Trek Online/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:YMMV.StarTrekOnline 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:YMMV.StarTrekOnline, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
m (Mass update links)
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* [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]]: Man, there is ''nothing'' connecting this game to Star Trek at all! There's too much combat! There isn't enough Klingon content! It won't feel like Trek at all! Cryptic is just trying to - wait. What's this? This... [ This video]. [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice|Hey, it's that AWESOME voice!]]
** Not long after the game was released, many players complained that they didn't believe Cryptic listened to them. So Cryptic made a section of the forums to let everyone know exactly what they were planning to add with each update in advance, and to answer questions about that content. Players are extremely happy with it.
** Dstahl stepping back into the Exective Producer role, after having previously left for a different job, has many of the fandom welcoming him back with (mostly) open arms.
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** The Borg Warzones, especially when your rank is low. Sure, you might be able to blow up all the Borg facilities and the lower end ships defending them with a little help, but don't you ''dare'' think you're safe after that. At any moment, if you don't mind your surroundings, a cube or even a ''[[It Got Worse|Tactical Cube]]'' can come looming out of the debris clouds, right behind you. This Troper was unlucky enough to have one appear behind and ''below'' his ship, and got snagged by all four tractor beams, completely stuck. And that's when the worst part begins: the boarding of the small, helpless vessel by dozens and dozens of Borg drones...
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: ''Franklin Drake''. Especially once you reach the Captain levels. To say more would be spoilers.
** Obisek, [[Anti -Villain|anti-villainous]] [[Dark Messiah]] of the Reman Resistance, is not quite as smooth an operator as Drake, but makes up for it with scads of charisma and ''balls of steel''.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: [[No Indoor Voice|CONGRATULATIONS LIEUTENANT]].