Star Wars: The Old Republic/WMG: Difference between revisions

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'''Pre-emptive warning - anything marked "Confirmation status" contains major spoilers.''' [[Schmuck Bait|You have been warned.]]
== Revan and the Exile will return. ==
[[Bio WareBioWare]] has decided to outright lie about this, just so they can stun us with their return.
* One problem, The Old Republic takes place 300 years after Revan's disappearance, so even if they didn't die prematurely they most likely died of natural causes. And even if they knew how to extend their lifespan through the force, this can only take them so far.
** First, the Sith Emperor's been doing for over a thousand years so it's not impossible. Secondly, on Taral V you have to rescue a Jedi prisoner who is instrumental in "holding back the darkness" and has been lost inside it for three hundred years. It is also mentioned that should this prisoner's strength fail he will become the darkness. Sound familiar?
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== There is no Sith Emperor ==
His identity was just conjured up [[Big Brother Is Watching|to keep the Imperial citizens in-line]].
* Jossed. He makes a physical appearance in [[Revan (Literature)|Revan]], and in one of the tie-in webcomics.
== Janarus will get overthrown and replaced by one of his political rivals ==
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== The Sith Emperor is Darth Andeddu ==
His role as [[The Chessmaster]] is in line with Andeddu's extreme paranoia (including his elimination of the ancient Sith Lords' spirits as competition for his power) and planning. He is also the only known Sith Lord prior to Darth Bane known to have learned how to [[Grand Theft Me|transfer his essence to another body]] (which seems to be the Sith Emperor's method of immortality). But perhaps, most glaringly, is the fact that Darth Andeddu was the first Dark Lord to use the title "Darth" (the few who used it before him were lesser Sith Lords), which fell into common usage under the Sith Emperor's reign, having been bestowed by him upon Revan and Malak, as well as upon all of the known Sith Lords from the Great Galactic War.
* Jossed by [[Revan (Literature)|Revan]]. The Emperor is an original character named Vitiate.
== Both sides will eventually erupt in a Civil War. ==
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At the end of the Great Hyperspace War, a Jedi who was appalled by the genocide of the Sith decided to defect and guide the Sith to a new homeworld. However, the need for absolute order to protect the Sith from the horrors of Dromund Kaas made this Jedi fall to the dark side. The Emperor's reclusiveness stems from his reluctance to reveal to his subjects that he used to be a Jedi. The spirits of the ancient Sith Lords hate him because he participated in the sacking of Korriban.
* Jossed by [[Revan (Literature)|Revan]]. {{spoiler|The Emperor was a Sith Lord during the Great Hyperspace War and has been pure evil for almost his entire life.}}
== The Sith Emperor is Kreia ==
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Consider the parallels between Kreia and [[Dragon Age|Flemeth]]. They're generally manipulative, tend to work behind the scenes, pretend to be an ally of the hero for a time, and are usually at least as significant a threat as the actual [[Big Bad]] of the story, if they aren't the [[Big Bad]] themselves. Now consider that body surfing to achieve extended lifespan is an established tactic of both Flemeth and existing Sith in Star Wars...
* Jossed by [[Revan (Literature)|Revan]]. {{spoiler|The Emperor was a Sith Lord during the Great Hyperspace War and has been pure evil for almost his entire life. A force spirit who resembles Kreia in more ways than one does appear in the Sith Warrior's story, and she claims to have loved the Emperor}}
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== M1-4X survives for thousands of years ==
After leaving the service of the Trooper, he is maintained as a museum fixture of some kind, eventually receives a more realistic vocabulator, and becomes the narrator for a [[Star Wars: theThe Clone Wars|Republic Propaganda Project]] during the Clone Wars.
== HK-47 gets [[Killed Off for Real]] ==