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Starstuff was a locally produced children's science fiction TV series made by WCAU channel 10 in Philadelphia in 1980, and periodically rerun on that station for years afterward. The theme song and much of the incidental music was taken from [[Gustav Holst]]'s ''The Planets.'' 18 episodes were produced.
Chris is a normal albeit very intelligent 10-year old living with his mother in Philadelphia. His pride and joy is the home-made computer he has assembled in his room out of an old TV set and countless electronic odds and ends. When he tries it out, however, he discovers that by some fluke of physics (owing mostly to ''where'' he happened to build it), his computer is able to communicate with another computer which ''will'' exist on an orbiting [[Space Station|space colony]] in [[The Future|the year 2010.]] This future computer is owned by a 10-year old girl named Ingrid, and the two kids are able to communicate by audio/video transmission. The children decide to keep their amazing discovery secret, and they quickly become best friends. The show consists mainly of their conversations, comparing their very different lives on Earth and in orbit, as well as dealing with Chris's relatively mundane everyday troubles and Ingrid's more exotic but still basically everyday travails. It was [[Better Than It Sounds Live Action TV|surprisingly awesome.]]
Chris was also a fan of [[Laurel and Hardy]], and had a vast collection of their silent short films, which he would share with Ingrid [[Once an Episode]].
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* [[No Budget]]
* [[Our Time Machine Is Different]]
* [[Perfect Pacifist People]]: The space colony is hardly perfect, but it is such a small and [[Close -Knit Community]] that crime is effectively unknown.
* [[Portal to the Past]]
* [[Show Within a Show]]: Chris's video collection.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Giz
* {{spoiler|[[Downer Ending]]: The ship plummets into a black hole. Giz bravely (and we presume, accurately) predicts that [[And the Adventure Continues...|they will emerge into a whole new universe to explore,]] and sounds almost optimistic, but Krikles and Zornad both still look horrified, and who can blame them?}}
* [[Everything's Better with Dinosaurs]]: The [[Time Travel]] episode, near the end. (With the toy plastic dinosaur as a prop! Hah! ''So'' awesome!)
* [[Nice Hat]]: Both the guys with their little silver beanies.
* [[Robot Buddy]]: Giz