Starter Equipment/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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'''Basic Trope''': The player is given some basic equipment at the start of the game which they'll quickly replace with something better.
* '''Straight''': Bob starts out wearing nothing but the unique and useless "{{smallcapssmall-caps| [Bob's Clothes}}]" as armour, and armed with a {{smallcapssmall-caps| [Stick}}].
* '''Exaggerated''': Alice, a trained soldier, starts off with nothing but a {{smallcapssmall-caps| [Warm Jacket}}], a {{smallcapssmall-caps| [Paintball Gun}}] and a {{smallcapssmall-caps| [Cracked Helmet}}].
** Bob begins with full body armor and a giant sniper rifle -- but because it's [[Starter Equipment]] it's worthless anyway, [[Statistically Speaking]].
* '''Downplayed''': Bob has the cheapest equipment available from the starting area's shop.
* '''Justified''': {{smallcapssmall-caps| [Bob's Clothes}}] were made on the cheap by [[Kid Hero|his mother]]. Hence there are no clothes like them, but they are neither valuable nor designed for combat. While there are obviously other {{smallcapssmall-caps| [Stick}}] lying around he sees no reason to pick them up when he finds an actual weapon.
** Bob is decked out in full, modern combat gear -- but since he's fighting aliens, it's dramatically inferior to their equipment ''anyway''.
** Bob's a random peasant, so it wouldn't make sense to have him start with the [[Infinity+1 Sword]].
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* '''Double Subverted''': Due to budget cuts, they can still only requisition equipment far inferior to what they'll find later.
** Armor and weapons are next to worthless, since Bob still needs to level grind his magic/kung fu/etc.
* '''Parodied''': Bob is stuck in a [[Hopeless Boss Fight]] since his {{smallcapssmall-caps| [Stick}}] can't even harm a mildly agitated [[Everything Trying to Kill You|sheep]].
* '''Deconstructed''': The game is [[Nintendo Hard]] because of the poor equipment at the start of the game.
** Because the characters start with worthless weapons, they are forced to use stealth and the environment much more in the early stages.
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* '''Averted''': The game has no improved equipment. Alice and Bob's weapons are all they'll need for the rest of the game.
* '''Enforced''': The devs tried starting you off at full power, but testers complained about the lack of advancement.
* '''Lampshaded''': "Don't I have anything better than this {{smallcapssmall-caps| [Stick}}]? I mean there's probably at least a kitchen knife somewhere in my house...."
* '''Invoked''': Bob makes sure to be underequipped compared to everyone else so that he can be [[The Hero]].
* '''Defied''': Bob keeps a cache of weapons and armour just in case. It's roughly to the standards of mid game items.
* '''Discussed''': "I don't have anything but the clothes on my back and a {{smallcapssmall-caps| [Stick}}]!" "Stop complaining, we'll find somewhere that sells something better soon."
* '''Conversed''': "I hear that Bob's off to save the world with nothing but a {{smallcapssmall-caps| [Stick}}]!"
* '''Exploited''': Bob accepts the weaker weapons so that he can sell them, knowing they'll get better ones immediatly anyway.
OK, this [[Playing with Wiki]] page is a good start, but the best stuff's over on {{smallcapssmall-caps| [[[Starter Equipment]]}}]!