Steins;Gate 0/Characters: Difference between revisions

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*[[Big Eater]]: Has demonstrated that she has quite an appetite, handily winning an eating contest without breaking a sweat. She claims her appetite stems from habits she learned in the future where rations are not as plentiful.
*[[Foil]]: To her Alpha self; beta Suzuha is more focused, battle-hardened, and serious compared to her more curious, bubbly, energetic, and cheerful Alpha self.
**She is also this to her Omega self, who is more carefree, dim-witted, and kind of bratty.
*[[Full-Name Basis]]: An aversion of her Alpha self, rather she addresses everyone on a first-name basis, except for Okabe, whom she calls Uncle Okarin. She is the only person who addresses Faris by her real name, Rumiho (or Rumi for short), much to herthe latter's surprise.
*[[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: In the VN, it is Suzuha who gives Okabe a punch in the face to revive his Hououinclobbering Kyoumahe personadeserves instead of Daru in the anime.
*[[Hypocrite]]: When Okabe awakens from a coma in 2036, she gets upset that her dad had lied to her and kept the extent of his condition from her for 11 years. Small details aside, let's not forget that she has also lied to her dad about Yuki seeing another man just to get the two together.
*[[I Lied]]: To elaborate the above entry, she fabricated a story about Yuki flirting with some other guy in order to get Daru to start taking his relationship with her seriously. She even has Faris doctor a photo she carries around with her to appear as though she is fading away. But it isn't until after Daru's date with Yuki ends in embarrassment for him that she comes cleans and admits to manufacturing the whole thing. Despite this though, she was sincere enough that it gave Daru the kick up the ass he needed to try again. His second date with Yuki goes much better as a result.
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She also made a cameo appearance via a photo in the ''Steins;Gate'' movie, though Kurisu doesn't buy it at all given the major contrast in appearances.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
*[[Ascended Extra]]: She went from making brief cameo appearances in the original adaptation, movie, and spin-off games, to being more directly involved with the main cast in ''Steins;Gate 0.''
*[[Cute Clumsy Girl]]: She has an unfortunate habit of injuring herself, the only instance we see of this is when she walks into a door. To be fair, it was glass, so...
*[[Early Installment Character-Design Difference]]: When the OVA episode was in production, her design was not set in stone yet, so the artists simply made her look almost identical to Suzuha with a different hairstyle and colour. Her cameo in the movie is closer to how she looks in ''0'', until we got what we have now. It is highly likely (but not definite) that the redesign was made so the resemblance to Suzuha less obvious to the other characters.
*[[Give Geeks a Chance]]: She actually prefers Daru being his usual goofy self, believing him to be more fun to be with. She was visibly put off by Daru when he tried to act like a confident ladies man, no thanks to the other girls.
*[[Mistaken Identity]]: When we first meet her, Okabe mistakes her for Suzuha due to looking almost identical. Given that Suzuha was a time traveller, it was an easy mistake to make.
*[[Ms. Fanservice]]: Wears one of the more revealing outfits during Episode 3's Christmas party. She is often seen throughout the series in some kind of cosplay getup.
*[[Nice Girl]]: Seems to have the same cheerful personality as Alpha Suzuha, and loves Daru for the otaku that he is.
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*[[Taking the Bullet]]: Tragically how she died in the future to protect Suzuha from an attack drone that opened fire on them.
*[[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: How the messy unkempt Daru was able to hook up with a stunning young lady like Yuki is a complete mystery to everyone!
== Amadeus Kurisu ==
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[[File:Character Image.jpg|frame|Caption]]{{Quote|''I know labs tend to be messy as a rule, but I was expecting less of a frat pad and more of an actual lab.''|Amadeus upon seeing Okabe's apartment/"lab"}}
Amadeus is the [[Artificial Intelligence]] constructed by Professor Alexis Leskinen at the Viktor Condria University in the United States. It is constructed using the memories and likeness of the late Kurisu Makise.
After discovering the extent of Okabe's relationship with Kurisu, Maho and Prof. Leskinen bring him on board as a tester for Amadeus. Though she is nothing more than a digital replica, she still retains all of her knowledge and personality from the real Kurisu when she was alive, and it doesn't take long for Okabe to get attached to her despite Maho's repeated warnings that she is just a programme.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
*[[Benevolent AI]]: She is just a programme after all, but she can assist you with anything you need.
*[[The Caregiver]]: While Okabe was comatose for 11 years, Amadeus kept constant watch over his vitals to ensure he didn't die.
*[[Date Peepers|Date Peeper]]: Became one by accident when Okabe forgot to close the Amadeus app while on a group date. He is mortified once he learns this!
*[[Don't Call Me "Sir"!|Don't Call Me "Christina"!]]: The one and only time Okabe deliberately calls her Christina is met with a reaction of this nature.
*[[Fiery Redhead]]: Even in digital form, she still a redhead, and still has quite the temper to go with it.
*[[Half the Man He Used To Be|Half the Woman She Used To Be]]: Lampshaded by Amadeus herself, acknowledging she doesn't have legs. Still, we never see her from the waist down.
*[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Once she realises she can be used as a weapon in warfare, she allows Daru to send a [[Mental Time Travel|D-mail]] (in this case, a D-Rine) into the past to prevent her creation in the first place.
*[[Last Request]]: Right before the D-Rine is sent, she wishes for Maho to take care of [her] Hououin Kyouma in her stead.
*[[Nice Girl]]: Compared to Alpha Kurisu, Amadeus Kurisu is far friendlier and more approachable towards Okabe, thanks in part to her first impression of the guy not being spoiled by the insane ramblings of [[Mad Scientist|Hououin Kyouma]].
*[[Oh Crap]]: In the English dub, this is her reaction when she realises she got Rick Roll'd.
*[[Robot Buddy]]: Need something? She's one call away!
*[[Shipper on Deck]]: Believes Okabe and Maho to be lovers, and will continue to ship the two any chance she gets.
*[[Tsundere]]: Unfortunately for her, the real Kurisu's tsundere tendencies remained intact when her memories when transplanted into an A.I programme. Okabe continuously pokes fun at her more embarrassing traits just to get a rise out of Amadeus, including her old @channel hobby, and trolling her with internet memes. He manages to make her blush at one point.