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** Ditto for Jasper, who a lot of fans find attractive because of her shapely hips, beefy body, long wild hair, and hot temper.
** Ditto for Jasper, who a lot of fans find attractive because of her shapely hips, beefy body, long wild hair, and hot temper.
** Blue Diamond was revealed to have a stunningly beautiful look when she was finally shown in Season 4.
** Blue Diamond was revealed to have a stunningly beautiful look when she was finally shown in Season 4.

*[[Franchise Original Sin]]:

**Redemption Arcs. Redemptions have a massive base breaker, and in general Steven Universe has become infamous for them. However there was a time when this wasnt considered a flaw. Peridots redemption Arc was extremely well received. The thing is, with Peridot her arc was very slow, having initally only joined the Crystal Gems out of self preservation, taking a long time to come to like earth and even longer to finally turn on the diamonds. And the other Crystal Gems never totally forgot about her deeds beforehand. The Diamonds redemptions were critisized for being extremely quick, and being really out of charachter for alot of them, particularly white, and them not getting any real consequences or even held in Scorn for the horrible things they did. Also while Peridot could atleast be excused as being a product of her enviorment, the diamonds were the ones leading homeworld.

**Rose having made dark mistakes in the past was initally considered very interesting, and a good way to teach that no one is perfect. However after the events of the movie, some got more then a little sick of it, as the point was already made, yet the show contiued to kick a long dead horse. And for many it got aggravating how Pinks mistakes kept getting hyped as these awful actions with massive repracausions when the other diamonds are let off scott free and there atrocities ignored. Combined with how she would always try to change and get better knowing she was flawed, and many wish the show would cut her some slack.

* [[Fan Dumb]]: ''Steven Universe'' is infamous for having what is considered to be one of the most hostile and intolerant fandumbs of all time, thanks to numerous incidents such as when fans chased writer Matt Burnett off of Tumblr over a simple continuity error, threw a stink over the ''Uncle Grandpa'' crossover episode and harassed members of the show's staff, posting inflammatory reviews for a real life Keystone Hotel that could have seriously hurt business (to be fair that was just a joke by people who didn't think through the consequences), and harassing fan artists who draw characters in different ways (Such as Rose Quartz with a more petite frame, Garnet as non-black) so badly that one such artist actually attempted suicide. This has led to a very large group of fan haters who hate the whole fambase just because of these people, which is ironic given that the above mentioned suicide attempt was by a member of the fan base.
* [[Fan Dumb]]: ''Steven Universe'' is infamous for having what is considered to be one of the most hostile and intolerant fandumbs of all time, thanks to numerous incidents such as when fans chased writer Matt Burnett off of Tumblr over a simple continuity error, threw a stink over the ''Uncle Grandpa'' crossover episode and harassed members of the show's staff, posting inflammatory reviews for a real life Keystone Hotel that could have seriously hurt business (to be fair that was just a joke by people who didn't think through the consequences), and harassing fan artists who draw characters in different ways (Such as Rose Quartz with a more petite frame, Garnet as non-black) so badly that one such artist actually attempted suicide. This has led to a very large group of fan haters who hate the whole fambase just because of these people, which is ironic given that the above mentioned suicide attempt was by a member of the fan base.
** The "petite Rose Quartz" fanarts became [[Hilarious in Hindsight]] with the reveal that {{spoiler|Rose is in fact just a shape-shifted disguise for Pink Diamond, who is naturally slender and petite, meaning that the drawings weren't far off from the character's actual body size.}}
** The "petite Rose Quartz" fanarts became [[Hilarious in Hindsight]] with the reveal that {{spoiler|Rose is in fact just a shape-shifted disguise for Pink Diamond, who is naturally slender and petite, meaning that the drawings weren't far off from the character's actual body size.}}