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(White's the only likely qualifier as of right now.)
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* [[Fan Dumb]]: Steven Universe is infamous for having what is considered to be one of the most hostile and intolerant fan dumbs of all time, thanks to numerous incidents such as when fans chased writer Matt Burnett off of Tumblr over a simple continuity error, threw a stink over the ''Uncle Grandpa'' crossover episode and harassed members of the show's staff, posting inflammatory reviews for a real life Keystone Hotel that could have seriously hurt business(to be fair that was just a joke by people who didny think through the consequences), and harassing fanartists who draw characters in different ways (Such as Rose Quartz with a more petite frame, Garnet as non-black) so badly that one such artist actually attempted suicide. This has a very large group of fan haters who hate the whole fambse just ebcause of these people with is ironic given that the above mentioned suicide was by a member of the fan base.
* [[Fan Dumb]]: Steven Universe is infamous for having what is considered to be one of the most hostile and intolerant fan dumbs of all time, thanks to numerous incidents such as when fans chased writer Matt Burnett off of Tumblr over a simple continuity error, threw a stink over the ''Uncle Grandpa'' crossover episode and harassed members of the show's staff, posting inflammatory reviews for a real life Keystone Hotel that could have seriously hurt business(to be fair that was just a joke by people who didny think through the consequences), and harassing fanartists who draw characters in different ways (Such as Rose Quartz with a more petite frame, Garnet as non-black) so badly that one such artist actually attempted suicide. This has a very large group of fan haters who hate the whole fambse just ebcause of these people with is ironic given that the above mentioned suicide was by a member of the fan base.
* [[Hate Dumb]]: A very large amount of people have harrased members of the fanbase or refused to watch the show just because of the bad parts of the fan base theese people will also hypocritically say they "refuse the acknoledge other peoples ophinions.
* [[Hate Dumb]]: A very large amount of people have harrased members of the fanbase or refused to watch the show just because of the bad parts of the fan base theese people will also hypocritically say they "refuse the acknoledge other peoples ophinions.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: If there's anyone that's far beyond this, it's {{spoiler|Yellow Diamond, who is more than happy to obliterate the Earth and all life on it with the Cluster, an enormous abomination crafted from ''millions'' of shattered Gems who fought on the side of the rebellion, all over a petty grudge against Rose Quartz. And depending on how involved they were with {{spoiler|the Cluster's formation and all the horrific Mengele-esqe experiments that paved the way to its creation, White and Blue Diamond may already be beyond redemption as well.}}
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: Yellow Diamond was more than happy to obliterate the Earth and all life on it with the Cluster, an enormous abomination crafted from ''millions'' of shattered Gems who fought on the side of the rebellion, all over her grudge against Rose Quartz and the planet she'd loved and protected. And depending on how involved they were with {{spoiler|the Cluster's formation and all the horrific Mengele-esqe experiments that paved the way to its creation}}, White and Blue Diamond may already be beyond redemption as well.
** Garnet felt that {{spoiler|Pearl}} crossed it in ''Cry For Help'' by {{spoiler|secretly repairing a communications hub Peridot was using to broadcast messages to the Homeworld so she could trick Garnet into fusing with her for a quick power trip.}} While {{spoiler|she DID end up forgiving Pearl, it took a good long while for it to happen.}}
** Garnet felt that {{spoiler|Pearl}} crossed it in ''Cry For Help'' by {{spoiler|secretly repairing a communications hub Peridot was using to broadcast messages to the Homeworld so she could trick Garnet into fusing with her for a quick power trip.}} While {{spoiler|she DID end up forgiving Pearl, it took a good long while for it to happen.}}
* [[Narm]]: Jasper's introduction in ''The Return'' is meant to set her up as a brutal, sadistic, intimidating thug, though her intimidation factor takes a few blows thanks to the fact that in several awkwardly-drawn shots, her face ends up looking almost exactly like [[Toy Story (franchise)||Buzz Lightyear's]] due to her enormous chin. Thankfully, this problem has been rectified in later episodes.
* [[Narm]]: Jasper's introduction in ''The Return'' is meant to set her up as a brutal, sadistic, intimidating thug, though her intimidation factor takes a few blows thanks to the fact that in several awkwardly-drawn shots, her face ends up looking almost exactly like [[Toy Story (franchise)||Buzz Lightyear's]] due to her enormous chin. Thankfully, this problem has been rectified in later episodes.
** In ''Sworn to the Sword'', Pearl's over the top outburst of "WHY WON'T YOU JUST LET ME DO THIS FOR YOU, ROSE?!" tends to come off as forced and [[Wangst|wangsty]] for some, thanks to the line's rather unsubtle, ham-fisted delivery. What doesn't help is the fact that it's treated like some sort of [[Wham Line]] when past episodes have already explored Pearl's attachment issues with Rose in a far better manner.
** In ''Sworn to the Sword'', Pearl's over the top outburst of "WHY WON'T YOU JUST LET ME DO THIS FOR YOU, ROSE?!" tends to come off as forced and [[Wangst|wangsty]] for some, thanks to the line's rather unsubtle, ham-fisted delivery. What doesn't help is the fact that it's treated like some sort of [[Wham Line]] when past episodes have already explored Pearl's attachment issues with Rose in a far better manner.
* [[Overshadowed by Controversy]]: Thanks to the infamous incident where fans of the show bullied a fanartist to the point of a suicide attempt over "racist" and "fatphobic" fanart, lots of potential fans have been scared away from the show due to the incredibly toxic parts of the fandom unfortunately many people have began to harass or outright bully people just gor being part of the fandom
* [[Overshadowed by Controversy]]: Thanks to the infamous incident where fans of the show bullied a fanartist to the point of a suicide attempt over "racist" and "fatphobic" fanart, lots of potential fans have been scared away from the show due to the incredibly toxic parts of the fandom unfortunately many people have began to harass or outright bully people just gor being part of the fandom
* [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]]: Lars spent the first three seasons of the show as an unlikable asshole who never really developed as a character despite going through events that should've mellowed him out or cause ''some'' kind of [[Character Development]]. Then in Season 4 he showed his [[Hidden Depths]] and began acting friendlier towards Steven and Sadie, which was soon followed by a full redemption of his character and a surprising case of [[Took a Level In Badass]] in the Season 5 premiere, making Lars a favorite for many who'd previously disliked or felt indifferent towards him.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Even the most controversial characters in this show tend to have defenders and fans, yet there are still a few who are potent hate-magnets. One such character is Ronaldo, who is widely detested for being a one-dimensional character with little depth aside from being a loony conspiracy theorist whose antics are far more cringeworthy and annoying rather than amusing.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Even the most controversial characters in this show tend to have defenders and fans, yet there are still a few who are potent hate-magnets. One such character is Ronaldo Fryman, who is widely detested for being a one-dimensional caricature of a weird, conspiracy-believing nerd with an obnoxious and unlikable personality and little depth aside from being a loony conspiracy theorist whose antics are far more cringeworthy and annoying rather than amusing.
** To a lesser extent, there's also Lars, mainly because he's an unlikable asshole who never really develops as a character despite going through events that should mellow him out or cause ''some'' kind of character development.
* [[Unintentionally Unsympathetic]]: It's very clear that Pearl has a ''lot'' of issues, some of which stem from grief, others from homesickness, and others still from what almost comes off as separation anxiety. But thanks to her behavior in episodes such as "Sworn to the Sword", "Rose's Scabbard", and "Space Race" where she does downright horrible things in regards to her angst over Rose, she can come off as less sympathetic and more like a clingy basket case who shouldn't be left around children.
* [[Unintentionally Unsympathetic]]: It's very clear that Pearl has a ''lot'' of issues, some of which stem from grief, others from homesickness, and others still from what almost comes off as separation anxiety. But thanks to her behavior in episodes such as "Sworn to the Sword", "Rose's Scabbard", and "Space Race" where she does downright horrible things in regards to her angst over Rose, she can come off as less sympathetic and more like a clingy basket case who shouldn't be left around children.
** In ''Too Far'', we're supposed to feel bad for Amethyst when Peridot makes unintentionally mean-spirited comments towards her defects that came from {{spoiler|staying underground too long before being "born"}}, which really, really hit a raw nerve with her. The problem is however, that Amethyst had been previously laughing hysterically while Peridot roasted her friends and mocked things that they took quite personally, and in fact ''encouraged'' her to do so, and it doesn't help that due to her lack of social skills, Peridot legitimately had no clue that she was being mean and only went as far as she did due to Amethyst's encouragement. So for many, Amethyst came off less as a victim of bad behavior, and more of a thin-skinned bully who can dish it out, but can't take it.
** In ''Too Far'', we're supposed to feel bad for Amethyst when Peridot makes unintentionally mean-spirited comments towards her defects that came from {{spoiler|staying underground too long before being "born"}}, which really, really hit a raw nerve with her. The problem is however, that Amethyst had been previously laughing hysterically while Peridot roasted her friends and mocked things that they took quite personally, and in fact ''encouraged'' her to do so, and it doesn't help that due to her lack of social skills, Peridot legitimately had no clue that she was being mean and only went as far as she did due to Amethyst's encouragement. So for many, Amethyst came off less as a victim of bad behavior, and more of a thin-skinned bully who can dish it out, but can't take it.
**BOTH Steven and Connie get this in the second arc of Season 5 though they also zig-zag a bit.
** BOTH Steven and Connie get this in the second arc of Season 5 though they also zig-zag a bit.
***On Connie's side, she's angry at Steven for sacrificing himself without consulting her when they'd previously acted as partners. But then she blows him off for days and completely ignores any of his attempts to talk to her and patch things up making her seem like something of a hypocrite. And she took Lion.
*** On Connie's side, she's angry at Steven for sacrificing himself without consulting her when they'd previously acted as partners. But then she blows him off for days and completely ignores any of his attempts to talk to her and patch things up making her seem like something of a hypocrite. And she took Lion.
***Steven himself also counts. While one can make a case that he's desperate for a slice of normality after what he just went through on Homeworld, his focus is almost entirely on invoking Status Quo Is God and he doesn't seem that concerned for Lars who is still, as far as he knows, trapped on the capital planet of racist, brutal, galaxy spanning empire.
*** Steven himself also counts. While one can make a case that he's desperate for a slice of normality after what he just went through on Homeworld, his focus is almost entirely on invoking [[Status Quo Is God ]] and he doesn't seem that concerned for Lars who is still, as far as he knows, trapped on the capital planet of a racist, brutal, galaxy spanning empire.
**Mayor Dewey. When we meet him, he's a well meaning but flawed mayor who seems somewhat out of his depth running a town with magic space rocks and alien creatures. Then we got Dewey Wins which painted him as a Corrupt Politician whose only mayor because of his ego and is blatantly unqualified to be a leader. To be fair, the episode takes time to highlight that Dewey is being blamed for issues he couldn't have predicted or done anything about (namely Homeworld Gems abducting people) but he's so unsympathetic to the point that he's, at best, indifferent about Lars being lost in space to the faces of his parents and girlfriend. Safe to say not many shared Steven's disappointment in him losing the mayoral election
** Mayor Dewey. When we meet him, he's a well meaning but flawed mayor who seems somewhat out of his depth running a town with magic space rocks and alien creatures. Then we got Dewey Wins which painted him as a Corrupt Politician whose only mayor because of his ego and is blatantly unqualified to be a leader. To be fair, the episode takes time to highlight that Dewey is being blamed for issues he couldn't have predicted or done anything about (namely Homeworld Gems abducting people) but he's so unsympathetic to the point that he's, at best, indifferent about Lars being lost in space to the faces of his parents and girlfriend. Safe to say not many shared Steven's disappointment in him losing the mayoral election