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[[File:StockCostumeTraits_3075StockCostumeTraits 3075.jpg|frame|Guess the trait!]]
[[Tertiary Sexual Characteristics]] occurs when stereotypical female elements are added to a character to demonstrate she is a woman. If you have a [[Pac-Man|yellow circle]], and you stick a bow on it, you instantly recognize the circle is a girl.
[['''Stock Costume Traits]]''' is that concept, except as related to characteristics or professions rather than gender. You add some costume element onto a character, and that is the visual signal they have adopted that characteristic. For example, if the circle has a pipe and deerstalker hat, we know the circle is a [[Sherlock Holmes|detective]]; if it wears a monocle and top hat, we understand that yellow circle belongs to [[High-Class Glass|high society]].
Most of these are [[Dead Horse Trope|Dead Horse Tropes]]s by now. Closely related to [[Hollywood Dress Code]], but approached from a different perspective. See [[Clothes Make the Legend]] for a similar idea, but related to one specific character.
Compare [[Expository Hairstyles]], when a character's hair is used to indicate personality, background, or other traits.
=== Tropes with their own pages: ===
* '''Burglar''': [[Blatant Burglar]] -- Black—Black and white striped shirt and domino mask or ski mask.
* '''Doctor''': [[Dressed to Heal]] -- [[Labcoat of Science and Medicine|White lab coat]], head mirror, stethoscope.
* '''Explorer''': [[Explorer Outfit]] -- Pith—Pith helmet and khakis.
* '''Extreme Poverty''': [[Bankruptcy Barrel]] -- Naked—Naked, except for a barrel.
* '''Formal Tough Guy (Bodyguard/Professional Assassins)''': [[Badass in a Nice Suit]] -- Tux—Tux or business suit (often with sunglasses).
* '''Flapper''': [[The Flapper]] -- Loose—Loose, low-waist knee-length dress, bobbed hair, cloche hats (casual wear) or decorated headbands (formal wear). Style is mostly Art Deco.
* '''French Maid''': [[French Maid Outfit]] -- Black—Black dress with lacy white trim.
* '''Ghost''': [[Bedsheet Ghost]] -- Plain—Plain white ghost.
* '''Pimp''': [[Pimp Duds]] -- Ridiculously—Ridiculously oversized hat and bulky fur coat.
* '''Rich/High Society''': (male) [[High-Class Glass]] -- Top—Top hat, monocle, tuxedo; (female) -- a [[Pimped-Out Dress]]
* '''Viking''': [[Horny Vikings]] -- Horned—Horned helm and beard.
* '''Wizard''': [[Robe and Wizard Hat]] -- Robe—Robe and a wizard hat. Naturally.
=== Other examples: ===
* '''[[Amateur Sleuth]]''': A pipe and a deerstalker hat; thank [[Sherlock Holmes]].
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* '''Reporter''': A button-down with sleeves rolled up, tie at half-mast, and fedora with a card stuck in the band that says "media" or "press"; cigar optional.
* '''Spy''': Fedora, [[Badass Longcoat]], and sunglasses, although that's a [[Dead Horse Trope]] by now. [[Spy Catsuit]] is more modern. James Bond-esque spies prefer a [[Tuxedo and Martini]].
* '''[[Superhero]]''': The stereotype is a cape ,<ref> So much so we named the trope about a stereotypical superhero "[[The Cape (trope)]]"</ref>, spandex, and underwear on the outside. May have a [[Heroic Build|good physique]].
* '''Surfer''': Long blond hair, tanned skin, [[Cool Shades]], lotioned nose, cowrie-shell necklace, and baggy shorts.
* '''Teacher''' (male): Tweedy jacket with patches on elbows, glasses.
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