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* ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' has been suffering from this in recent seasons. During the timeskip between the second and third seasons, the main characters (who were already [[Person of Mass Destruction|People of Mass Destruction]] to start with) became obscenely powerful and had to have their powers nerfed in the third season by the use of [[Power Limiter]]s, extensive use of [[Anti-Magic]] fields and a half-hearted attempt to shift the focus over to the newer (and much weaker) characters, though ultimately the focus returned to the super-powerful main characters beating the crap out of people. The SSX Sound Stage and the ''ViVid'' manga solved this issue by completely switching focus to follow the new characters, but ''Force'' went the opposite direction by introducing villains with the ''even more'' broken power of ''complete immunity to all magic'', forcing the characters to essentially ditch their old powersets in favor of new weapons of [[Flawed Prototype|questionable reliability]].
** One cannot forget the new protagonist of Force, Tohma. He starts out rather basic, for this series anyway, but then {{spoiler|he becomes fully infected and is turned into a [[Divide by Zero|Zero Divider]], [[Cursed with Awesome|a person who can cause everyone around him to fall unconscious and possibly die, doing so completely subconsciously.]].}}
* Accelerator of ''[[ToA AruCertain Majutsu noMagical Index]]'' won the [[Superpower Lottery]] with the ability to change the vectors of anything, as in he's immune to nukes if he wants to be and could take out an entire army by himself if he didn't get tired while slaughtering everyone. {{spoiler|Then the story takes the time to illustrate that he's not a complete amoral psychopath so they can make him into a hero. Naturally, after getting a [[Morality Pet]] he makes an (anti-)[[Heroic Sacrifice]] that makes him far less brokenly powerful so [[Drama-Preserving Handicap|he can be a hero fighting at a disadvantage.]] Later in the novels since vol.13 he has started to evolve his powers and vol.15 he had a power "awakening" killing the second Level 5 in the process giving him new levels of badass}}.
** Accelerator actually can't count anymore. His ability can be countered as shown by Amata Kihara. His power can even by disconnected and taken away from him. There are also a lot of characters stronger then him currently. His awakening could still count but that's another story.
** There's a list of at least a dozen characters, if not more, in the Toaru-'verse who are explicitly so broken no one can touch them except maybe a few other people on the broken list. There's a character who can make you fall into a coma if you ever think even the slightest negative or confrontational thing about her anywhere in the universe that's undefendable except with a [[Power Nullifier]] or [[Anti-Magic]]. There's a guy who's powerset includes the ability to be +1 in power to whoever he's fighting, can hit you with an instantaneous attack from anywhere that ignores everything but causality and destroys whatever it hits, and defends the same way PASSIVELY. Or the guy who can completely negate and make useless anything he thinks of "as a weapon". To be perfectly blunt, it's an entire UNIVERSE filled with cheating, insufferable assholes, who are all powermad, crazy, genocidal, [[A God Am I]]-types. This is done simply because the author needed people who only the somewhat doofy, nearly powerless main character could beat, catered to his own ability.