Street Fighter III/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Red Boxing Gloves|Blue Boxing Gloves]]: He seems to wear them just about ''everywhere''. In ''SSFIV'', his intro involves him ''grooming himself with the gloves on''.
* [[British Accents]]: Always of an appropriate London RP type in all of his appearances, but with changes in tone/pitch depending on the voice actor.
* [[British Stuffiness]]: To a certain extent, in that he views traditional good manners and social graces as absolutely ''essential'', and favours [[Sharp -Dressed Man|very formal clothing]], normally reserved for evening-wear by most people. He also seems surprised and put out when met with uncouth, ungentlemanly behavior. It should be noted that he is far more stuffy and [[Gentleman Snarker|derisive]] in the ''SF 3'' series, but is retroactively less intolerant in ''SSF 4''.
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: Not just the attacks themselves, but Dudley also calls out ''where'' his attacks are going to hit the opponent sometimes ("Body Blow!").
* [[Cool Car]]: Attempting to retrieve his father's prized Jaguar from Gill in ''New Generation'' is his motivation for entering the tournament.
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* [[Patriotic Fervor]]: His win-quotes--"The British spirit is an indomitable spirit!"
* [[Quintessential British Gentleman]]: The clothes, the hair, the tea, the butler etc.
* [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]]: Most notably seen in his Machinegun Blow and Rolling Thunder.
* [[Rated "M" for Manly|Rated M For (Gentle)Manly]]: It does not matter where you are, everyone seems to praise Dudley for his (gentle)manliness.
* [[Razor Wind]]: During his Corkscrew Blow super art from ''III'' and its upgraded version, the Corkscrew Cross, in ''IV''.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Dudley is the Blue Oni to Balrog's Red Oni. [[Department of Redundancy Department|Right down to the (default) color of their boxing gloves]].
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* [[Scary Black Man]]: Subverted.
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]
* [[Sharp -Dressed Man]]
* [[Something About a Rose]]: ''"Gutter trash."''
* [[Spot of Tea]]: Dudley is frequently pictured holding a cup of tea. [[Red Boxing Gloves|With boxing gloves on]]. ''That is how refined and gentle he is''.
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* [[Took a Level In Jerkass]]: Retroactively--he's ''much'' more friendly in ''Street Fighter IV,'' which is a prequel to ''III''.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: In one of his win quotes in 3S, he refers to his opponent as such: "Despite your rudeness, I like your style. Let me buy you a drink..."
* [[Yes -Man]]: His butler, Mr. Orlando K. Gotch, perpetually found by his master's side.
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* [[Assist Character]]: As mentioned above, Yang to Yun in ''Alpha 3'' and ''Capcom vs. SNK 2''.
* [[Badass Long Hair]]: Yun.
** [[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]]: Again, Yun.
* [[Bash Brothers]]: Both literally and figuratively. They even teamed up to ward off Gill.
* [[Battle in The Rain]]: Yang's ''3rd Strike'' stage.
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* [[Childhood Friend Romance]]: In-story, Yang is in love with Yun's would-be girlfriend Houmei but has pretty much accepted that [[Unlucky Childhood Friend|his feelings are unrequited.]] On the other hand, Houmei's little sister Shaomei is in love with him [[Cannot Spit It Out|but is too shy to let it show]], leading to a [[Love Dodecahedron]].
* [[Different As Night and Day]]/[[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: Yun (the Yang in this situation) is outgoing and cheery and loves to skateboard. Yang (Yin) is more introverted and prefers inline skating.
** To a degree, Yun's sort-of girlfriend and her sister too. The [[Tsundere]] Houmei is a [[Hot -Blooded]] [[Lethal Chef]] who could be [[Ranma One Half|Akane Tendo]]'s [[Long Lost Sibling]], while the [[Nice Girl]] Shaomei is a softspoken [[Shrinking Violet]].
* [[Divergent Character Evolution]]: They started as clones of each other, to the point that they even shared the same slot in the Player Select screen. In ''2nd Impact'', they were made into separate characters with their unique movesets and Super Arts.
* [[Flash Step]]: Yang has two.
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* [[Monochromatic Eyes]]
** [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]
** [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Old Master]]: He's over 120 years old.
* [[Out of Focus]]: He hasn't appeared at all outside of the III series.
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* [[In Harmony With Nature]]
* [[Kick Chick]]: To the [[Extremity Extremist]]... [[Department of Redundancy Department|extreme]].
* [[Useful Notes/Kenya|Kenya]]: Her tribe hails from the Highlands outside the capital of Nairobi. Her beaded accessories (particularly her beaded collar) and extreme height suggest her design is based on Kenya's native [http://en.[ people|Maasai people.]]
* [[Nice Girl]]: Isn't fighting because she likes the challenge, wants to be the best, or anything like that. She's only looking to meet new people.
* [[Out of Focus]]: Outside the ''III'' series and ''[[Street Fighter X Tekken (Video Game)|Street Fighter X Tekken]]'', she hasn't appeared at all.
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* [[A God Am I]]: His win quote in Japan, even in time out?
{{quote| "I am your god!"}}
* [[An Ice Person]]: Gill [[Combo -Platter Powers|combines this with]]...
** [[Playing With Fire]]
* [[Anti-Villain]]: He really ''does'' have humanities best goals in mind. It's just too bad that his altruistic ideals are overshadowed by his very draconian methods.
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* [[Badass Bookworm]]: He's seen reading a book in his intro from ''New Generation'' and ''2nd Impact'', but it merely could be his cult's version of [[The Bible]].
* [[Badass Long Hair]]
** [[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]]
** [[Rapunzel Hair]]
* [[Big Bad]]
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* [[Cain and Abel|Cain]]: To Gill's Abel.
* [[Chrome Champion]]
* [[Crush! Kill! Destroy!]]: Yells parts of this phrase for three different special moves in place of calling his attacks.
* [[Dark-Skinned Blond]]
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: "Lie there as long as you want. I've had my fun with you."
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* [[Bishonen]]: Something that the series had been noticeably lacking before he was added. Unlike Vega, he's textbook bishonen.
* [[Bizarrchitecture]]: Remy's France stage is completely bizarre. The [ left hand side] looks ''pretty much'' like it could be some back-street in Paris, but the [ right hand side (Disco Metro entrance)] is pure fantasy and indeed, looks more like something out of ''Final Fantasy 7'', rather than a real-world location. The incongruence is compounded by the fact that ''Third Strike's'' other stages are all generally based on real locations from the countries that the fighters represent - 42nd street subway (US), Santos Harbor (Brazil), St Basil's Cathedral (Russia), the Harrod's building, London (UK) etc.
* [[Brought to You By The Letter "S"]]: Has a Ω emblazoned on the front of his shirt.
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: No, seriously. He's a guy, and his shoes have noticeable heels.
* [[Counter Attack]]: His Blue Nocturne Super Art.
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* [[Ki Attacks]]: Being his moveset mostly ripped off from Charlie/Guile, he comes complete with projectile-throwing abilities. What's interesting about it is that, much like Sagat, he can choose to throw those Sonic Boom lookalike both high or low from the ground.
* [[Light Is Good|Light]] [[Light Is Not Good|Is]] [[True Neutral|Neutral]]: [[Above Good and Evil|He has no care in the world for the notions of good and evil]], [[It's All About Me|only looking out for number one]]. He also uses [[Light'Em Up|light]], [[Ki Attacks|not ki]], as a projectile.
* [[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[Out of Focus]]: He hasn't appeared at all since his first appearance.
* [[Peek-a-Bangs]]
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* [[Hero Worshipper]]: Not to the level [[Dogged Nice Guy|Sakura]] has, but Makoto is FLABBERGASTED at facing Ryu, since he is an absolute legend in the world of karate. Her starting pose when facing him is to take a VERY deep breath to calm her nerves. Subverted with Fei Long; she knows who he is and challenges him to a fight, but it doesn't go beyond mutual respect as fighters.
* [[Home Run Hitter]]: [[Two Words Obvious Trope|Two words]]: Seichuzen Godanzuki.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: And ''how''!
* [[Joshikousei]]: In [ her newest costume] for ''Super Street Fighter IV''.
* [[Massive Damage]]: [ "KANZEN SHOURI JYA!"]
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: Hugo is huge! {{spoiler|Really '''HUGE'''.}}
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: He can be [[Lightning Bruiser|incredibly fast for someone his size]], but in general he lumbers along.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: Just like his Andore family from Final Fight, Hugo is heavily inspired visually by [http://en.[ the Giant|Andre The Giant.]]
* [[Oktoberfest]]: His ''SFIII: 2nd Impact'' stage, set in Munich, perfectly sums this up. It's hard to tell initially, but a complete, pulled-back view of the stage reveals the whole area is inside a [ huge beer-tent!]
* [[Out of Focus]]: Aside from ''[[Street Fighter III (Video Game)|Street Fighter III]]'', ''[[SNK vs. Capcom SVC Chaos (Video Game)|SNK vs. Capcom SVC Chaos]]'', and ''[[Street Fighter X Tekken (Video Game)|Street Fighter X Tekken]]'' he hasn't appeared at all.