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** Moloch's ending somewhat counts as well. Yes he is a lumbering, towering, destructive demon from hell, but his non canonical ending in ''[[Mortal Kombat Armageddon|Armageddon]]'' reinforces that stereotype by telling that he would gain so much power and rage, becoming the ultimate destroyer, but in his stupidity and haste to unleash his power straight away, he destroys all portals to escape the realm he is in, and thus is unable to inflict his wrath upon other worlds.
** Kronika from ''[[Mortal Kombat 11]]'' is this on many levels; the sad part is, it’s easy to tell that the developers were trying to make her a [[Magnificent Bitch]] whose diabolical schemes could rival those of David Xanatos, but they wound up with an idiot:
*** First and foremost, her stated goal is to reset the timeline until she has one she considers perfect. In one dramatic scene, she gloats to Raiden that he has never been able to defeat her in the 100,000 times he has tried. This is supposed to make her sound omnipotent and invincible, except… [[Fridge Logic| 100,000 times?]] How many times do you have to hit the [[Reset Button]] before you get it right? After millions of years, she has been unable to create her perfect timeline, so either she really stinks at this whole [[Rewriting Reality]] thing or it is impossible and she has spent eons wasting time on it. Either way, she's an idiot.
*** Plus, as a Titan, Kronika has vast divine powers that certainly rival Raiden's and supposedly rival that of the Elder Gods, and she shows it in cutscenes. She literally freezes time in one scene to talk to Shinnock’s severed head (meaning she’s talking to herself, by the way, as neither he nor anyone else can hear her with time frozen), she rewinds time to restore a castle (again, no reason other than to show she can), then merges two timelines into one with a wave of her hand, restoring every Kombatant who perished or became revenants in the previous two games. (Well, except Quan-Chi and Shinnock, stupid as she is, she has limits), and ''that’s'' all just in the first 30 minutes of Story Mode! Plus her crown lets her literally rewind time (and also makes her tougher physically), she can trap her enemies in pocket dimensions, and teleport to any place in the cosmos at will, freezing foes in place as she does so. The whole ideanotion that anyone could even get ''close'' enough to fight, let alone kill her, seems absurd, the only explanation being carelessness and overconfidence on her part.
*** And then there are the mistakes she makes that are associated with this Trope. She makes deals with Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung (two villains who are guaranteed to betray her), [[Bond Villain Stupidity|tells her minions not to kill the living heroes who have revenant counterparts]], because doing so would [[Ret-Gone|RetGone]] the revenants (even though the revenants [[Surrounded by Idiots|are not helping her much]] and [[Fridge Logic|being killed is required to become a revenant]]), she leaves her crown (something she needs to use the Hourglass) where the heroes can find it, [[Explaining Your Power to the Enemy|blatantly tells the heroes how she can be beaten]] (that her plans involving turning Liu Kang and Raiden against each other because their cooperation is a threat to her). It almost seems like Kronika wants there to be a chance she could fail simply to make the conflict more interesting [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|(which might have been an interesting plot twist, actually)]] but no, she has no viable excuse other than being a moron.
* In the Lost Chapters version of ''[[Fable (video game series)|Fable]]'', the evil option of the final choice is this. The options are either A. Throw an evil talking mask into the lava (Good) or B. put on the talking mask that tempts you with power and obviously just wants you to put it on so it can possess you (evil). Guess which option is the smart one and which is the really, ''really'' stupid one. Come on, guess.
* [[Mega Corp|The Umbrella Corporation]] in the ''[[Resident Evil]]'' series. This group of [[Mad Scientist]]-slash-[[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] types were obsessed with manipulating DNA and creating biological weapons ("BOWs”) in order to market them to various military firms, only to run into some problems. Problem #1: These BOWs are unpredictable, unstable, and usually destroy whatever facility they're developed in. Problem #2: Said results of these BOWs are usually defeated and destroyed by one police officer. On top of that, they have a task force dedicated to cleaning up these accidents, but most of them are either eaten alive or infected. Problem #3, they ''never'' learn, never having any concern for repercussions of their experiments, even when the brunt of such repercussions come crashing down on their heads, and often come off as "evil for evil's sake". They'd nuke a school bus full of preschoolers if they thought it could be [[For Science]], and that is clearly [[Not Hyperbole]]; they definitely would. Calling Umbrella "incompetent” would be an understatement. As noted above, the movie's incarnation stay true to this portrayal.
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* Cave Johnson from ''[[Portal]]'', another [[Posthumous Character]] whose own stupidity is the reason he's "posthumous". By his own admission, he always "trusted his gut" rather than thinking with his brain. As an industrialist and CEO of Aperture Science, his MO was to greenlight ''every single'' idea he thought up, no matter how absurd, ill-conceived, or outright ''dumb'' it sounded, and see if any of them panned out, and he claimed a thousand of these ideas were tested ''a day''. While he did manage to make some scientific breakthroughs like matter-manipulating gel, sapient AI programs, and of course, the portal gun, there were dozens of [[Epic Fail]]s per success, and he simply didn't ''learn''. To give one example of his insane experiments, Chell finds one recording intended for the ''second'' group of test subjects for a project involving injecting human subjects with praying mantis DNA, telling them the test was postponed indefinitely, but he now had another test for them - fighting the ''first'' group that was now an army of mindless mantis-men. Supposedly, Johnson died from kidney and lung failure due to "moon rock poisoning", and seeing as moon rocks were a main ingredient in the aforementioned gels, he was clearly [[Hoist by His Own Petard]].
* The Ancestor in ''[[Darkest Dungeon]]''. The foul corruption that has turned the Hamlet into a barely-habitable [[Überwald]], every boss encountered in the game (and for that matter, every Mook in the game) is a result of the blasphemous experiments he conducted in his attempts to unearth the eponymous dungeon, squandering his fortune ''multiple'' times, often making more mistakes in his attempts to fund his goal, all because ''he was bored''. The Crimson Court DLC shows that the action that caused him to cross the [[Moral Event Horizon]] involved ''drinking vampire blood'', not the wisest choice there. And despite ''acknowledging'' every mistake he made and often regretting every mistake, he never considered halting the insane goal, only realizing the sheer scope of his folly and taking steps to undo it (possibly) after succeeding and inadvertently unleashing a fiend with the intent to bring about [[The End of the World as We Know It]].
* Dr. Eggman has done a lot of stupid things in the long history of the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' franchise, but the one that buries the needle on the stupidity detector is his ''[[Evil Plan]]'' in ''[[Sonic Unleashed]]''. There are these two entities in the center of the Earth, the benevolent Light Gaia, who protects life, and Dark Gaia, who wants to destroy it. These two entities are locked in an eternal struggle, which must continue for all eternity, lest Dark Gaia break free and destroy the world. Eggman decides to drain the Chaos Emeralds to power a device that releases Dark Gaia, and why? So he can use its energy to fuel the rapid construction of - get this - an Eggmanland theme park! Plus he builds it in ''the center of the Earth'', not the best location for tourism. Ironically, this is also stupid due to [[Boss Arena Idiocy]]. Sonic has access to the multiple refreshment stands and souvenir shops in Eggmanland, where he can buy power ups and other useful items with the Rings he collects.
=== [[Visual Novels]] ===