Stupid Evil: Difference between revisions

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** In the end, {{spoiler| Comstock's foolish machinations result in Elizabeth realizing her true past, tapping the true potential of her [[Reality Warping]] powers, and [[My Future Self and Me| recruiting every version of herself]] throughout all realities, managing to kill Comstock before he even perceives the idea of Columbia, eradicating the regime not only in the core reality but throughout all others. When your own mistakes lead to your plans being [[Ret-Gone]] out of existence, you know you're one of the stupidest villains who ever lived.}}
* In the first two ''[[BioShock]]'' games, the trope is not as obvious, but is still there. The production and marketing of Adam isn't in of itself, nor is it dangerous unless a user foolishly overdoses (the Plasmids are living proof of this) but the greed shown by Ryan and Fontaine (proven as how they neglected to address the side effects or post any safety guidelines) and the methods they used to harvest the stock (horribly altering and mutating the little sisters and Big Daddy's in order to collect and harvest) put them past the [[Moral Event Horizon]], resulting in their planned [[Utopia]] becoming [[Soiled City on a Hill|an apocalyptic nightmare.]]
** It's possible for the player to fall into this too if they ignore the obvious moral repercussions of harvesting the Little Sisters. This game does a very good job at making you feel like a jerk should you take the evil path, the resulting endings of such not rewarding or pleasant at all. The sequel is even worse - if the player harvests ''every'' Little Sister, sheEleanor realizes Evil is the only logical path to success and becomes the worst [[Serial Killer]] the world has ever seen.