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* Poppy Adams in ''[[Kingsman: The Golden Circle]]'', head of Poppy’s Pharmaceuticals, which is, in fact, a front for [[The Cartel| the eponymous cartel]]. Her scheme to gain a monopoly on illicit drugs and near-infinite wealth is to poison her wares with a toxin that causes paralysis, mania, and ''agonizing'' death to whoever uses them, offering the antidote if the President of the United States ends the country’s war on drugs and grants her and her cartel legal immunity, broadcasting her demands ''publicly''. This plan fails because there’s a [[President Evil]] in office who feels the only good drug user is a dead one. Still, even if he had caved to her demands, this plan was absurd for more than one reason. Assuming the U.S. even ''could'' grant her full legal immunity (doubtful, as she marketed her drugs globally) she’d never be able to assure that they wouldn’t renege on such a deal. Plus publicly announcing that you’ve poisoned the drugs you are selling is not likely to gain customers. Even the most desperate of addicts are likely to look elsewhere or even seek treatment rather than buy from her afterwards.
* [[Superman]]’s [[Arch Enemy]] [[Lex Luthor]]’s competence as a villain (or lack thereof) is very much [[Depending on the Writer]], the whole “destroy California as part of a real estate scam” in the [[Superman (film)|| original movie]] not the brightest idea, but without a doubt, the dumbest version of Lex was in ''[[Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice]]''. His plan goes as follows:First he frames Superman for murder by planting a bomb at a congressional hearing, building up anti-superhero sentiment among the public, angering Bruce Wayne, who then, as [[Batman]], breaks into a museum and steals kryptonite to build a weapon to bring Superman down. Then Lex kidnaps Martha Kent, [[I Have Your Wife|ordering Superman to kill Batman in exchange for her life]]. So far, so good, Lex is playing both sides like a [[Chessmaster]] who… Clearly cannot play chess. Sure, the two heroes fight ([[Let's You and Him Fight|that’s what heroes do, after all]]) but only for about five minutes, before they figure out who the real enemy is and Lex now has ''two'' angry superheroes after him. To his credit, Lex has a backup plan, but it’s no less dumb, releasing Doomsday (who in this version is a genetically enhanced clone made from his own and General Zod’s DNA) to sic on the two heroes, with absolutely no way to control this living weapon. By now, the destruction and carnage is so widespread that [[Wonder Woman]] shows up, with Lex and Doomsday now having ''three'' heroes to deal with, practically cementing an alliance between all three. Long story short, if this movie was supposed to portray Lex as an evil genius, it failed miserably, making Lex the type whose plan relied on the heroes being dumb, the plan itself making him look double-dumb. [[What the Hell, Casting Agency?|Oh, and he wasn't even bald in this version.]]
* ''[[The Hurricane Heist]]''. In this movie, the villain is a rogue federal agent named Connor Perkins, who along with his gang of other crooked agents plans to loot $600 million from the Federal Reserve. He realizes that getting the money out of the vault is the easy part, and that the hard part will be getting past the army of National Guard troops who would swoop him and make him give it back. So he decids to stage the heist as a destructive category 5 hurricane is about to hit the city. [[Too Dumb To Live| Uh… right.]] Connor makes two big mistakes here, one, the good guys give him far more resistance than he had assumed and two, [[Captain Obvious| a hurricane does not play favorites]]. In the end, when Connor is the sole survivor of his gang, the winds rip the trailer off the semi truck he is using as a getaway vehicle, and then drops it on the cab, killing him. [[Karmic Death]].
== [[Literature]] ==