• Awesome Music
    • NIKOPOL gets an amazing instrumental remix.
    • The VOTOMS theme gets an similar treatment, as does its The Palisen Files version.
  • Game Breaker: By default, buying all the DLC will hand the player a ton of free money and items up front.
    • The Cybuster DLC is Worth It. Not only is one of the fastest units you will ever have (even before upgrades), Masaki has a ton of good seishin skills, a post move MAP attack (something very few units have), and while most of his better attacks seriously drain his EN reserves (this can be remedied by fully upgrading him and parts), his Cosmo Nova attack is incredibly powerful, and when fully upgraded, it can make Masaki your go to pilot for boss killing due to its power and ability to ignore enemy defenses.
    • The PG Gundam DLC gives Keroro a neat exploit on any map with a battleship. Basically, he can switch between his own machine or the RX-78-2 granted him by the DLC anytime during the battle by returning to the battleship. Even better, upgrading either machine will upgrade both.
    • MAP attacks in general can make any unit incredibly useful.
      • One squad leader for the 08th MS Team you may find yourself frequently using is Sanders and his Ground Gundam. Due to having a very cheap MAP attack with impressive range, upgrading him and using him as the main squad leader can turn him in an amazing crowd killer.
      • The Alex NT-1 Gundam is also a MAP attack spammer, with the added advantage of being able to use it post movement.
      • The Throne Break MAP attack for Gurren Lagann can be amazingly useful for crowd killing, especially with the Valor/Soul Seishin and Spiral Power activated.
    • The original unit is basically a Super Robot with the speed and accuracy of a Real, and given that the game engine favors Super Robots, that means the original unit can, if upgraded frequently, be used to solo most game maps, or at the very least kill almost everyone on the field.
  • That One Boss
    • Prozen at the end of Chapter 3 can be amazingly hard. You are forced to deploy the Zoids Chaotic Century units, Zero in the Gawain, and Suzaku in the Lancelot (the last two you cannot upgrade at all), and the original unit, and you can only deploy two units of your choice. In total, you have eight units. Prozen has mile high HP, regenerates 40%, then 60% of that HP during the fight once each time, and has nasty MAP attacks that can kill your less agile/sturdy units easily. WILL points are limited, as there are only a few Mooks you can kill, and if you kill all of them, Prozen will spam MAP attacks.
    • Ru Kain in Chapter 5 is even worse. He has mile high evasion, hits very hard, and has his own evil knockoff of Open Get, which means you will have to Save/Reload to guarantee you don't waste hits. Even worse, the Cybuster is almost useless thanks to this, since it's WILL points drop back to 100 if you reload an in game battle save (non DLC units are not affected by this).