"I run faster than ten fast men!"
Running Guy, The Tick (animation)
"Being fast means not getting caught by slow people!"
Bart Allen's cheerful opinion of his powers.

And I'll be there before you know it
I'll be gone before you see me
And I'd like to get to know you

But you're talking much too slowly
—"The Ballad of Barry Allen"
"That, my friend, is your internal organs being liquefied from approximately 25 Gs and pushed out through your pores. Not that you'll care because the moment you do your immediate, Flash-like stop, your brain will go slamming into the front of your skull."
Cracked.com, "7 Awesome Super Powers Ruined by Science"

"He's too fast!"
"How can he move like that?!"
"Look at him go!"
"We can't stop him!"
"Oh fuck!"

Various EnemiesF.E.A.R.

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