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* [[Action Girl]]: Ro-May
* [[Actually Pretty Funny]]: Apparently Lieutenant Spence's view of Iggy's rant about knives.
* [[Big Bad]]: Colonel Chi
* [[Binocular Shot]]: Spoofed with Zatch, who only has one eye
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* [[Product Placement]]: Adam uses a Game Gear to predict the future and control people.
** The only videogame adaptation of this movie was, get this, for the [[Game Gear]].
* [[Rant-Inducing Slight]]: Iggy will put up with a lot, but apparently "It is something that money cannot buy... the Knives of Kwantsu." is one [[Ice Cream Koan]] too far.
{{quote|'''Iggy''': Knives? Oh yeah, seriously. That's something money can't buy. Knives. Once I went to a cutlery store and said 'Here's $100,000, can I buy a knife?' They said, 'NO. Money can't buy knives.' Gee, I guess that's why you hardly ever see any of 'em!"
'''Iggy''': "On the third day of the expedition they came across a giant rubber plant. Unfortunately, they could not cut it down, for as we know, money can't buy knives. Walking around the plant, they continued on the shores of Patusan."
'''Zatch''': "Is there no way we can shut this chattering monkey up?!"
'''Spence''': "You know, I'd cut him. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|But, I don't have a knife.]]"}}
* [[Red Right Hand]]: Colonel Chi's mechanical arm.
* [[Rule of Funny]]: In the restaurant fight, Adam is 'playing' the fight on his game gear, and selecting how things will go. When the time comes to choose weapons to fight off ninjas, he selects the funniest ones, and gets more points for it.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Johnny, the first time he uses a blade, refers to Zorro.
* [[The Nineties|So Nineties It Hurts]]
* [[Surfer Dude]]: Both Johnny and Adam. Iggy's pretends and it's played for laughs.
* [[Suddenly Always Knew That]]/[[New Powers as the Plot Demands]]: Both the brothers, Johnny and Adam.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: A stuntman assured Miss Hu that he could take her kicking him in the nuts. He couldn't.
* [[Token Minority]]: Lieutenant Spence, played by Tone Loc.
** Er... and the Asian ''lead characters'' are what...?
* [[Two-Faced]]: Colonel Chi, his face was repaired with cybernetics, after it was partly crushed.
* [[Unintentional Period Piece]]