Survivor (TV series)/Characters/Cook Islands: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Cool Big Bro]]: To Becky.
* [[Defeating the Undefeatable]]: Both by leading the Aitu Four to a complete rout of the Raro tribe which was twice their size after Candice and Jonathan defected, and by beating one of the most physically dominant players in Survivor history in Ozzy at Final Jury.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
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* [[Hard Work Hardly Works]]
* [[Ineffectual Loner]]: Despite the jury acknowledging him as a [[Worthy Opponent]], the main reason he lost is due to being this.
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]]: Ozzy.
* [[The Quiet One]]
* [[The Runner Up Takes It All]]
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* [[The Heart]]
* [[The Lancer]]: To Yul.
* [[Overshadowed Byby Awesome]]: Namely, Yul and Ozzy.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]
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* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Romance Onon the Set]]: With Candice.
* [[Smug Snake]]
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* [[Cute Bruiser]]
* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]
* [[I Lied]]: Told Yul that if they kept her, she'd vote for him at the end. She then votes for Ozzy.
* [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]]
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* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: Bonus points that she's a medical student.
* [[Hospital Hottie]]
* [[Humiliation Conga]] / [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Guess who gets sent to Exile Island nearly ''every time'' the Aitu Four can determine it after she turns on the tribe? Most notably for this trope, the time that Becky won the right to banish her to Exile Island in an auction challenge and to add insult to injury, got to ''take all her money for said challenge'' too. Ouch.
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* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[The Quisling]]
* [[Romance Onon the Set]]: With Adam.
* [[Thirteen Is Unlucky]]: Thirteenth person voted off in the thirteenth season. Ouch.
* [[Turncoat]]
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* [[Black Best Friend]]: With Adam
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[The Nicknamer]]: At the Final Tribal Council, he deems Yul to be "[[The Godfather (Film)|The Godfather]]" and Ozzy to be "[[Proud Warrior Race Guy|The Warrior]]".
* [[Smart People Wear Glasses]]
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: His play style and personality are very similar to Sean Rector's.
* [[Totally Radical]]
'''Jenny Guzon-Bae'''
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'''Jessica Smith'''
* [[Expy]]: Of Courtney Marit from the previous season... at least in terms of fashion – not so much the latter's bipolar personality.
* [[Granola Girl]]
* [[Known Only By Their Nickname]]: "Flica"
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* [[Irony]]: He never once considered that Yul would have the idol, which was made apparent when he made sure that Yul is the first to know of "Plan Voodoo."
* [[Known Only By Their Nickname]]: "Cao Boi"
* [[New Age Retro Hippie]]: He even said that he identifies more so as a hippie than as an asian.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Ozzy and Flicka
* [[Pyromaniac]]
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* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
* [[Graceful Loser]]: Surprisingly so.
* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: Went on to become a model for ''The Janice Dickenson Modelling Agency''.
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Especially to Billy, but he eventually irritates his other tribemates as well through his bossy, entitled attitude.
* [[Latin Lover]]
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]]: "J.P.".
* [[Shocking Elimination]]
* [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]]
* [[Straw Misogynist]]
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* [[Ascended Fanboy]]
* [[Romance Onon the Set]]: With Candice before his elimination. Or, well, he thought it was.
* [[The Load]]: His team threw the challenge so they could vote him off.
* [[One of Us]]
* [[Too Clever Byby Half]]: According to Billy, Ozzy told him that the real reason he wanted him gone immediately was that he was a Survivor superfan and Ozzy didn't want someone like that going too far.
'''Sekou Bunch'''
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